Flag of Balzi

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The National Flag of Balzi (Balzian: Bandiera Nacional dos Balsi), also known as the Great Vasillica Flag (Balzian: Grande Bandiera Vasillica) or the Great Tricolor Flag (Balzian: Grande Bandiera Tricolore), is a vertical tricolor flag with equal bands of blue, red, and white, with the Vasillica Shield centered on the red band. The flag is proportioned at a 2:3 ratio and features specific colors: blue (#527EBB), red (#9E2021), yellow (#F4D41C), and white (#FFFFFF). The design and symbolism of the flag are dictated by Executive Order No. 21 issued on September 16, 2024, by President Carl Miguel Salgado Victa.

National Flag of Balzi
See adjacent text.
Flag of Republic of Balzi
Name Great Vasillica Flag
or Great Tricolor Flag
Use National flag and ensign
Proportion 2:3
Adopted September 11, 2020; 4 years ago (2020-09-11) (permanent version)
September 16, 2024; 12 days ago (2024-09-16) (reaffirmed by Executive Order No. 21)
Design A vertical tricolor of blue, red, and white, with the Vasillica Shield in the center. The shield is white with a yellow outline and contains four yellow stars.
Designed by Carl Miguel Salgado Victa
Nathan Arguelles (for the redesign of the Vasillica Shield)
See adjacent text.
Variant flag of Republic of Balzi
Use War flag
Proportion 2:3
Adopted September 16, 2024; 12 days ago (2024-09-16) (reaffirmed by Executive Order No. 21)
Design The War Flag variant where the position of blue and white is reversed, symbolizing conflict or tension.


The flag consists of three equal vertical bands with the following specifications:

  • Blue (#527EBB): Symbolizing the care, gentleness, and unity of the Balzian people, it reflects the nation’s dedication to progress and its deep love for the community.
  • Red (#9E2021): Representing unwavering dignity and integrity, the red stands as a reminder that, even amidst unity and love for the country, Balzi remains committed to the Republic’s honor.
  • White (#FFFFFF): Signifying the purity of Balzian values, it symbolizes the nation’s resolve to never again allow oppression or invasion. When Balzi is in a state of conflict, the positions of the blue and white bands are swapped, forming the Balzian War Flag.

The Vasillica Shield, a central feature of the flag, contains four yellow stars, each representing one of the core principles of Balzian values, republicanism and nationalism.

  • The first star at the top symbolizes status of Balzi as a Republic, with the mandate that the people are the sovereign power of the land, which highlights the commitment of the Republic to republican and democratic values.
  • The second star on the left represents the unity of Balzians in pursuit of a greater future for the community, reflecting patriotism and national pride.
  • The third star on the right embodies the unwavering defense of the integrity and a commitment of the Republic to protect its sovereignty.
  • The fourth star at the bottom signifies the nation’s resolve to preserve its independence and resist any form of external oppression or invasion.

The yellow color (#F4D41C) of the stars represents the shining success and preservation of the Balzian Republic.


The flag is used as the national flag, civil, and state ensign. It is flown on government buildings, during national celebrations, and at diplomatic missions abroad. The War Flag of Balzi, which features the blue and white bands in reversed positions, is used during times of conflict or tension to emphasize the primacy of national purity in safeguarding the Republic’s future. The Vasillica Shield serves as the national coat of arms and is also present on official government documents and seals.


The idea of a vertical tricolor flag was first conceived during the First Unified Balzian Republic following the Leguean Civil War in 2019. Designed by President Carl Miguel Salgado Victa, the original flag combined the colors of the two opposing factions in the civil war. In 2020, as Balzi underwent major reforms during the COVID-19 pandemic, President Victa introduced the Vasillica Shield to the flag, initially featuring three crowns to represent the three main territories of Balzi.

Later that year, on August 15, 2020, Nathan Arguelles, a YouTube mapper from the Mapping Community, redesigned the Vasillica Shield by replacing the three crowns with three yellow stars. The shield’s background was changed to white, with a yellow outline, and the tricolor bands were lightened to more vibrant shades. This version of the flag, although not formally declared, was used by the government throughout 2020.

By September 2020, following the formation of the Accande Terrie Ornindo, a fourth star was added to the Vasillica Shield to represent Balzi’s growing territorial reach. The updated flag with four stars and lighter colors became permanent and has been in use since.

The final version of the flag was officially codified by Executive Order No. 21 on September 16, 2024, which also introduced the Balzian War Flag and emphasized the symbolic meanings of the blue, red, white, and yellow elements.

During the period of the Coppacian Dominion under Renderfeit, the Vasillica Shield was temporarily removed from the flag, with only the vertical tricolor bands retained. After independence was restored on July 5, 2022, the Vasillica Shield was reinstated without formal declaration and continues to be a key symbol of the Republic of Balzi to this day.

Meaning of the Vasillica Shield

The Vasillica Shield represents the defense of Balzi’s core values and the principles that form the foundation of the Republic:

  1. Republicanism and Democracy – The people are sovereign, symbolized by the top star.
  2. National Unity – Represented by the second star, emphasizing the collective pursuit of a prosperous future.
  3. Defense of Integrity – The third star reflects the nation’s commitment to maintaining the honor of the Republic.
  4. Preservation of Independence – The bottom star highlights the resolve to resist external threats and safeguard the nation’s freedom.

These values are central to the identity of Balzi and are embodied in the flag’s design, with the Vasillica Shield serving as the ultimate guardian of these principles.