First Arkanian Conflict

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First Arkanian Conflict
Part of the Arkanian Conflicts
Date20 - 24 April 2023

Bradenese victory

  • Pact of non-aggression signed
Republic of Bradenland Bradenese forces

Republic of Bradenland Bradenese Army

Protectorate of Ryanland
Republic of Arkania
Commanders and leaders

Bradenese leaders
Republic of Bradenland Ankhtawy de Jacques
Republic of Bradenland Gen. T. Bradner

Republic of Bradenland Lt. Gen. K. Hilker

Arkanian leaders
M. R. Martinez

W. Hersh
> 2

The First Arkanian Conflict was a conflict that lasted three days and was fought between the Republic of Bradenland, the Protectorate of Ryanland, and the República Arkania. The war was short and was mostly one of espionage and saw extremely little fighting. One could describe it as a diplomatic incident as opposed to a war. The war began when the newly-founded Republic of Arkania declared war on the Bradenese.

First day (20 April)

"I have a secret... they're part of Arkania" — anonymous tip

An espionage agent of the Republic of Bradenland, B. Hanna, reported to the President that there was a new nation named Arkania located at the local school, held by Bradenland. Initially welcoming to the new upstart nation, Ankhtawy de Jacques soon heard that the Arkanians had started a hostile conflict on Bradenland.

Second day (21 April)

"Oh, did you hear? We're in war, we're mobilizing" — M.R. Martinez

Bradenese propaganda artwork made circa the First Arkanian conflict to boost Bradenese morale

On the second day, president de Jacques had a few students "defect" to Arkania, so he could gain information. With the new information obtained by these agents made it easier to predict the Arkanian forces' plan. The formal declaration of war was also announced on this day by the President of Arkania.

Third day (22 April)

"He's a spy, kill him!" — W. Hersh

A confrontation in the park near the school involving five Bradenese soldiers and two Arkanian soldiers. The skirmish caused no injuries, but the Bradenese repelled the Arkanians from the school grounds.

Fourth day (23 April)

–"I dunno, he said something like, invading Bradenland or something?" — anonymous tip

This was the day that the Arkanian propaganda newspaper, Achillean Times, was first released to the public. A rival issue of the Bradenland Chronicle was also issued on the same day to provide a more neutral and fact-based report.

Fifth day (24 April)

The de-escalation of the conflict happened on this day. The Arkanians signed a non-aggression pact with Bradenland.