Federal Republic of Denskland

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Federal Republic of Denskland
2021 - 2023
Flag of Denskland
of Denskland
Coat of arms
Motto: Freedom Justice Equality
Map of Denskland
CapitalNew Oldenburg
LargestNew Oldenburg
Official languagesEnglish, Densk, Danish, Russian and Esperanto
Recognised national languagesEnglish, Densk
Recognised regional languagesEnglish, Densk
Ethnic groups
African American, Hispanic, White, Asian
Islam, Christianity
Demonym(s)Densk, Denskalese
GovernmentFederation Monarchy Republic
• Monarch
Ezra I
December 7th 2021
• Estimate
Preceded by
Succeeded by
United States
Draft:2nd Hijabialandic Crown Republic

The Federal Republic of Denskland commonly known as Denskland was a micronation located in North America in the State of Kentucky that lasted from September 1st 2021 - December 7th 2023 in the Modern Day country of The Hijabialands in the Capital territory of New Oldenburg


Early History

On September 1st 2021 Slushyland was Established. Slushyland had multiple flag changes throughout this time and the country was an autocracy with no government. Soon on December 7th 2021 The name Slushyland was changed to The Aeatherlands. But OK Friday December 10th 2021 a big Tornado hit near The Aeatherlands, it caused The Aeatherlands to be cut off from the internet for a week while no one died in The Aeatherlands, there were many fatalities throughout Western Kentucky and Tennessee. later on April 30 2022 The Aeatherlands changed their name to North Africa and a new Government was made, the government was an republic therefore called The Republic of North Africa which lasted through April 30th 2022 - May 22nd 2022 when the 2nd Republic of North Africa was established which in return lasted from May 22nd 2022 - June 1st 2022 when The Republic of Zealessia was established which lasted from June 1st 2022 - Agust 6th 2022.

Establishment of Denskland

On Agust 6th 2022 Zealessia changed its name to Denskland (Republic of Denskland). This was done beacuse of Densk culture being Danish-British-African American. Densk coming from Dansk which is the word Danish in Danish and Land coming from England, UK which can translate to Danishland or Denishland.

Westarctica-Raphania War

On October 26th 2022 Raphania decalred war on Westartica due to the Westartican annexation of Calsahara which Raphania saw as an illegal act. Denskland would officaly decalre war on Westartica for diplomatic reasons, While Denskland never had that much battles with Westartica, Denskland did however invade northern Westartica which would become disputed land. The war would end on November 19th 2022 under Westartican Victory. Westartica didn't take Denskland's Declaration of war seriously so they never annexed Denskland.

Elefhetian Denskland

Elefhetian Denskland was a puppet state that lasted from December 30th 2022 - Feburay 5th 2023 2 months 18 days, Denskland decided to join Elfehetia due to the influence Elefhetia had. But Soon Elefhetia entered a civil war around early January. Denskland would reach a deal with Elefhetia that on Feburay 5th 2023 Elefhetia would grant Denskland independence and in return the Monarch of Elefhetia would be granted head of state of Denskland

War of 2023

The war of 2023 was a 6 day war between Denskland, Dencosa and Catolia

Densk Civil war

On January 28th 2023 Denskland entered a civil war broke out between the Current Government, Monarchist, Socalist and Pro Hungarians due to Denskland changing the government from autocracy to