Politics of Eniarku

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Kingdom of Eniarku

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of

His Majesty's Government

The Kingdom of Eniarku is fully defined as a unitary semi-constitutional monarchy, in which the monarch is the head of state and the Council of State acts collectively as the appointed head of government. Executive power is exercised by His Majesty's Government, on behalf of and by the consent of the sovereign, primarily via the Council of State and its subordinate agencies. Legislative power is vested in the Parliament of Eniarku. The judiciary is a unique combination of the Crown, HM Government, and Parliament.


The Crown

In the king or queen's capacity as sovereign of Eniarku, he or she shall hold power over the nation and Her territories only to an extent which is necessary and proper to the efficient operation of the institutions of the state.

— Part of the king's address regarding the establishment of the kingdom

The Eniarkian Monarch, currently King Aaron I, is the Chief of State of the Kingdom. By virtue of this position, the Crown is the source of all executive power over the Government and the territories claimed by it. These powers are known as royal prerogative, and can be used for any purpose, though the current monarch tends to delegate these powers to other institutions of the government.

There is no single head of government of Eniarku; rather, the Council of State acts as the collective body of government control. While the sovereign typically chairs meetings of the Council, the Minister of State is considered the primus inter pares ("first among equals") of the Council's members by virtue of their position as chief of internal and foreign affairs (similar to a prime minister).


Executive power in Eniarku is exercised by the sovereign, King Aaron I, typically via His Majesty's Government and other national authorities.

Arms of the Eniarkian Government (variation of the national middle arms).

His Majesty's Government

Though the monarch holds absolute power over the state in theory (not exercised in practice), the king or queen typically appoints senior government officials to carry out his or her duties in the name of the Crown. The government, by convention, is chosen by the monarch from members of Parliament, which itself is composed of the nobility and other officials appointed to represent administrative regions or directly by the Crown for another purpose. Typically, the monarch is likely to select ministers who can command presence and effectively align parliamentary decisions with those of the monarchy. The subordinate agencies of these ministers create the structure of the government.

Council of State

The Council of State is the body of senior government ministers appointed by the Crown to serve as both a privy council and cabinet to the monarch of Eniarku. Officially, the king is the head of the Council, though the Minister of State often chairs its meetings and coordinates its operations, making the minister the de facto head of government. In its capacity as an executive body, the Council primarily serves as a privy council to the monarch, though he or she is not necessarily obligated to make executive decisions collectively with the its members. In addition to their positions as privy councillors, members of the Council are also (typically) granted status as a Great Officer of the Crown, which are ceremonial positions with responsibilities within the royal household.


The Parliament of Eniarku is the unicameral national legislature of Eniarku and its realms. It alone possesses legislative supremacy over all other political bodies within the kingdom and its territories. Many members of the Parliament are also members of the nobility, as Eniarkian law does not prohibit royals from holding political office, while others are lawmakers from the regions they represent. The Sovereign—as the King-in-Parliament—forms the other component of the legislature, and members of the Council of State often retain their positions as members of Parliament during their tenures as ministers of state.

Acts of Parliament are the primary source of law in the kingdom. These Acts must be granted royal assent to become law, a process which allows the king some superiority over Parliament (aside from his or her ability to issue royal decrees); this power can be circumvented, however, with a majority vote by the Council of State, thus allowing Parliament to pass legislation without the Crown's interference. This is rarely practiced in modern times.


The kingdom maintains no independent judiciary or court system due to the relative lack of crime in the nation. Rather, members of Parliament will serve as a panel at any legal proceedings or trials, after which the tribunal members are dismissed. These individuals, in whom the monarch technically vests temporary legal authority, are often dubbed Law Lords for the duration of their service, a reference to their

Rather, the king will often summon members of Parliament to serve as a panel at any legal proceedings or trials, after which the tribunal members are dismissed. Individuals who have been called to serve as quasi-magistrates are often referred to as Law Lords for the duration of their service (similar to the former practice in the United Kingdom), a name which stems from the practice of referring to members of Parliament as my Lord in chambers.