Empire of Malczyce

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The flag of the Empire of Malczyce

The Empire of Malczyce, in polish known as Imperium Malczyc, is a micronation located in Central Europe, The Empire of Malczyce is completly surrounded by Poland. The country was declared by [Redacted] Gregorek in Late September 2021. It is governed by The Emperor Jakubeniek (Imperator Jakubeniek), [Redacted] Gregorek (Empire of Malczyce Ministry of Administration) and Mikołaj Gregorek (Prime Minister).

The Empire of Malczyce has 3 people that are in direct control of the country. The first is the Emperor (Imperator), he is the head of the country, his decision can not be overruled, this position is taken by the Emperor's first child after the Emperor dies or resignes. The second position is the Minister of Administration, he is in charge of the country when the Emperor is not available, and is managing other branches of goverment. The third position is the Prime Minister, he is the representative of the Empire of Malczyce.

The Empire of Malczyce is open to other micronations, our government is trying to create an IT system for other micronations that will allow for the identification of citizens. The system will have similliar features as the European Union's one.


(or, where appropriate, Name)

The Malczyce in the micronation's name stands for the city Emperor Jakubeniek was born in.


The micronation's declaration was planned from december 2019. Our first news episode was created in april 2021. On 23-08-2021 Empire of Malczyce was officialy established. 11-09-2021 SAWR (Samozwańcza Armia Wyzwolenia Rzeszotar, in English Self-proclaimed Liberation Army of Rzeszotary) declared war with the Empire of Malczyce. The war ended on 18-09-2021, because of the duration of the war it is called "The seven day war".

Politics and government

The Empire of Malczyce has its own government type. The head of the government consists of The Emperor, The Minister of Administartion and The Prime Minister. The laws are established by the parliament which consists of 10 people chosen by the head of the government. The Ministeries are Administartion, Developnment, Border Control, Identity, Information Control, IT systems, Internal Security, External Affairs.

Law and order

Judges are elected by the head of the government, they have KKIM (Kodeks Karny Imperium Malczyc), in which all laws are mentioned. The head of government van overrule every case's outcome. Policja Imperium Malczyc (Police of Empire of Malczyce) is the main police force.

Foreign relations

Our micronation is open to other micronations. We do not have any other history as of now.


The knowledge about the military is confidencial. During The seven day war welrod pistols were used, as well as 9mm Parabellum ammunition.

Geography and climate

Temperatures range from -25 degrees celcius up to 40 degrees celcius. The micronation consists mostly of plains.


Empire uses PLN as the secondary currency. The first currency is Molar.

External links