Dual asatro

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Dual asatro in simple terms of explanation is a secular and open way of looking to germanic/asatro/and norse germanic faith through modern or secular chirstian lenses. Even with no official doctrines by purity or holy held ideals. The ideas of being kind and open to people around even at times of hardship or personal hate. To give kindness and compassion to new ideas/peoples ways of life/ or other as is spoken in verses of the bible or the havamal of odins wisdom to freinds and guests. While open changes of personal believe are open to all to feel in expression in dual asatro to twisto and jesus possibly being similar and being of the same faith. All within dual asatro are open to feel Ethier it lens to christianity's way or the nordic path. But deeper lens to the way of dual asatro is to the opening to other ways of faith being equal to dual asatro and possibly on personal path may find connection to such ways. As part of the secular way of dual asatro ideals. One of these ways of seeing asatro or norse heathenry in a open syncretic lenses is within the cross of christianity. Within TRRF(Theredrunarfox) way within dual Asatro with the cross is the belief even tho originality is to the death over sin with jesus. It is a more cultural and poetic way of expressing death and rebirth of gained knowledge. A way of showing their personal worship of the norse God's and their ways. Like Odin's hanging on yggdrasil to gain knowledge of the runes to grow his own knowledge and possibly the worlds "sacrificing himself to himself" a self sacrifice/ a self death and rebirth to new knowledge from leaving the old way.

What makes dual asatro hard to create a organized system of correct or incorrect beliefs, but at the same time deny or fight agianst it through more structured or organized Faith's such as more orthodox Christians or more nazi/right winged versions of asatru and Germanic Faith's in history and new Germanic fascist groups. Is its secular way of seeing life and its Faith's within it. Of corse in the end being held within a Germanic or Norse way of seeing it. In many ways its keeping the tradition of the old Norse explorers when settling in new lands and slowly merging with its freinds and fellow people many times combined or secularized faith at many times. With runestones/crosses in England hinting at in more norse historically eras having norse germanic sycreticism within them. And even other regions like the varinguard or ireland. Even earlier the conversion of the anglo saxons of England in many poems and storys show the syncretism and secularism of anglo saxon groups with christianity on a worrior christ and wodan bouncing from a holy Christian being or something more. Sadly many of the deeper meanings of these seen thoughts and ideas of them will be lost from history but it wont and shouldnt be lost. Dual asatro helps to open the gates for all espiccely Christian's to see the light of the Germanic and norse ways of life and faith and discover the love of odins wisdom and thors thunderous guidance within them own life

At the moment the main line or worship or fallow this way of life is the personal head Theredrunarfox but personaly Hope's to help others understand how I or possibly others wish to express their ways of seeing the world in a small or even micro way in this world.

Any help or open links/respected and official historian/academic information and siting of historical information of this type of life or secular way of heathenry or christianity is much appreciated to helping others understand this main idea espiccely with information on chrstian and Germanic faith connections of combination or even other Faith's interaction with Christiany.