Draft:Vasser Free State

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Vasser Free State
Vaszer Freistaat
Coat of arms
Motto: "Alle Vaszer, All Frei!"
"All Vasser, All Free!"
Anthem: "National anthem"
A map of the Vasser Free State's current claims. Tackland, (Durham, Durham County, North Carolina) and Neuw Breizh (Emerald Isle, Carteret County, North Carolina. These claims are somewhat enforced, Tackland has a stronger Vasser presence than Neuw Breizh.
LargestTackville (At various points, Neuw Breizh.)
Official languagesEnglish, Pan-Vasser, Tackic, Novobreton, Spanish, Cherokee, Catawba
Recognised national languagesEnglish, Pan-Vasser, Spanish
Recognised regional languagesTackic, Novobreton, Cherokee, Catawba
Ethnic groups
  • 66.6% Irish Southerners
  • 33.3% Anglo-Southerners
GovernmentFederal free state
• President
Max Ford
• Vice President
Position open (de jure) Max Ford (de facto)
Free state proclaimed 
from the Grand Duchy of Vassland
• Independence from the United States of America (Grand Duchy)
25 May 2024
• Vasser Civil War
2 June 2024
• Vasser Free State Proclaimed
14 June 2024
• Total
0.000092903 km2 (3.5870×10−5 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2024 estimate
• 2024 census
CurrencyVasser Sjell (de jure) American Dollar (de facto)
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+1

The Vasser Free State is a micronation located in North Carolina. It has claimed this since the revolution and civil war of 2024. The Vasser Free State also is one of the few micronations to have national parks, and the populous, according to the government, is "quite proud of our free state." Prior to 15 June 2024, the Vasser Free State was one of two Vasser micronations. The other, the Grand Duchy of Vassland, was condemned an unrecognized by the Vasser Free State.

The free state has had Max Ford as the head of the state since it's creation. Elections are held every three years, and a candidate can serve theoretically infinite terms. Many of the more complex aspects of the government are less defined. Citizens abroad cannot run for president, but can run for vice president, and vote. Formerly, If any citizen was found to be of a "hostile ideology" (communism, absolute monarchism, and any other ideology which "does not line up with the ideals of a republic"), they were suspended from partaking in governmental decisions or roles for an indefinite amount of time, decided by the president. Currently, this practice has been abolished, as it only served to keep the Vasser Free Party in power directly after the revolution. democratic communist parties and any non-autocratic monarchist parties are now legal, and welcomed.

The Vasser Free State has one goal larger than the others according to Max Ford- that being to create "peace in the Southern United States' micronational community, and the American micronational community as a whole." The Vasser Free State is open to communicate with other micronations.


The words "Vasser," "Vassland," and "Vass" all come from the German word for water, "wasser." The word "Vasser" is a corruption of that. It was chosen for it's unique sound, and reinforcement of it's Germanic identity. In Pan-Vassic, the constructed language used with English and Spanish throughout Vassland, the word is "Vaszer." The word is also said to be used as it also reinforces the identity of the nation being that of a Gulf-Atlantic nation, where water is a large part of the ecosystem, and everyday life.


Vassland's independence was achieved on May 25, 2024. The idea of the nation however, had been thought of for much longer, going back to around 2021-2022. The first organized idea of the nation, occurred throughout May of 2024. On the 14 of June, the Vasser Free State was declared after a revolution against the Duchy, turning it into a free state. Since then, the government has worked on developing the nation, and diplomacy.

Politics and government

The Free State's government remains simple, with the President being able to hold votes on political topics, like laws. They are often "yes-no" questions. The people can also request a vote to be held. When the vote returns, whatever the result is, It is implemented. This is not up to the president, and if the president is not okay with this, the president is required to be impeached.

Early government

Pre-Revolution, the government functioned as a "proto-state" of sorts, with each government member proposing different borders. There was no de jure defined leader, but the ford dynasty ruled de facto. The government was unstable, and still developing. It was undecided whether it was a constitutional or absolute monarchy, but it may have been shifting towards a constitutional monarchy.


The President has power to hold votes, or accept vote suggestions. In any time of crisis, where a vote or law will not solve an issue, the president can take matters into their own hands, such as during wars not overseas. This has never happened in practice, but it is perfectly legal.

Head of Diplomacy

The head of diplomacy is another governmental role with large amounts of power. The head of diplomacy is in charge of making alliances, handling foreign affairs, and speaks on behalf of the nation instead of the president, but only in cases concerning diplomacy.

Voting System

All citizens can vote, except those suspended from voting. Citizens can request votes or referendums to be held, and vote in ones, but citizens cannot vote. The president can accept votes. If held fairly, the vote or referendum will be put into place regardless of what the president desires.

Political parties

Vassland has two political parties. The monarchist party had high restrictions when in place, due to the governmental disapproval of monarchism.

Logo Name Party Leader Spectrum Ideologies Citizen' votes Government Votes Allied Votes
Vasser Free Party VFP Max Ford Centre Liberalism, eco-nationalism, multiculturalism, nationalism
2 / 4
1 / 1
2 / 3
Logo Name Party Leader Spectrum Ideologies Citizen' votes Government Votes Allied Votes
Monarchist party of Vassland MPV None, party defunct Centre Monarchism, nationalism
1 / 4
0 / 1
0 / 3

Law and order

The Vasser Free State enforces laws with a "3 strikes policy." If you commit three crimes, you will be exiled, or diplomatic relations will be cut. Anyone who lives in the territory of Vassland cannot be exiled, so a ban on government and voting participation will be enacted.


The Vasser Free State has no military. Instead all citizens are required to support Vassland, Even abroad.

The "military" of sorts is organized into branches:

Tackland Group: The Tackland is largest of the citizen branches, with roughly 3 personnel and one dog at all times.

The New Breizh Group: The Breizh Group is an often empty group. It can theoretically have up to 7 people, but usually has none. It is the weaker group of the two.

Foreign relations

Vassland is open to recognizing any micronation that can at least semi-enforce it's policies, and is active.

Administrative regions

Vassland claims only territories it can control, or territories with no populations. Currently, it only claims two territories that are owned by the free state. Many Tacklanders live in New Breizh various times throughout the year.

Flag Arms/Seal/Emblem
Name Area Population Officials
Free Republics
Tackic Republic >1 Mi 3 Max Ford
Novobreton Republic >1 Mi 0 Max Ford

Geography and climate

A shot of the Borderlands National Park, with a building of Tackville in shot. The Borderlands is one of the most ecologically healthy parts of the nation.

Vassland is a micronation which takes pride in its nature. 387 species have been recorded in Tackland, and 168 species have been recorded in New Breizh. Due to it's proven diversity, the Republic of Tackland, one of the republics of the Vasser Free State, has two national parks. Milkweedia, dedicated to a wild colony of Common Milkweed, (Asclepias syriaca) and The Borderlands, dedicated to it's various flora and fauna. The Borderlands is one of the most overgrown areas in the nation. New Breizh has no national parks. New Breizh is typically warmer than Tackland, and both are typical of the southern climate of the area.


Vassland uses the Vasslandic Sjell as it's currency- the Sjell has three forms: Low value: Scallop Shells, (any kind, ones not found in North Carolina are worth far more.) Medium value: Tusk Shells, (any kind, ones not found in North Carolina are worth far more.) High value: Cowries, (any kind, ones found in North Carolina are worth far more.) "Priceless" Scotch Bonnets. (worth little if not full.)


Vassland's culture is similar to that of Southern American culture. Many Vassers are proud of Vassland, and see it as a micronation with a purpose. Vassland has official holidays for virtually all changes in territory or government.

Date Name Remarks
25 May Vasslandic Independence Day A day celebrating the Independence of Vassland as a grand duchy.
Date Name Remarks
14 June Liberation Day A day dedicated to the liberation of Vassland as a free state.



External links