Draft:Východoslávia (Easternslavia)

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Easternslavic Republic
Motto: Za republiku,za slobodu a za slovanov (English: For republic,for freedom and for slavs)
Anthem: Pochod slovanov za lepší život (English:March of slavs for better life)

Hanušovce nad Topľou,Slovakia
and largest city
Hanušovce nad Topľou
Official languagesSlovenčina,Šariština
Establishment24.5. 2022
• (as of 2022) census
CurrencyVýchodoslovanská Koruna
Time zone(GMT+2)

The Easternslavic republic, more commonly known as Východoslávia, is a micronation in Šariš region.This republic has declared it self because of events happening in the world and Slovakia(Coronavirus,Matovič elected a prime minister and Russia Ukraine conflict).This republic belives in all eastern slavs united and has ambitions to do unite all eastern slavic people in 1 republic.

Politicly this nation is republican (because of the republicans declaring the "rebelion")with 2 presidents Ľubomír Botko(RSV) and Ivan Gdovin(RSV).These are the ministers:

Minister of Defence:Matúš Botko(KSV)

Minister of Culture:Patrik Poliak(KSV)

Minister of Work:Adam Rjapoš

Minister of Defence of Nature:Oliver Kľučár(KSV)

Minister of Social Things and Family:Terézia Anna Semanová


The name comes from people beliving they are not western propaganda belivers and that they stand for united slavs


This country is a "rebelion" a new idea it has little to no history

Politics and government

As previusly said this country is republican with all ministers deciding in Politická Sála Východoslovanskej republiky(PSVR) (Politics Hall of Easternslávia) where all the changes are decided as of 24.5. 2022 there are 2 main parties the Comunist party or KSV(Komunistická strana Východoslávie) with 4 PSVR members and the ruling party the Republican party or RSV(Republikánska strana východoslávie) with 2 PSVR members

Law and order

The security is mostly performed by military but there is 1. Police Brigade in Hanušovce nad Topľou(1PBV) and a secret spy network reporting to police

Foreign relations

There are little to no foreign relations because of this country being newly formed


The military of formed of 1. Easternslavian division which is split into smaller "základ" (litteraly meaning basics of the division) this division consits of 3 základs

  1. Peší základ(1. Infantry základ) with HQ in Babie(Planed on refiting to Mechanizovaný základ Eng:1. Mechanized základ)
  2. Peší základ(2. Infantry základ) with HQ in Hanušovce

1. Partizánsky základ (1.Partisan základ) with HQ in Petrovce

Geography and climate

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Easternslavia is in temperate zone which means normal tempratures are around 20 °C and it also means that there are normal season cycles.

Most of the terain here are formed of forests and small hills.


This country is mostly capitalist.Control over finnances have the 2 presidents

Culture and media

This country focuses on embracing slavic traditions,language and is fighting for art that has meaning.We dont have anny newspapers but we are planing to write our own newspapers,have social media accounts and a discord server.

External links
