Draft:The Alban Civil War

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Royalist Civil War
Part of Alban Political Discourse
Albion and Alban/Albionic colonies
Result Ongoing.

Royalist Side

Alban Government

Albionic Government (As of July 2024)

the Earldom of Clark

the Grand Republic of Orrie

Kingdom of Kavos (Puppet of Orrie)

Diplomatic Support

the Lunarianity Kingdom of Nusk

Republican Side

Republican Council


People's Republic of Baliga

Kingdom of Ebenia

Orrian People's Front for Anti-Monarchism (Until 2024-09-04)  Surrendered

Diplomatic Support

Commanders and leaders

Sir Albion I

Police Department of Kavos

Field Marshal Konstantinos

General Wilhelm

Marshal Kharkov I (WIA)

Sir Alrich I

Sir Aldrich I

Sir Kostya I

Commander Owen MacColgan (As of July 2024)

Grand Leader Seb Willan

Lord Commander Körbl

w:Russia Commander Pavlov   (Pre 2023)

w:ScotlandCommander Scott Peterson  

w:Australia Commander Tristan Woolridge (MIA)

Commander Kira (As of 2024)

King Barthold I  

Commander Svetlana

Field Marshal Alik Varayev.

Republican Council

Orrian Democrat Council  Surrendered

Sir Claus I 

President Benjamin

Commander Owen MacColgan  Surrendered

w:RussiaCommander Nikolai

Field Marshal Dietrich

Commander Kira
Units involved

Siberian Rifles

Orrian Armed Forces

Bairisches-Orrie Erstes Infanteriebataillon

Riot Police

Traffic Police

3rd Infantry Regiment

Chechen Battalion-Orrie

Blackshirt Regiment of Albion

w:United StatesThe Freedom Division

Local Militia of The Kingdom of Aberdeen

w:RussiaLocal Militia of The Autonomous Republic of Roktai

w:GermanyLocal Militia of The Kingdom of Wolfsburg

w:Republic of IrelandLocal Militia of The Crown Kingdom of Connaught

Local Militia "1e Orrian Democrat Regiment"

Alban Movement for Collective National Socialism

w:United StatesAlbionic Defence Forces

50-100 - The Guard of Marshal Kharkov I

150-317 - The Albionic Defence Forces

27 - Siberian Rifles

n/a - Einsatzgruppe Albion

n/a - Scottish Loyalist Regiment

360-700 - The Cavaliers

43 - Orrian Armed Forces

12 - Chechen Battalion - Orrie

24 Kavos Traffic Police

n/a Kavos Riot Police

Classified - The Freedom Division

n/a - Local Militia of The Kingdom of Aberdeen

n/a - Local Militia of the Autonomous Republic of Roktai

n/a - Local Militia of The Kingdom of Wolfsburg

n/a - Local Security Forces of The Yiddish Republic of Albion

n/a - Local Militia of The Crown Kingdom of Connaught

50-150 - The Albionic Defence Forces
Casualties and losses
500+ (All types) 270+ (All types)

The Civil War

Start of the War

On August 14, 2023, King Albion I of the Kingdom of Alba implemented a set of highly oppressive civil laws that dramatically altered the social and political landscape of the nation. These laws were seen as a severe overreach of royal authority, stripping citizens of essential rights and freedoms. The Republican Opposition, which had long been wary of the king's growing power, viewed these laws as a direct assault on the principles of liberty and justice. In response, they declared war against the Royalists, igniting the Alban Civil War.

The conflict quickly spread across the kingdom, involving various military units from both sides. Loyalist forces, fiercely dedicated to maintaining the king's authority, clashed with the Republican forces, who were equally determined to dismantle the monarchy and establish a more democratic form of government. The war saw a series of intense battles, with the most notable one being the battle for central siberia, with each side gaining and losing ground in a brutal struggle for control. The deployment of different military regiments, both seasoned and newly formed, highlighted the deep divisions within the nation as families and communities were torn apart by the war.

Battle for Central Siberia

The Battle for Central Siberia was a crucial engagement during the Alban Civil War, distinguished by its unique and chaotic circumstances. The battle occurred at a remote base in Siberia, infamously named by Marshal Kharkov I, who had a memorable incident involving a shovel that contributed to the base’s notorious reputation.

The Siberian base, dubbed "The Middle of Fucking Nowhere" by Marshal Kharkov I, was established by the Alban Empire as a strategic stronghold in the rugged and isolated terrains of Siberia. Its location was selected for its defensibility, providing a secure outpost away from the more contested areas of the Alban region. However, the base's isolation also meant it was somewhat detached from the Empire’s main supply lines.

Marshal Kharkov I, known for his blunt and unorthodox style, named the base with characteristic humour. The base's infamous name and Kharkov’s legendary misfortune of being struck on the head with a shovel during a minor skirmish became a well-known story among the troops.

As the Alban Civil War escalated, Kostya, a prominent Alban commander, led his regiment at this remote base. The regiment's mission was to defend the base against an imminent attack by enemy forces, who were well aware of the base's strategic importance and isolated position.

The enemy forces launched a coordinated assault, intending to overrun the base with a surprise attack. However, the defenders, under Kostya’s leadership, were well-prepared and ready for the onslaught. Despite the surprise and the harsh Siberian conditions, the Alban troops managed to mount a formidable defence.

Orrian Intervention

On August 12th, The Grand Republic of Orrie joined the Albionic Civil War on the side of the Royalists, supporting the restoration of the monarchy in Albion. Orrie's involvement included providing military assistance and intelligence, which currently has no impact within the conflict.

Reorganisation of Albion's Army

Clark's Reforms

Disbandment and Reorganisation of Units (August 2024) In August 2024, a major restructuring of military forces was implemented, leading to the disbandment of several units and their reorganization into new formations. This reorganization aimed to streamline operations, enhance military efficiency, and adapt to new strategic demands. Below is a detailed account of how each unit was disbanded and reorganized.

1. Bulawayo-Salisbury Security Forces Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Personnel from the Bulawayo-Salisbury Security Forces were incorporated into The King's Own African Rifles, a unit responsible for maintaining order and security across the African territories.

2. Kira's NKVD Regiment Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Members of Kira's NKVD Regiment were integrated into the Russo-Ukrainian Guards. This newly formed elite unit focuses on operations across Eastern Europe and Central Asia, with an emphasis on intelligence and special operations.

3. The Wolfsburg Regiment Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: The personnel of the Wolfsburg Regiment were reorganised into King's Own German Grenadiers, which now serves as a key force in Central European defence and rapid deployment missions.

4. The Cavaliers Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: The Cavaliers were merged into The King's Guard, an elite unit tasked with the protection of key governmental figures and ceremonial duties within the kingdom.

5. Albionic Defence Forces Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Troops from the Albionic Defence Forces were consolidated into the Welsh Guards, a regiment now responsible for the defence and internal security of Wales, in addition to its ceremonial roles.

6. Royal Connaught Rangers Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Forces from the Royal Connaught Rangers were reorganised into the Ulster Brigade. This new unit assumes the responsibilities of maintaining security and defence in Northern Ireland.

7. Scottish Loyalist Regiment Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Personnel from the Scottish Loyalist Regiment were merged into the Scottish Highlanders, which became the primary military unit responsible for Scotland's defence and ceremonial duties.

8. Siberian Rifles Action Taken: Retained Reorganisation: The Siberian Rifles remained intact but were reinforced with additional personnel and resources to bolster their role in defending Siberia and securing strategic areas.

9. Einsatzgruppe Albion Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Members of Einsatzgruppe Albion were integrated into The King's Own German Grenadiers, where their expertise in special operations enhances the unit's ability to address both internal and external threats.

10. Guard of Marshal Kharkov I Action Taken: Retained Reorganisation: The Guard of Marshal Kharkov I was restructured and semi-merged into the Russo-Ukrainian Guards. This expanded unit now has a broader role in protecting key leaders and securing high-value assets across the region.

11. The Russian Legion Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Personnel from The Russian Legion were merged into the Russo-Ukrainian Guards, strengthening this key military force in Eastern Europe.

12. The Scottish Legion Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Members of the Scottish Legion were integrated into the Scottish Rifles, a newly formed regiment responsible for Scotland's defence and operational deployments.

13. Colonial Forces of the Dominion of West Greenwich Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: The Colonial Forces were reorganised into the County Clark Expeditionary Forces. This unit is now tasked with managing overseas deployments and ensuring security in former colonial territories.

14. Colonial Forces for the Albionic Western African Territories Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: These forces were merged into the King's Own African Rifles, unifying the command structure and enhancing military presence in Western Africa.

15. Local Security Forces of The Yiddish Republic of Albion Action Taken: Disbanded Reorganisation: Personnel from this unit were reassigned to the Israeli Rifles, a newly formed unit responsible for the defence and security of the Yiddish Republic of Albion.

Ceasefire Agreement

Knutsford Treaty

The ceasefire between the Republicans and the Royalists, which was declared on September 9, 2023, initially represented a pivotal moment in the Alban Civil War(Now Albionic Civil War), with both sides agreeing to pause hostilities and enter peace negotiations. However, this ceasefire has recently been broken. Despite the initial agreement to halt fighting, renewed hostilities have erupted as both factions resumed combat. The temporary lull in the conflict has ended, and tensions are once again high, with ongoing peace talks struggling to address the deep-seated issues that continue to fuel the war. The prospects for a lasting resolution remain uncertain as the conflict has returned to an active state.


Within a year following the ceasefire that paused active hostilities in the Alban Civil War, the Kingdom of Alba embarked on a notable phase of territorial expansion. This growth saw the kingdom extend its borders by an additional 20-25 kilometres, reflecting its ambitions to solidify and enhance its influence. This expansion also marked a rebranding of the nation, which began to identify itself as "Teyrnas Geltaidd Fwyaf Albion." This name change was not just symbolic but represented a new era of national identity and unity following the turbulent civil conflict.

Internally, this transformation sparked a shift in how citizens viewed their nation. Some began to refer to the state as "Gweriniaeth y Goron Albion," a title that suggested a unique blend of the monarchical traditions and the rising influence of republican ideals. This dual identity indicated a reconciliation of sorts between the previously warring factions, with the kingdom embracing aspects of both governance models. The expansion and rebranding underscored a significant turning point for the nation, signalling a new chapter in its history as it moved beyond the scars of civil war and into a future of broader ambitions and evolving identity.