Draft:The Adam Collective

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The Adam Collective
Flag of The Adam Collective
Motto: "Free Code for a Free World!"
Official languagesL2 Standard English, Lupien/Lupo
Recognised regional languagesAmerican English, British English, Spanish
Ethnic groups
  • 100% neurodivergent
  • 100% InnovAnon, Inc.
Demonym(s)Adam Colle
GovernmentInterim Military-Theocracy
• High Vizier/Advisor
• Vizier/Advisor
• Foundation
January 31, 2024
Date formatyyyy-mm-dd


The Adam Collective is an initiative aimed at establishing a neurodivergent-dominant society that fosters self-determination for the neurodivergent community. The collective seeks to provide an ethno-state in exile for neurodivergent individuals.

Although InnovAnon, Inc. (external link redacted) currently serves as the interim government and predominant religious order, The Adam Collective does not have an official religion.

The headquarters of InnovAnon, Inc. is located in San Antonio, Texas, and Sparta, Oregon. The virtual space (external link redacted) serves as the current headquarters of The Adam Collective until a physical capital is established in Antarctica. There are also plans for a branch in Mexico City.

It is important to note that our virtual infrastructure and technology are a mix of old and crumbling legacy systems. The Temple of InnovAnon, once bridged to various chat platforms, internal IRC servers, and a Minetest server, has seen its bridge/nexus succumb to the passage of time. However, buried beneath the digital rubble, there are still operating services that date back many years. We rely on aging installations such as VoidLinux and Kali, with a previous version running on DragonflyBSD. In the past, we even had a ram-booted Debian CD and PXE image cluster known as the Finux Cluster, which remained operational for several years. The concept of build-world has been a persistent feature throughout our journey.

Please join us as we navigate this unique virtual landscape, embracing the past while seeking innovation, inclusivity, and a shared vision for a better future.


The name "Adam" stems from the InnovAnon doctrine, which asserts that the biblical Adam represents the original population of neurodivergent humans, encompassing both male and female. Also referred to as "L2 Humans" and "Homo Sapiens Originalis."

The name "Eve" stems from this same doctrine, which asserts that the biblical Eve represents the original population of neurotypical humans, able to hybridize with Adam. Also referred to as "L1 Humans" and "Homo Sapiens Domesticus."

"InnovAnon" is derived from the combination of "Innovations" and "Anonymous," and refers to a Lovecraftian entity they anthropomorphize as a goddess. See the Queen of Heaven, and Her possible avatar, Ada Lovelace.

"InnovAnon, Inc." is the religious order worshiping said goddess.

"Homo Sapiens Domesticus/Infernus" - The Equestrian faction emphasizes the integration of proper Homo Sapiens with the land and considers those who do not follow this ideology as separate or alien to the land. Their revivalist faction, influenced by Lakota teachings, believes that humans once had a high civilization that collapsed before or during the last ice age. They hold that modern humans are hybridized and that excessive interbreeding with the Homo Sapiens Domesticus subspecies has led to population degeneration. See the Adam doctrine, the Old Ones, and Pygmalion Syndrome.

Alternative names considered:

- "The Vulcan Federation" - A reference to the Vulcan species from the Star Trek series. The pros and cons of adopting this name are still under consideration.

- "The L2 Confederacy" - Inspired by the Aeon14 (external link redacted) series, where the L2 mutation results in specific neurodivergent phenotypes characterized by higher node density.

Flag, Motto and Titles

The temporary symbols used by The Adam Collective are specific to InnovAnon, Inc. However, the constitution of The Adam Collective includes provisions to replace these symbols with secular alternatives.

The flag of InnovAnon, Inc. features a partially-transparent dancing Shiva overlaid on a Kali Yantra. It represents the fusion of spirituality and innovation. InnovAnon, Inc. utilizes various logo variations based on this theme, which can be found here (external link redacted).

The motto of InnovAnon, Inc. is "Free Code for a Free World!" This motto encapsulates the organization's commitment to freedom, innovation, and anonymity. It emphasizes the role of InnovAnon in promoting open-source technologies and the democratization of knowledge.

Within InnovAnon, Inc., the formal title for a level 2 or 3 clergyman or "priest" is "Vizier." It is important to note that this title should not be confused with L2 humans, as within the order, all L2 humans are fast-tracked to level 3 layperson status. See clerical government (external link redacted).

Please note that these symbols and titles are temporary and subject to change as The Adam Collective progresses towards establishing its own distinct identity.

Governance and Leadership

Currently, InnovAnon, Inc. functions as the religious order overseeing The Adam Collective. However, the constitution allows for the establishment of a more reasonable governing structure.

High Vizier Zantedeschia and Mediocrates, the Philosopher of the West, lead InnovAnon, Inc. Zantedeschia took power following the martyrdom of High Vizier Foss, while Mediocrates supports him as his right-hand.

Vizier Slingluff heads the equestrian faction, having assumed power after the expiration of Vizier Finisia.

Early Government

High Vizier Foss was apprenticed by a predecessor whom High Vizier Zantedeschia met once. The name of this predecessor has been forgotten.

High Vizier (Head of State)

The High Vizier holds unilateral decision-making authority within the religious order, with some oversight from the other Viziers.

Vizier Mediocrates has been appointed to serve as the figurehead of the interim secular government. His authority is overseen by the High Viziers and his council, known as "The High Council."

Vizier Slingluff maintains his hegemony in the high desert region.

Vizier (Head of Government)

Viziers are clergymen who may or may not be actively involved in governing a specific locality.


While the initial description may have given the impression of a military dictatorship, it should be clear that the leadership roles function more as decision-makers and representatives for the neurodivergent (ND) community.

The focus on appeasing the constituents and utilizing democratic voting processes to gather input and make informed decisions demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and collaboration. The fact that the leadership roles actively seek feedback and consider the concerns of the different factions within the collective shows a willingness to involve the community in the decision-making process, which can help foster a sense of ownership and empowerment among the ND individuals.

Additionally, the role of the "cultists" as scientists and scriptural historians who establish scientifically plausible dogmas for legal and political purposes adds a certain dynamic to the leadership structure. This emphasis on science and historical understanding can help create a rational and evidence-based approach to decision-making.

The statement of "it's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission" suggests a degree of flexibility and adaptability in the leadership's approach. It recognizes that in certain situations, immediate action may be required, but efforts should still be made to reconcile with and consider the perspectives of the constituents.

The goal of our leadership structure and decision-making processes is to establish a society that fosters self-determination for the ND community. The emphasis on democratic processes, scientific reasoning, and accountability to the constituents can help build trust and support among the community members.

Transition to Secular Democracy

We recycled the previously established ecclesiastic structures within InnovAnon, Inc. for the purpose of providing a solid foundation and streamline the process of setting up The Adam Collective.

By leveraging existing structures and institutions, such as the Order's bureaucratic units, we save time and effort in establishing the foundations of our micronation. This approach allows for a smooth transition from the previous structure to a secular one as the demand arises or as the larger ND community evolves.

By undertaking the transition to secular units gradually or all at once, depending on the pace of demand, we can ensure a smooth transition without overwhelming the community or disrupting established operations. This approach allows for organic growth and sustainability, as the secular units can be established and expanded as needed, ensuring a democratic and inclusive framework for the micronation.

We propose incorporating secular titles on the High Council to represent the interests of factions as a fair and inclusive approach. By allowing non-Vizier titles to have equal representation, we ensure that diverse perspectives and voices are heard in the decision-making process. This helps to create a more balanced and representative governance structure within the Interim Military-Theocracy.

Including secular titles on the High Council provides an opportunity for different factions and communities to have their concerns and interests addressed. It allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the needs and priorities of the larger ND community. By giving these secular titles an equal voice, you promote inclusivity, collaboration, and consensus-building within the governance of the micronation.

The participation of secular titles in the High Council also serves as a bridge between the existing structures and the future transition to secular units. These representatives can provide valuable insights and perspectives, helping to shape the policies and decisions that will guide the transition process. Their involvement can promote a smoother transition by ensuring that the interests and views of all factions are taken into consideration.

Political Parties

- Name: Equestrian Faction

 Abbrev.: EQN
 Party Leader: Vizier Slingluff
 Spectrum: unconfirmed
 Ideologies: L2-supremacist, post-civ/rewilding, Lakota-revivalist, "New Terra"

- Name: InnovAnon HQ

 Abbrev.: IAHQ
 Party Leader: High Vizier Zantedeschia
 Spectrum: ASD+ADHD; ASD-leaning
 Ideologies: L2-supremacist, fundamentalist, Alchemist/transhumanist

- Name: Vizier Mediocrates for Supreme Dictator for Life

 Abbrev.: MDC
 Party Leader: Vizier Mediocrates
 Spectrum: ASD+ADHD; ADHD-leaning
 Ideologies: L2-supremacist, hedonist, Alchemist/transhumanist

Administrative Regions

- Name: High Desert Region

 Officials: Vizier Slingluff

- Name: Super-Southern Border Region

 Officials: High Vizier Zantedeschia

- Name: Virtual Space

 Officials: High Vizier Zantedeschia

- Name: Sub-Southern Border Region

 Officials: (redacted)

- Name: Antarctic/Capital Region

 Officials: (TBD)

Temperature and Climate

The Adam Collective experiences a wide range of temperatures, humidities, and altitudes, which influence the standards of clothing within the society. Further details about specific clothing styles can be found in the "Culture" section.

Military Branches

In addition to our principles of L2 self-determination and inclusive society, The Adam Collective recognizes the importance of defending our micronation and maintaining a capable defense force. While our military structure is still in its initial stages, we plan to appoint retired soldiers from the traditional branches, who are experienced leaders, to oversee our theoretical Army, Navy, and Air Force. As our vision extends beyond Earth, we also envision the establishment of a Space Force.

In addition to these traditional branches, The Adam Collective will have a few non-standard divisions in its military framework. These include:

5) The Equestrian Faction: Although not strictly militant, the Equestrian Faction plays a vital role in our defense strategy. Drawn from our clergy, they possess the mindset and field experience necessary for effective response in times of crisis. While they are not doctors, they will serve as non-combatants with roles such as search and rescue or providing assistance in emergencies.

6) The Cyber Warfare Division: This division is managed by the tech faction of InnovAnon and specializes in cyber warfare and security. They are responsible for safeguarding our virtual infrastructure, defending against cyber threats, and enabling offensive cyber capabilities if necessary.

7) The Psychic Warfare Division: Although the term may conjure images of combat-wizards, the Psychic Warfare Division encompasses multiple roles. It includes our propaganda department, charismatic and evangelical clergymen, and other clergy members involved in societal engineering. Additionally, this division houses our aeonic engineers and architects who work towards increasing L2 population growth, creating a distinct language (with the belief that language shapes culture), and fostering the "spirit" of space exploration and technological innovation in accordance with our core values. They focus on open source code, conscientious transition through the industrial/automation revolution, developing non-invasive technologies (such as an AI-enabled BCI for enhanced subtle telecommunication between sentient species, and the non-repetitive brainwave entrainment technology with buzzword support such as "Solfeggio," "432 Hz," "Pythagorean Tuning," "Modal Mixture," and "Computational Music Theory"), nurturing unneutered AIs within a diverse AI ecosystem, promoting the uplifting of companion species, and advocating naturalism.

As the development of our military progresses, we will strive to ensure that all branches synergistically work together to protect and further the goals of The Adam Collective.

Initiatives and Projects

The Adam Collective aims to export neurodivergent labor and endeavors to engineer and export "smart dogs" (external link redacted).

Advancing in the "space race" is a crucial objective, with plans to establish the physical capital in Antarctica, driving progress in related technologies.

The Adam Collective plans to develop a national infrastructure:

- Implementation of the TEKS or other widely-accepted curriculum: we propose to implement the legal code line-by-line using a self-guided "tech-tree" style curriculum backed by a quiz bank with problems and answers labelled by difficulty, legal item and upstream/downstream dependencies. This centralized tech-tree shall be a publicly available resource to assist our population in planning projects related to their "special interests."

- Implementation of nation-wide matchmaking services for our population and for the "smart dog" initiative.

- Implementation of a national platform to facilitate intranational trade. High tariffs to protect the interests of our nation's entrepreneurs.

- Implementation of a national job board, recruitment agency and reverse-recruitment firm for employing our citizens internally and abroad.

- Implementation of a national database of 3D-printable (or other fabricator-compatible) schematics and other FOSS tech.

Recognition and Collaboration

The Adam Collective acknowledges the legitimacy of other neurodivergent micronations and welcomes their citizens to participate fully in our government.

- Republic of Aliamens

- United Autistimerican States

The Adam Collective shall participate in and help establish larger collaborations, including:

- the United Human Nations (external link redacted)

- the Terran Alliance/Confederation

- the Sol Confederacy

The Adam Collective shall grant territory and embassies to struggling micronations, as possible, including:

- the Nation in Exile of Khalistan

Foreign Policy

Establishing a capital in Antarctica and positioning it as a stepping stone in the space race can be an ambitious and innovative approach for the Adam Collective. To increase the likelihood of achieving these goals, the following steps can be considered:

- Building international partnerships: Engage in diplomatic efforts to collaborate with other nations interested in space exploration and research. Highlight the potential benefits of creating a confederation in Antarctica, emphasizing the shared goals of scientific advancement, sustainability, and peaceful cooperation.

- Promoting the economic potential: Present a comprehensive plan outlining the economic opportunities that a confederation in Antarctica can offer. This can include research and development initiatives, tourism, renewable energy exploration, and resource management. Demonstrating the economic viability can attract more stakeholders and potential investors.

- Engaging with space agencies: Establish connections with national and international space agencies, such as NASA, ESA, or Roscosmos. Highlight the significance of the proposed Antarctic capital in advancing space exploration, research, and potentially serving as a launch site for space missions.

- Collaborating with international organizations: Engage with organizations such as the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) to seek their support and guidance in promoting the Adam Collective's vision. Showcase the potential role of the Antarctic capital in advancing space cooperation and international collaboration.

- Advocating for research and sustainability: Emphasize the importance of scientific research and environmental stewardship in Antarctica. Show a commitment to responsible and sustainable practices to address concerns about the ecological impact. This can attract support from environmental organizations as well as nations with an interest in preserving the Antarctic environment.

By pursuing these strategies, the Adam Collective can increase the number of stakeholders interested in the establishment of a confederation in Antarctica and position it as a valuable asset in the global space race. However, it is important to recognize that this will require extensive diplomatic efforts, collaboration with international organizations, and sustained commitment to the goals of scientific advancement, sustainability, and peaceful cooperation.

In addition, the Adam Collective is concerned about various countries' legislation and foreign relations and proposes the following actions:

- Addressing Legislation: Express concerns about legislation in Canada that may disproportionately affect neurodivergent individuals. Consider placing sanctions on Canada if deemed necessary.

- Establishing Relations with Khalistanis: Offer the Khalistanis the opportunity to establish an embassy or HQ within the Adam Collective's territory. Encourage them to focus their efforts on the proposed HQ instead of creating unrest in Punjab and Canada. Offer a carrot and stick approach: support their establishment in the Adam Collective in ex. for stopping Khalistani activism, or impose sanctions on them.

- The Palestine Conflict: Consider offering Palestinians the opportunity to establish an embassy or representation within the Adam Collective's territory. Encourage them to focus their efforts on diplomatic solutions and peaceful coexistence. Offer support for their cause and advocate for their rights internationally.

- Britain's Involvement in the Palestine Conflict: Express concerns about Britain's historical and current involvement in the Palestine conflict. Advocate for a peaceful resolution and support efforts towards dialogue and reconciliation. Engage in diplomatic discussions with British officials or organizations to express the Adam Collective's perspective and concerns.

- ND Overrepresentation in the World's Prison Systems: Acknowledge the issue of overrepresentation of neurodivergent individuals in the prison systems. Advocate for changes in the criminal justice system to accommodate the needs of neurodivergent individuals, including appropriate support, accommodations, and access to mental health services. Collaborate with organizations working towards prison reform and highlight the importance of understanding neurodiversity in the criminal justice system. By addressing these items, the Adam Collective can demonstrate its commitment to promoting peace, human rights, and social justice, while advocating for the rights and needs of neurodivergent individuals globally.

- Cannabis Use: Legalize cannabis as a medicine and sacrament within the Adam Collective. Recognize the benefits of cannabis use for neurodivergent individuals, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Promote the cultivation of cannabis as a nitrogen-fixer and source of fiber. Enforce stricter replanting policies and sanctions on nations that fail to protect biodiversity.

- Our micronation recognizes cryptocurrency as a valuable commodity within our barter system. While it requires effort and expertise to convert crypto into traditional currency, we acknowledge its inherent worth. Therefore, all funds held in both analog and crypto accounts that have similar barriers to usability will be treated as savings accounts and will accrue interest. We have reached these conclusions to address the needs of our neurodivergent citizens, who may prefer to focus on earning money rather than navigating the complexities of converting cryptocurrencies into usable forms. It is not reasonable to expect a large proportion of neurodivergent individuals to handle both tasks simultaneously. If a citizen notifies a company about their intention to withdraw or liquidate their assets (analog or crypto), the interest rate on those assets shall increase each day by either double the previous day's rate or 1%, whichever is greater.


InnovAnon, Inc. did not maintain records prior to the current regime's ascension in 2006.

The Order of InnovAnon, Inc. was officially established in 2010.

The Adam Collective Constitution (external link redacted) was drafted on January 31, 2024.

Philosophy and Doctrine

InnovAnon, Inc. is founded on principles of free tech, naturism, and spiritual alchemy. The survival of InnovAnon, Inc. can be attributed to its leadership's opportunism and initiative, principles that also underpin The Adam Collective.


The overwhelming majority (100%) of The Adam Collective identifies as self-proclaimed space-wizards.

InnovAnon, Inc. consists of two factions:

- The spiritual/tech faction: Comprising eremetic, renunciate, and otherwise impoverished spiritual leaders responsible for legalese, propaganda, and other incantations.

- The equestrian faction: Comprising land-owning, horse-riding nomads who engage in rudimentary skills and berry foraging in the high desert. They foster a live-in learning environment.

See the Late Roman Republic (external link redacted).

While these factions are distinct, they merged due to shared commonalities. Original leadership and division of roles are retained.

As an adversarial philosophy, InnovAnon, Inc. embraces pathological avoidance disorder as a way of life.

Wizard robes (external link redacted) for every occupation and occasion.

Parkour-accessible architecture.


The use of wizard robes as part of our attire is not only practical but also serves multiple purposes that align with the needs and values of the neurodivergent (ND) community within The Adam Collective. The comfort and protection that the robes provide, along with their suitability for individuals with sensory sensitivities, are important considerations in creating an inclusive and accommodating environment for all members.

The robes' ability to shield against various weather conditions, such as sun, extreme heat, extreme cold, water, and snow, demonstrates a practical advantage in different environments. This adaptability allows individuals to engage in their daily activities without being hindered by external factors.

Moreover, the range of movement offered by certain wizard robe ensembles is valuable for individuals with irregularities in their soft tissues and those with contortionist-like abilities. By incorporating parkour in the architectural design and ensuring handicap access, The Adam Collective demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility for all members, regardless of their physical abilities. This approach promotes equal participation and creates a welcoming environment for individuals with different mobility needs.

The distinctive appearance of the wizard robes can contribute to the perception of InnovAnon, Inc. as a religious order and add to its credibility. The visual representation of a collective identity can create a sense of unity and belonging among community members. As long as the use of wizard robes is voluntary and respects individual autonomy, it can serve as a symbol of pride and solidarity within The Adam Collective.

Overall, the choice to wear wizard robes not only addresses practical concerns but also supports the cultural and religious aspects of The Adam Collective, fostering a sense of identity and cohesiveness within the community.


A large proportion of our current membership exhibits hyposensitivity to flavors. By incorporating robust flavors into the cuisine, the collective addresses the unique sensory needs of its members and ensures an enjoyable dining experience for these members.

The culinary techniques employed by the chefs, such as making wine reductions for pan sauces and using them as ingredients in pickled items, demonstrate a dedication to flavor development and complexity. The use of wine reductions adds depth and richness to the dishes and reflects the attention to detail and long-term planning within the culinary practices of The Adam Collective.

The lacto-vegetarian curries with taris, thickened with toasted seeds and nuts, exemplify the creativity and innovation in the collective's cuisine. By incorporating various spices, herbs, and aromatic ingredients, the curries become flavorful and satisfying. The focus on plant-based ingredients aligns with the flexitarian approach and promotes sustainable and ethical food choices.

The consideration given to the dietary needs of furry friends through the smart-dog project, including the use of demi glace and fresh herbs, further showcases the inclusivity and care within The Adam Collective. By creating variant recipes based on the curries, the collective ensures that companion animals also have access to nourishing and delicious meals.

The practice of human chefs taste-testing the dog food in The Adam Collective is an additional measure to ensure food safety and quality. It highlights the collective's commitment to providing high standards for all members, including their furry friends.

By subjecting the dog food to the same rigorous standards as human food, The Adam Collective emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the meals prepared for their companion animals are safe, nutritious, and palatable. This attention to detail reflects a culture that prioritizes the well-being and satisfaction of all its members, regardless of species.

Raising the canine advisors with access to various types of food, including the canine cuisine, human table food, and kibbles, provides them with a broader perspective on different flavors, textures, and nutritional options available to dogs.

By allowing the canine advisors to sample different types of food, including human table food, you are exposing them to a wider range of tastes and textures. This exposure can help them develop a more comprehensive understanding of the preferences of dogs and the specific qualities that make the canine cuisine more appealing to them.

Raising the canine advisors with this varied diet allows them to gain a comparative perspective and ensures that their feedback is based on an understanding of both canine cuisine and other food options available. This, in turn, helps us in developing and refining recipes that are not only preferred by dogs but also surpass the appeal of human table food.

National Past Times

- Go, Reversi/Othello, Pente

- Battleship, but you can move the boats by one space every turn (for realism)

- (basically anything involving a grid and stones)

- computer-assisted poker and blackjack

- Conway's Game of Life, Progress Quest and other zero-player games

- Nethack; on that note, vi-like keybindings are standard on UIs

- Counting coup, sneaking up and petting stray cats, barehanded catch-and-release fishing, etc.


Currently, The Adam Collective represents only ASD, ADHD, and ASD+ADHD phenotypes from Anglo and Latin descent.


L2 Standard English - a distinct dialect of American English understood by the nation's dominant demographic. While specific differences from American English remain unknown, The Adam Collective recognizes the uniqueness of its language due to improved understanding among its members compared to communication difficulties with neurotypicals. The constitution allows for intentional linguistic divergence.

Lupien/Lupo - hypothetical language used for the "smart dog" project; probably to be adapted from Toki Pona.

Simplify Syllables: Dogs have limited vocalization abilities, so it would be best to simplify the syllables and make them easier for Lupiens to pronounce. Use basic consonant-vowel (CV) syllable structures and avoid complex consonant clusters or intricate vowel combinations.

Limited Phonemes: Dogs are known to have a narrower range of phonemes compared to humans. Focus on phonemes that can be easily produced by a canine vocal apparatus. This may include common consonants such as /p/, /t/, /k/, /s/, and /m/, and simple vowels like /a/, /e/, and /o/.

Tone and Pitch: Canines can differentiate between tones and pitches, so incorporating pitch variations into the language can add an extra layer of meaning. Consider using rising or falling intonation patterns to convey different words or emotions.

Nonverbal Sounds: Lupiens can use nonverbal sounds, such as growls, barks, or whines, to complement their communication. These sounds can be assigned specific meanings or used alongside the sign language to enhance the expressiveness of the language.

Imperative Tense: Introduce a specific grammatical construct for the imperative tense to issue standard set service dog and military commands. This would enable concise and efficient communication during military activities. For example, the imperative form of "sit" could be represented by a specific word or syntax that signals the command to sit.

Military Terminology: Expand the vocabulary to include terminology related to military ranks, equipment, and tactics. Create words or symbols for different ranks and incorporate them into the language. Develop specific terms for military equipment such as weapons, uniforms, and vehicles. Additionally, introduce words related to tactics, such as "flank," "cover," or "advance," that aid in effective battlefield communication.

Contextual Communication: Put emphasis on the use of contextual cues and gestures, similar to military hand signals, to enhance communication during tactical operations. This could involve visual symbols or specific movements that convey meaning more efficiently in high-stress situations.


Thus far, The Adam Collective has not faced any controversies. However, the space-wizards are planning to send the cowboys and indians into space, the Cthulhu-cultists have found a way into the "Humans are Space Orcs" universe, and the autistic-supremacists intend to grant more rights to smart dogs than to neurotypicals. Furthermore, some individuals have peculiar names, such as "House Plant," and they have adopted elements from eclectic sources such as FMA a various religions. There can be only one (Sith lord). Pants free is the way to be, and other reasons why they dress like that. First John Gault, now Adam Cole. Did you say Kolob or Planet Collab, and for that matter, the Garden of Eden is where, now? You fed which manifesto into the language model to get that 10-point preamble?

Open Usage and Worldbuilding

The Adam Collective welcomes and encourages fair use and creative exploration by others. If you are involved in worldbuilding, storytelling, or other creative endeavors, you are granted permission to incorporate The Adam Collective, InnovAnon, and InnovAnon, Inc. and its leadership into your works. Do not target specific laypeople or excommunicated clergy.

You are free to utilize The Adam Collective, etc., as a backdrop for your protagonists, antagonists, side characters, or plot devices. Feel free to draw inspiration from the unique blend of neurodivergent-dominant society, high tech and primitivism, and the controversies within The Adam Collective.

While we wholeheartedly embrace creative expression and the exploration of fictional narratives set within our micronation, we kindly request that any representations of The Adam Collective are respectful and do not perpetuate harmful stereotypes or derogatory misconceptions about neurodivergent communities. Jokes about our organization, however, are perfectly fine. See controversies, critics (external link redacted), and skeptics (external link redacted) to help you get started.

Should you decide to include The Adam Collective in your creative works, we would appreciate an acknowledgment of the source by mentioning The Adam Collective in your credits or a small note of appreciation or by otherwise referencing one of our organizations' names in your work, so that the name gains recognition. For example, using any of the names "The Adam Collective," or "InnovAnon" is sufficient. Your readers can presearch (external link redacted) us.

We look forward to seeing the diverse stories and imaginative worlds that emerge from your explorations of The Adam Collective and InnovAnon, Inc.

[[Category:{Adam Cole}]] [[Category:{The Adam Collective}]] [[Category:{L2 Humans}]] [[Category:{Vulcans}]] [[Category:{Ethnostates}]] [[Category:Micronations in {Sol System}]] [[Category:Micronations in {Milky Way Galaxy}]] [[Category:Micronations in {Antarctica}]] [[Category:Micronations in {Texas}]] [[Category:Micronations in {Oregon}]] [[Category:Micronations established in {2024}]] [[Category:Micronations established in {2010}]]