Draft:Rockas War

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Rocka War 2020-2021
Rocka Area of Orrie
Result Orrie-Oninasa Victory


Oninasa Liberation Army (After June 3rd, 2020)
Oninasa Liberation Army (Until June 3rd, 2020) Rocka
Commanders and leaders

Seb Willan

Bob Schultz
Bob Schultz ???
Units involved

1st Infantry Battalion (Orrie)

Liberty Army (Oninasa)
Liberty Army 1e Liberation Battalion
10 2 4
Casualties and losses
1 Minor Injury


2 Injuries

General Information

The Rocka war was started after a Group of Bandits (The Rockas) Attacked a Micronationalist near Orrie, who then asked Orrie For Help. Orrie Responded by sending an Ultimatum to the Rockas, which they ignored.

The Rockas attacked the Oninasa area of Orrie, which resulted in the 1st Infantry Battalion, and a Local Militia (Oninasa Liberty Army) To Defend the Oninasa Area. Before the attack on the Oninasa Area, the Oninasa Liberation Army had been fighting against Orrie for Oninasan Indepedence. However, this quickly ended when they were offered Autonomy as well as support.


Battle(s) For Oninasa City

The First Battle for the Oninasa Area was an Orrian Victory, in which they pushed back the Rockas.

A Second engagement occurred in which the Rockas put the frontline on a stand still, after regaining momentum. However eventually it resulted in a Orrian Victory.

This Marks the end of the Rockas attempts for the Oninasa Area.

Battle For Man's Land

The Battle Lasted 2 Days, in which the 1st Battalion engaged the Rockas 1e Battalion. During the 2 days 1 Orrian Soldier was injured (Minorly), in which caused a rage which resulted in the Orrian Troops violently pushing back the Rockas 1e Liberation Battalion, which resulted in 2 Injuries, and 1 Captured.

Battle for Blue Town

The Rockas pushed into the area of Blue Town, but only with minor success. The Frontline in Blue Town was tense, with constant engagement after engagement.

The Rockas came very close to pushing Orrie however with support from the Oninasa Liberation army, they were able to push back. The Rockas now close to collapse made a final attempt to Capture Blue City, which failed miserably.

Collapse of Rockas

After the failed attempt to Capture Blue City, they reorganized their men, and held the frontline for a single Month. However, that frontline was eventually broken which resulted in Orrian Troops having surrounded the core state for the Rockas.

The surrounded core would remain untouched however, as both Rockas and Orrie's troops were exhausted.

After a year long stalemate, Orrie pushed into the core city which ended the war.

Aftermath, and the 1 year stalemate

After the capture of Rockas City, the Rockas agreed to surrender which would directly affect the 2nd Rockas war.

The 2nd Rockas war would start in 2022 after the Rockas pushed out extreme amounts of Propaganda to it's citizens, calling for "Revenge", and to "Regain the Motherland".

Eventually the POW that was captured by Orrie would be let go, in which the POW returned to Rockas and started a coup. The Coup was successful which resulted in him taking full power, turning the country into a dictatorship.

The Brutal Regime he installed would see the prosecution of a former Rockas Politician who called for peace. His "crimes" were as followed: Defying the state, calling for a coup, sparking a violent protest, protesting, listening to foreign music. He was found guilty on all charges, and has not been heard from since.

The obvious silencing of the Peace Loving politician sparked a violent protest which was brutally suppressed. Orrie's response to the news of the brutal suppressing of protesters resulted in Orrie Formally Condemning the Rockas government, and issuing a embargo on Rockas.

Rockas Civil War

The Rockas Civil war resulted when a Protest calling for a peaceful, and democratic government was brutally suppressed. The two leading factions were the Rockas Government, and on the Orrian-Oriented Democratic side: The Rockas Group for a more Peaceful world.

All the main information can be found here: Rockas Civil War

Aftermath of the Rockas Civil War

The Rockas Dictatorship won the civil war, keeping the non-democratic government installed.

People who were found guilty of Protesting were prosecuted, and found guilty.

Orrie after learning about this cut off all communication with Rockas, and expanded their embargo to all trade.

Rockas Citizens Flee

Many Rockas Citizens fled to Orrie before the Border was closed.

The Citizens who fled are considered criminals to the Rockas Government, and many have been "called back" to Rockas. The Citizens who did return due to the "Call Back" are presumed to be either "missing" or in prison.