Draft:Republic of Nalmal

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Republic of Nalmal
Flag of Republic of Nalmal
National Flag of Nalmal
Royal Flag.png of Republic of Nalmal
Royal Flag.png
Motto: Freedom, Peace, Republic
Anthem: Stand up Nalmal
Map of Nalmal
Map of Nalmal
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish
Recognised regional languagesNalmali
GovernmentDemocracy (de facto)
Republic (de jure)
• Democratic Republic
The King of Nalmal
Establishment14 June 1990
• Census
CurrencyNalmali Lat
Time zoneUTC

The Republic of Nalmal (formerly known as the Republic of Nalme) was a territorial micronation located in the south west of Sweden. Nalmal was founded on 14 June 1990 by its leader King Stalin, who remained its sole leader throughout its existence. The micronation in late 2010, and its former capital became the Empire of Nalmal Town of Nalville.


Soon after founding, Nalmal's name was changed as the name "Nalme" was resemblant of Yusenia of the same name. The micronation was judged negatively due to this initial name, prevented from joining many intermicronational sites and due to micronational-peer pressure had to drop the name.


The Republic of Nalmal was founded on 14 June 1990 by King Stalin, who became its King (He did not use his current name at the time).

A "War with Yusenia" began in May 1999, from which Nalmal had emerged victorious by May/June later that year. After peace talks, Yusenia was annexed by Nalmal in late 1999. Latocanstain and the Latonaconstalin Gardens were annexed in January 2002. Orkadland was annexed before Latocanstain, probably alongside or soon after Yusenia.

Nalmal joined the Grand Unified Micronational on 23 May 2001. It later joined the Organisation of Active Micronations in March 2010, but withdrew along with four other members in the June 29th Incident.

By May 2010, Nalmal no longer controlled Latocanstain and the Latonaconstalin Gardens. After a rocket launch in July 2010, activity by the government seems to have rapidly decreased, with control over all but Nalme being lost by the end of 2010. Nalmal is thought to have existed in name only by May 2012.

Government and politics

As the Republic of Nalmal was only a de facto republic in its early founding days, confusion, embarrassment, and many misunderstandings resulted as it took on the characteristics of a monarchy despite remaining a de jure republic. In August 2009 Nalmalians began referring to it as a Kingdom, but a name change was never officially instigated.

Nalmal always remained a republic and although ruled by a monarch, operated with the Monarch as a provisional ruler. If enough citizens had formed their own political party and announced their intention to have a democratic election, the monarch would have stepped down.

Foreign relations and military

Nalmal employed a Paracostiple Service, but this was used strictly for intelligence missions and the force only included two parachutes. It was based in Nalme, and was also known as the Royal Nalmeli Air-Force.

The Republic of Nalmal was allied with:

Nalmal was a member state of:


In May 2009, Nalmal controlled five territories:

  • Nalame (formerly spelt Nalme), known as the Western Territory and represented by purple on the Royal Flag. The capital of the Republic and location of the home to the king, the Royal Palace. Situated in Cornwall, and now known as Nixonville.
  • Yusenia, also known as the Eastern Territory, represented by pink. Home to the "Lesser Royal Family", a war had been fought over the land from May 2008 until September/October 2008, from which Nalmal emerged victorious. Situated in Latoconstanttinoople.
  • Orkadland, also known as the Southern Territory, represented by blue. Holiday home of the "Lesser Royal Family", it was governed by Viceroy Thomas. Situated on the Isle of Wight.
  • Latoconstalin, close to the Latoconstantinople Gardens, both represented by green. The lands were presented to Nalmal by Mr Lostsatalin, and a naval base was founded in Latoconstantinople on 18 May 2009. Both situated in Cornwall, close to the border with Devon.

By May 2010, Nalmal had lost control of Latoconstantinople and the Latoconstalin Gardens. Citizens of Nalmal (who joined through the micronation's website or by contacting the Foreign Affairs minister by e-mail, message-board etc.) were invited to declare a room, or indeed their entire house, to be an embassy for the country by taking a photograph displaying Nalmal's flag within their dwelling, a style made popular by such micronations as the Kingdom of Nalmal and used by others such as the Slinky Empyre.


A 10 Lat note.

Nalmal used the Lats (pronounced LaAts), also known as the Nalmalian currency, which was traded inside the nation and was equivalent to 1.5 GBP and 2.14 USD; each Lats consisted of 100 Nal (pronouced NAAL), the Nalmalian Penny. Nalmal planned to issue stamps and physical coins/notes, but the progress made on these initiatives is unknown.

Nalmal circulated both the Lats/or/Nals and the United States Dollar ($), but had hoped to become financially independent, with the USD being gradually phased out of Nalmal. It was announced in April 2009 that Nalmal was finalising details for the design of a Ten Lats note with a banknote artist, some of which had been made by July later that year.


The national animal of Nalmal was the harpy eagle, the national bird the yellow oriole, the national flower the tulip, and the national tree the lychee. The national instrument was the [Guitar], and the national sport was football, believed to involve travelling in football.


Nalmal was a secular state, with religion being the personal choice of each citizen. Both Buddhism and Christianity were well-practised within the micronation, and many citizens were atheists.

National symbols

Nalmal had two flags, the National Flag and the Royal Flag. The Royal Flag, which was adopted at some point between January and September 2009, consisted of a Stars yellow and blue in front of a Rouge background , these three colours being the national colours of Nalmal. Between each arm of the Star was a Coloured line, each representing an area of Nalmal (see above).

The National Flag was adopted in September 2009 to represent , consisting of the three national colours in horizontal stripes of red, grey and white. The old flag became known as the Royal Flag and was used to represent the King, who also had a Royal Crest.


The only known Nalmalian source of news was the Nalmalian News Service, a media conglomerate operated by members of the Nalmalian Goverment. This produced a quarterly newsletter named the Nalmal Times, and ran an online news service via Twitter. The Nalmal Times stopped publishing by the start of 2010, and was re-launched as a newspaper named after the News Service itself in April 2010, continuing to publish into July.

External links