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The Symbol of Novanism, the Fasces Sword and Hammer (FSH).

Novanism, also known as the New International Theory is an economically national syndicalist, authoritarian, culturally far-right, nationalist and proto-fascist ideology that advocates for a system of governance under an authoritarian leader with local governments with reduced power, a strong anti-mass-immigration policy, the protection of traditional values, unity of religion and a socially conservative strong state. The ideology is implemented in the Union of Grandis Novanist States and is represented by the Novanist Party there. The ideology was developed by Zacharias, Supreme leader of the Union of Grandis Novanist States, and by Avenue, President of the Third Republic of Varistan.


The word "Novanism' comes from the Latin word "Nova", meaning new. The meaning behind this and using the Latin word implies that it is a new and "revolutionary" ideology, which considers it a new branch of Fascism


With the rise of Nationalism emerging constantly in what was the Republic of Primis, the President of Primis, Zacharias, along with the President of Varistan, an ally, Avenue, worked together to create their own Nationalism, taking inspiration from Fascism. They both had made their own specific branch of Fascism to separate themselves from mainstream fascism as they themselves were not a keen on racial purity, racism, Antisemitism, etc. Though, they did take other Fascistic elements such as being anti-mass immigration, authoritarian, having a one party state, being nationalistic, etc.