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Free Republic of Maoburg
Autonomous Republic
Anthem: Wishing Chairman Mao a boundless longevity!
Country Ruskajista
Established29 July 2023
Liberated by Ruskajista14. June 2024
 • GovernorAlexander Mai (SUP)
 • Total1

Maoburg is an Autonomous Republic of Ruskajista. It was formerly known as Snowden but then liberated after the fall of the Commonwealth of Faltree and therefore annexed and turned into an Autonomous Republic. It was first established 19 August 2021 by Connor Shaw.


Maoburg is named after the Chinese Politician and former Leader of the Chinese Communist Party Mao Zedong.

Geography and climate

Maoburg is notable for being on average the coldest part of Ruskajista with an average low of -12 degrees Celsius (10 degrees Fahrenheit) in January. The city is also the highest in elevation in the entirerty of Ruskajista, being 2,986 feet above sea level.