Draft:Creedom of shellasia

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The Semi Constitutional Confederation Of kingdoms The united empire of shellasia-gib
this is the flag of the creedom of shellasia
Coat of arms of Example
Coat of arms
Motto: "Hoc exemplum adservans titulum"
"This motto is an example"
Anthem: "National anthem"
Territories of Example
Territories of Example
LocationFakeville, United States
  • 45.45% shellpol
  • 54.55% other
Governmentsemi-consitutional monarchy
• cree
Oliver verdine
• prime minister
Jai Wormwald
• founding
22 sep 2022
• Constitution ratified
yet to hapen
Currencyshellasian yoda
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy

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The Republic of Example, more commonly known as Example, is a micronation in {region}... The first paragraph should contain relevant information about location, significant subdivisions, and a brief history.

The second paragraph should give a brief overview of the nation's politics and governance.

The third paragraph should give an overview of the nation's relation to the broader micronational movement and the nation's foreign policy.


the name "The Semi-Constitutional Confederation Of Kingdoms The Creedom Of Shellasia" has many parts to unpack and describe the origins of the following is a list of each part •"semi-constitutional" This quote describes how the freedom is a semi-constitutional monarchy with the holy cree having some power to keep the government in check •"Confederation of kingdoms" was chosen to highlight how the freedom is made up of various kingdoms each with there own monarch, these function similarly to counties of provinces •"creedom" was chosen as it directly translates to domain of the cree (similar to kingdom or empire) this is because the creedom would in English be referred to as an empire with cree referring to emperor due to how the position is (as well as head of state) king of the other kings meaning they are the king of kings or emperor •"shellasia" was chosen because it translates to land of the shell people similar to how England means land of the Anglos


The Creedom of Shellasia has had almost a year of rich history including 2 coups

The first coup

After a while the holy cree decided to hold the first election, After various votes finally it got to the last 2 people Jai and Jasmin, It was public knowledge that Jai would be the obvious winner but much to everyone's surprise Jasmin won by one vote making jai the shadow prime minister, for some unknown reason the then prime minister jasmin decided to declare a coup d'etat the same day she was sworn in minutes later Jai declaring his support meaning both were dismissed for treason, the holy Cree out of shock declared an absolute monarchy after 5 minutes he decides that a better cause of action is finding a replacement eventually deciding on Arjun who was prime minister up until long after the Jasmin and jai's surrender eventually being voted out and replaced by jay.

The second coup

The Creedom was running well and calmly but there was one problem, there was no economy, so the holy Cree decided to start a stock exchange for some of the newly founded companies, after searching then Prince Nick put himself forward to run it, Nick then joined the army along with then prime minister Dylan who quit at this time they both joined on the condition king heir general josh would declare a coup d'etat a fact the king heir profusely Denise, when hearing of this the holy Cree dismissed nick from the stock exchange this annoyed the former prince, later the holy cree would not be able to be present for any government business on a day it just so happened nick was planning the to finalise the coup and remove the Cree, it was public knowledge because previously everyone nick had added to the group chat (apart from the king heir who had to be asked about it) gave evidence to the Cree, after a warrant to apera to court was given to nick he repeatedly attempted to loose his citizenship eventually refusing to attend trial or send a representative he had his citizenship revoked due to the reasoning he was too insane to stand proper trial also having too little knowledge of the shellasian legal system.

Politics and government

Insert a brief description of your nation's government, its parts, and their functions.

Early government

The Creedom of Shellasia has had various forms of government but all (bar five minuets of absolute monarchy) have been some form of semi constitutional monarchy


the holy Cree is the semi-constitutional emperor of the Creedom and has few official powers but there are 3 main jobs


the holy Cree has the ability to veto any laws at 2 stages of their passing.


It is the holy Cree's job to end a draw in one of the two houses.

hold a vote

it is the Cree's job to declare the beginning of a vote and then swear in the prime minister.

{Head of government}

Explain the powers and abilities of your nation's head of government. Title it after the head of government, such as anyone second in command to the head of state. Again, no need to include "The."


If your nation has a legislative branch, explain its function and structure here, titling the section with the name of the legislative body.

Use ====Level 4 headings==== for the upper and lower houses or chambers.

Political parties

Explain the background or history of the political parties in the state, and any guidelines or regulations regarding them. For the table, you can add or remove as many columns for the number of seats as needed. It is advised that you sample the colors for the table from the party logo.

Logo Name Party Leader Spectrum Ideologies Lower House Upper House Cabinet
Example Party EXM
0 / 3
0 / 10
0 / 5

Law and order

Insert information about the nation's judicial system and/or law enforcement.


Insert brief information about the structure of the nation's military, its branches, the weaponry used, and notable conflicts the nation was involved in.


If your nation has ministries managing certain fields, explain them here under ==== Level 4 headings.==== Some information to include might be the powers that the ministry has, the history of ministries in the nation, etc. For example:

Ministry of Example

The ministry of example is responsible for {task} and {task} in the Example Republic. It was established on 20 April 2022 under the Ministry Act to manage [certain aspect of the nation].

Foreign relations

Provide a general overview of the nation's foreign policy and its involvement in sectors, organizations, etc.

Provided below is an example of a list of relations with other nations and organizations. You do not strictly have to recognize these exact nations, the following list is only an example. For more information on flag icons, see {{flag}}, {{flaglist}} {{flagicon}}, and {{flagicon image}}.

Unilateral recognition

  • MicroWiki:NPG All Example Alliance member states
  •  Example

Mutual recognition

Recognition refused

Formerly recognized

You do not need this section unless your micronation recognized a now-defunct state. Format this list like the other three above.

Administrative regions

the creedom of Shellasia can generally be subdivided into two main subdivisions, kingdoms and territories. A kingdom functions similarly to a county and has its own king, the kingdoms can have their own constitutions and governments but must all appoint a representative to the central Shellasian government, a territories on the other hand has no monarch bar the holy cree themself and have no representative of the territories but can vote in the national elections, territories are mad territories for various reasons generally because they are sites of important that shouldn't be controlled by an individual kingdom or problems would arise.

Flag Arms/Seal/Emblem
Name Area Population king representative
shellasia minor 1 King Josh
burtonia 4 King Myles
capital area 1 cree oliver verdine

Geography and climate

This is an example of a picture in your article. Pictures make an article look a lot better, more informative & more interesting. Ideally, images should not be larger than 200 pixels in width.

Use this section to write about the terrain, climate, weather, and location of your micronation. A good template for listing annual temperature data is {{Weather box}}.


Insert fiscal information, such as the micronation's exports, imports, and industries. You can briefly discuss the micronation's currency but that should generally be kept in a separate article.


Insert information about the micronation's holidays, customs, education, spoken languages, arts, the press, and television here.


It is recommended to use the following table for holidays:

Date Name Remarks
1 January first day of the year the first day in the Shelasian calendar.
31 December last day of the year the last day in the Shelasian calendar.
22 September founding day the day the Creedome was founded in the year 2022.
25 august pankake day a day was chosen to celebrate the simplicity of everything mainly by eating pancakes due to their simplicity

royal family

the royal family is headed by the holy cree and all of its close members take on the family name of verdine

See also

Related pages, in a bulleted list. DO NOT include links to categories, articles of allied nations, or pages already linked in the article.


Only include this section if using {{Efn}} notes, otherwise, omit in entirely. This section should only contain {{Notelist}}


This section should only contain {{Reflist}}, if references are used in the article. Otherwise, omit this section entirely.

External links

External links are for, well, links to external sites. If you are a new editor, you must have at least five edits to be able to add external links. These can include your nation's official site, citizenship application, and social media links. Links should be added in a bulleted list, for example:

Make sure to add relevant categories to your article to aid in sorting and navigation for readers. While they may appear in a single line here, they must be in an unbulleted list when viewed in source.

[[Category:{short name of micronation}]] [[Category:Micronations in {country}]] [[Category:Micronations in {state or other subdivision, if applicable, otherwise do not include this category}]] [[Category:Micronations established in {year}]]