Confederation of Alliances

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Confederation of Alliances, CoA


vertical flag
Coat of arms
Motto: "Fratres duos Imperium" (Latin: two Brothers, one Empire)
Anthem: "Taiyo no March"
File:Europe, Antarctica
and largest city
Official languagesGerman, English
Establishment17th of March 2021
• Census
7 (as of 2021)
Time zoneMEZ, UTC

The Confederation of Alliances, more commonly known as the Confederation, is a micronation with territory in Europe and Antarctica (which is not yet recognized by the international community). It declared its independence in 2021 and is socially, but not officially, divided into the "Shadow Alliance" and the "Brotherhod of Helios". Politically, the CoA is a military dictatorship, which is lead by the country's Head of State and General. Citizens can take action by reporting an issue or suggestion to the General, who can then decide to take it to one of 3 councils, even though the General can always decide in the end. International relationships are few due to the country's young age, however the General has expressed his will to get into contact with other (Micro-)Nations. Even though it calls itself a confederation, it is a federation, though the General insists on calling it a confederation because it "sounds way better".


The "Confederation of Alliances" stands for the two "Alliances" (the "Shadow Alliance" and the "Brotherhood of Helios"), who together make up almost all of the country's population.


Since the CoA is still a new Country, it doesn't have much of a history yet. The most important days in its history are the day it declared independence (17 March 2021) and the day the Government & the Constitution were reformed (20 March 2021).

Politics and government

Political System

The CoA is lead by its General and Head of State, who chose to temporarily remain anonymus. He theoretically has the power to decide on almost everything, however usually he lets one of three councils, whose participants are determined by military rank, decide on the topic (the "Offiziersrat", which is exclusively for citizens with a military rank on par with or above the lieutenant, the "erweiterter Offiziersrat" which is for citizens ranked on par with or higher than Sergeant and the "Volksrat" which is for all citizens, unless they have been explicitly expelled from the "Volksrat" or any other council by the General or a representative).

Foreign relations

Foreign relations are few, but expanding them is currently being planned.


Due to the obligatry military service, the country has a relatively big military compared to its population, which is highly armed, the standard weapon being a nerf gun. Naval assets include but are not limited to an inflatable boat and multiple ships made out of paper. A person's military rank is quite important, for example it can determine how much a person can get involved in politics.

Geography and climate

Given most of the population lives on or nearby the territory in Germany (located inside a House near Frankfurt), most citizens live under normal european living conditions on relatively flat terrain and usual middle-european climate. The territory on Antrctica (the formerly unclaimed part of Antarctica between 90°W and 150°W and stretching from the southpole to 60°S), is part of the earth's biggest desert and constantly covered in snow and ice, making it mostly uninhabitable.


Currently there are no significant industries in the CoA, making the country's GDP practicially 0. Thus, most citiztens rely on Germany, which is the country's only European neighbour, when it comes to income.

Culture and media

National anthem

The national anthem was chosen by the General because he liked the sound of it, not because he wanted to show anything with it. The CoA is not related to imperial Japan in any way.

See also


External links
