Comission of the Bucharest Union

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The Comission of the Bucharest Union

Comisia Uniunii Bucurestene
II° Legislature
Coat of arms or logo
President of the Comission
Petcu Adrian
Seats33 Appointed Ministries
Nominal Appeal (electronic)
Ballot Voting
Last election
Meeting place
The Palace of the Bucharest Parliament, Dante, Titan

The Bucharest Comission of the Bucharest Union (BC) is the executive branch of the Bucharest Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the BU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the BU. Commissioners swear an oath at the Bucharest Court of Justice (CBJJIJ) in Hamburg, pledging to respect the treaties and to be completely independent in carrying out their duties during their mandate. The Commissioners are proposed by the Council of the Bucharest Union, on the basis of suggestions made by the national governments, and then appointed by the Bucharest Council after the approval of the Bucharest Parliament.

Brief History

The Bucharest Comission is a new concept that evolved from the institution of the President of the Bucharest Union that was divided into the President of the Bucharest Union (IIIrd Legislature), the President of the Bucharest Comission (IInd Legislature), the Council of Presidents (Ist Legislature). This assured that the Union will have the democratic range assured and could continue as best as it could from the Political point of view.

First Years

The first years of this institutions wore controvertial because of the context of the political system from those years.