Cat's Republic of the Catalian Islands

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Cat's Republic of the Catalian Islands
Coat of arms
Motto: "Clawing for Equality, Purring for Solidarity!"
Anthem: "National anthem" Unity of Cat's Alike
The Catalian Islands
LocationFakeville, United States
Largest cityPurrma
Official languagesMeowlish
Ethnic groups
  • 100% Cat
  • 0% Human
  • 100% Kittyism
GovernmentUnitary Meowist one-party Socialist State
• President
Keeley Lee Lee
• Vice President
Alexandra Koltivar
• Premier
Klaudine Meowthra
• Chairman of the National Cat's Congress
Erva Leando
LegislatureNational Cat's Congress
from the United States
• Independence
1st January 2024
• Constitution ratified
• Estimate
• 2024 census
GDP (PPP)2024 estimate
• Total
8 trillion Meowbucks
Time zoneUTC-8 (PST)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd/mm/yy
Driving sideright
Calling code+1

The Cat's Republic of the Catalian Islands, located in the Brothers Alaska, is a unique island micronation founded on the principles of Meowism, a feline-centric ideology blending elements of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and the innovative ideas of its visionary leader, President Keeley Lee Lee. Meowism, inspired by Maoism, empowers the stray cat population to govern the nation. Led by President Keeley Lee Lee, the Cat's Republic operates under a distinct socio-political framework where feline citizens play a pivotal role in shaping the government's decisions. While the micronation's history remains unexplored in this brief introduction, the Cat's Republic of the Catalian Islands stands as a testament to the intersection of political ideology and feline governance.


The term "Catalian Islands" is a portmanteau of "Cat" and "Catalan," symbolizing the integral role of feline citizens and the geographical inspiration from the Catalan region.


The history of the Cat's Republic of the Catalian Islands traces its roots back to a feline pioneer named Graycie May, whose discontent with life under the United States sparked a remarkable journey toward self-governance. On the 15th of January 2022, Graycie May, accompanied by a band of 50 like-minded cats, embarked on a sailing expedition from Los Angeles to Alaska, seeking a refuge from the challenges faced by stray feline communities. The expedition culminated in the discovery of the Brothers in Alaska, where they boldly declared independence, establishing the Republic of the Catalian Islands. Cities were erected, roads laid, and a new nation began to take shape. However, the initial euphoria was tempered by a persistent issue in Meowvar, where stray cats still roamed the streets without shelter. Despite the efforts of the newly formed government, led by Graycie May as the President, the plight of these felines remained unaddressed.

Amidst these challenges, a group of revolutionary stray cats named Paws Unite emerged on the 11th of October 2023, attempting to bring change. Their revolution, however, met with failure, leaving the status quo unchanged.Tragedy struck on the 14th of November 2023, with the untimely passing of President Graycie May. In the wake of her demise and before scheduled elections, Keeley Lee Lee, leader of Paws Unite, seized the opportunity to assume control of the government. Under her leadership, the nation witnessed a transformation, as Keeley Lee Lee initiated policies that brought an end to the era of stray cats in Meowvar.

The Catalian Islands underwent a significant shift, with a more inclusive and free society emerging, marking a departure from the initial challenges faced by the nation. The streets were no longer the domain of stray cats, and the citizens embraced city life under the leadership of Keeley Lee Lee, forging a new chapter in the history of the Cat's Republic of the Catalian Islands.

Politics and government

Early government

The early government of the Cat's Republic was characterized by the pioneering efforts of Graycie May, the founding feline leader. In the absence of a structured system, the initial focus was on nation-building and establishing basic infrastructure in the newly claimed Brothers Alaska.

{Head of state}

As the Head of State, President Keeley Lee Lee holds the highest office in the Cat's Republic. Her powers and abilities include overseeing the general welfare of the nation, representing the Catalian Islands in diplomatic matters, and serving as the ceremonial figurehead. While her role is influential, actual governance decisions are often a collaborative effort with other key leaders.

{Head of government}

The Vice President, Alexandra Koltivar, serves as the Head of Government in the Cat's Republic. Alexandra works closely with President Keeley Lee Lee to implement policies, manage day-to-day affairs, and represents the government domestically. This dual leadership structure ensures a balance of power and comprehensive decision-making.


The legislative branch of the Cat's Republic is the National Cat's Congress, composed of two chambers:

Political parties

Explain the background or history of the political parties in the state, and any guidelines or regulations regarding them. For the table, you can add or remove as many columns for the number of seats as needed. It is advised that you sample the colors for the table from the party logo.

Logo Name Party Leader Spectrum Ideologies Lower House Upper House Cabinet
Example Party EXM
0 / 3
0 / 10
0 / 5

Law and order

Insert information about the nation's judicial system and/or law enforcement.


Insert brief information about the structure of the nation's military, its branches, the weaponry used, and notable conflicts the nation was involved in.


If your nation has ministries managing certain fields, explain them here under ==== Level 4 headings.==== Some information to include might be the powers that the ministry has, the history of ministries in the nation, etc. For example:

Ministry of Example

The ministry of example is responsible for {task} and {task} in the Example Republic. It was established on 20 April 2022 under the Ministry Act to manage [certain aspect of the nation].

Foreign relations

Provide a general overview of the nation's foreign policy and its involvement in sectors, organizations, etc.

Provided below is an example of a list of relations with other nations and organizations. You do not strictly have to recognize these exact nations, the following list is only an example. For more information on flag icons, see {{flag}}, {{flaglist}} {{flagicon}}, and {{flagicon image}}.

Unilateral recognition

  • MicroWiki:NPG All Example Alliance member states
  •  Example

Mutual recognition

Recognition refused

Formerly recognized

You do not need this section unless your micronation recognized a now-defunct state. Format this list like the other three above.

Administrative regions

Explain your nation's claim system, and the various types of constituencies your nation may have, for example, the difference between a district and a territory. It is preferred that you do not discuss each constituency in this section. Instead, the names of each constituency in the table should be linked to their own separate articles. You can add and remove columns as you wish, but generally, include fields for the flags (which should be kept small, at most 100px wide (less if more rows listed) and have a border), name, and important fields such as area, population, governor and/or representative (or equivalent position). You do not need to include a column for a seal, flag, or coat of arms for each constituency if it they do not have one.

Flag Arms/Seal/Emblem
Name Area Population Officials
Example District
Second Example District
{Second type of constituency}
Example Territory
Second Example Territory

Geography and climate

This is an example of a picture in your article. Pictures make an article look a lot better, more informative & more interesting. Ideally, images should not be larger than 200 pixels in width.

Use this section to write about the terrain, climate, weather, and location of your micronation. A good template for listing annual temperature data is {{Weather box}}.


Insert fiscal information, such as the micronation's exports, imports, and industries. You can briefly discuss the micronation's currency but that should generally be kept in a separate article.


Insert information about the micronation's holidays, customs, education, spoken languages, arts, the press, and television here.


It is recommended to use the following table for holidays:

Date Name Remarks
1 January Unix Epoch Time day A day honoring Unix time since the beginning of the Unix epoch on 1 January 1970.

See also

Related pages, in a bulleted list. DO NOT include links to categories, articles of allied nations, or pages already linked in the article.


Only include this section if using {{Efn}} notes, otherwise, omit in entirely. This section should only contain {{Notelist}}


This section should only contain {{Reflist}}, if references are used in the article. Otherwise, omit this section entirely.

External links

External links are for, well, links to external sites. If you are a new editor, you must have at least five edits to be able to add external links. These can include your nation's official site, citizenship application, and social media links. Links should be added in a bulleted list, for example:

Make sure to add relevant categories to your article to aid in sorting and navigation for readers. While they may appear in a single line here, they must be in an unbulleted list when viewed in source.

[[Category:{short name of micronation}]] [[Category:Micronations in {country}]] [[Category:Micronations in {state or other subdivision, if applicable, otherwise do not include this category}]] [[Category:Micronations established in {year}]]