Brush-Off Campaign

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The Brush-Off (Ez: Ghauroucsalei; Nr: Børsten Av; Ru: Отмахнуться), June-September 2023, was a campaign of the Co-operative Government of the Easwegian Common Union, launched in the second year of Easway's Common Renewal Period, which aims to safeguard Easway from corruption, inactivity and extremist elements; namely jingoists, autocrats and collaborators of the anti-Easwegian sovereignty terrorist organisation known as Kingdom - 1925. Launched under the direction of Grand Councillor Emizerri in co-operation with the National Electoral Commission and Supreme Court, the Brush Off officially began on 12 June 2023 when Don Cho was assigned Directing-Chief of Unified Home Force's Section for Political Cohesion (UNIHOF-SPC).


Mass government review began back in August 2022 through the nationwide Administrative and Resource Maximisation Plan (ARM Plan). This eased financial burdens onset through global conflicts, streamlined democratic processes and enacted civil service, judicial, tax and economic reform. Largely seen as a success, different visions were proposed for a successor plan, discussed in the unexpectedly brutal December 2022 election, between incumbent Emizerri and then leader of the Mutualist Ouroboros Party Etch. Emizerri won a sixth term with 75% of the vote. Etch resigned from politics in response, but stayed on as a judge in the High Court he helped reform. Then General Secretary of the Mutualist Ouroboros Party Hellmut was set to become Chief Justice in the new year, although Hellmut pulled out of this arraignment and left the Mutualist Ouroboros Party once his term as Marquis ended on 1 January.

The federal legislature initiated Emizerri's successor Common Development Plan on 10 January 2023.

The February Emergency

Throughout January and early February, high judge Etch fell into conflict with Alderman Gaia and President Metalli, who wished to deactivate his party which saw no new leader, and reported his activity to the National Electoral Spokesperson due to making transphobic and anti-Pomors comments in a public manner. The Grand Office was tipped off on 7 February that Etch may have met with members of the terrorist group Kingdom - 1925. The Easwegian Secret Service, the Eschgau, responded by secretly monitoring Etch's activities.

In the late evening of 11 February, using internet forums, Etch publicly shared highly classified documents of the Easwegian government he had obtained in his capacity as high judge. These were quickly suppressed by the Easwegian Government. Etch also publicly denounced Grand Councillor Emizerri. In the message, he is quoted as saying "I sacrifice my life in the name of truth against tyranny."

The next day, Grand Councillor Emizerri responded by calling an emergency session of the Imperative Council. This resulted in the activation of a state of national emergency for the remainder of the month, due to the breakdown of the functionality of the High Court. This action was given a green light by the National Electoral Spokesperson Teireet, who recommended the matter be dealt with through constitutional powers. President Metalli called a meeting of the federal assembly, where Etch was charged by the assembly with treason for sharing highly confidential documents on a public forum. Etch responded to the charges by publicly calling to his remaining supporters saying "I call on the Easwegians to topple this corrupt government, we must break the invisible ceiling that is Emizerri's leadership, by force if necessary. History will see me as a patriot."

The Imperative Council announces a period of declared national emergency - February 2023

Coinciding with the announcement of a national emergency, Emizerri made a speech to the Easwegian people, assuring people that Etch would face fair justice in a reorganised functional High Court, mocked an image posted by Etch which compared Etch to Augustus Caesar, and Emizerri also thanked the public for the democratic faith entrusted in himself.

The federal assembly unanimously voted to impeach Etch from his duties as high judge on 13 February 2023. Ad hoc representing the Easwegian Police Agency and High Court, Aleksou Desourre delivered a long speech the same day, assuring the Easwegian people that Easway would not falter, no matter the obstacles faced or the treachery delivered upon the nation. Change was promised. Through Chapter 5, Section 55 of the Constitution of Easway, Etch was ordered under arrest, although it was found he had just fled the country following the expected impeachment.

List of Those Affected

  • 07/07/23, Prefect of Greater Herwighamna and Leader of the Revolutionary Party of Easway Confetticon - Confetticon led the Revolutionary Party of Easway, a self-described communist party, although used as a vessel for Stalinist propaganda and extremist anti-religious and anti-ethnic sentiment. The party was placed under supervision by the National Electoral Commission on the 30 May 2023. The NEC after investigation sent a report of its activities, including defence of ethnic genocide on 26 June 2023, which was responded by the Chief Justice of the High Court of Justice the same day. Summoned to court on the 29 June, he refused to turn up and was remanded into custody the following day in contempt of court, of which he spent the weekend. Confetticon appeared at the High Court on Tuesday 6 July. On the 7 July 2023, the High Court unanimously sentenced the Revolutionary Party of Easway to be proscribed and banned Confetticon from Easwegian politics. One week later, the disgraced Confetticon sent a rambling to Grand Councillor Emizerri through Director Syri, which began with "Hi retard I fucking hate you like anything I wish to never cross paths with you ever." He went on to defend the impeached Etch, told Grand Councillor Emizerri to kill himself and defended the ethnic cleansing campaigns and genocides which occurred by the Soviet government under Stalin by quoting minority terror groups of the day, failing to recognise that the majority of groups victim to the Stalin's genocide opposed and fought against the minority groups Confetticon was quoting. Confetticon's entire speech was played to the United Common Assembly to roaring laughter and mockery.
  • 19/07/23, Former Director of Public Works on the Pomors Frontier Husky - Husky was sentenced by the Supreme Court on 19 July 2023 on the charges of repeatedly sending unsolicited messages to various people within Easway, which had came to light the previous year and had been pending since. He was banned from Easwegian politics.
  • 19/07/23, Former Consul-General to Poland Koziorek - Koziorek, a former ally of Grand Councillor Emizerri, had fallen out of favour since speaking about his support of anti religious extremist deities in the name of Baal, which led to his dismissal as Consul-General the previous year. Since then, the Supreme Court had charged him against the Act on the Prohibition of Extremist with talk of world domination in the name of Easway in a mission against religions, namely Christianity organisations and peoples. Koziorek was sentenced to be banned from Easwegian politics.
  • 31/07/23 Consul-General to Taiwan Benfield - Removed by the Grand Office from his duties due to inactivity.
  • 08/08/23 Lilith of Babalon - An aspiring cult leader spreading the branch of the occult Thelema known as Babalon, Lilith was exiled by the courts for promoting Stalinist despotism and negating ethnic genocides and massacres.