Battle of Khateeshkiy

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The Battle of Khateeshkiy Wells was a rapid and intense battle fought with BB guns, airsoft, Nerf, water balloons, drones, RC vehicles, and a machete was illegally used by a neo-Nazi. The battle was fought between the Islamic Sultanate of Qarsherskiy's 7337 Corps on one side and the FSB (Federated States of Bombenfein neo-Nazi group) on the other side. Qarsherskiy was assisted by American volunteers and the Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates. Qarsherskiy won. The Islamic Sultanate of Qarsherskiy started the battle by burning down several F.S.B. owned log forts in the woods at the following coordinates: 37.164020, -76.494458

The Islamic Sultanate of Qarsherskiy was attempting to gain control of a tunnel under Denbigh Boulevard between Newport News and York County in Virginia USA in order to gain full control of the Xariatul-Bakh Trade Routes and make it easier for Qarsherskiyan merchants to cross Denbigh without jay walking or coming close to speeding cars. In order to secure the tunnel, Qarsherskiyan government forces needed to destroy some neo-Nazi bases from their enemy, the federated States of Bombenfein, who had built bases mere feet away from the tunnel and constructed these forts and bases out of logs and fabric and deployed several guards. According to verifiable sources (both sides agreed on exactly what happened and admit this), at 1:32 AM Qarsherskiy's Shi'a and Sunni backed, inclusive brigade, the 7337 Corp, stormed the area of woods near the tunnel and Denbigh Boulevard and entered the area of the F.S.B. bases and proclaimed "Get out, neo-Nazis, so we don't burn you!" and set fire to the bases and forts until they burned completely away. Then, at 2:35 AM Qarsherskiyan drones flew overhead and dumped water buckets to put out the controlled burns. At 3:07 AM, F.S.B. neo-Nazis who had been chased off had regrouped and came back with reinforcements. A massive clash known as the Battle of Khateeshkiy Well broke out and on one side was the Federated States of Bombenfein (FSB neo-Nazis) and on the other side was The Islamic Sultanate of Qarsherskiy (mainly 7337 Corps), the Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates, and American volunteers. Under the command of Sultan 'Ali himself, the Qarsherskiyan side charged into the main temple of the Christian White Supremacists of the federated States of Bombenfein, smashing statues of Jesus (peace be upon Him) and yelling "No to idolatry, worship God only!" F.S.B. neo-Nazis were alarmed and one angry man broke the rules and got a lethal weapon instead of a nerf of water balloon. The man from the FSB charged forwards through the blackness of the night and the brush with a machete but was tackled by Hussein, an important commander for Qarsherskiy. The Qarsherskiy Swamp Pirates seized the wells of Khateeshkiy and raided and sacked the neo-Nazis temple. American volunteers chased the neo-Nazis away with BBs and Nerf darts "filling the sky like rain" and "glowing since they were tracer rounds." FSB neo-Nazis surrendered and lost access to the tunnel and all parties retreated.