Bascal Malay

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Bascal Malay
Base Melayu Baska
بهاس ملايو بسكل
Native toState of Bascal
Native speakers
L1: 7
L2: 20
Official status
Official language in
State of Bascal
Regulated byGovernment of Bascal
Language codes
ISO 639-3None

Bascal Malay (Malay: Bahasa Melayu Baskal; Bascal Malay: Base Melayu Baska; Jawi: بهاس ملايو بسكل; or Bascalian) is an Austronesian language indigenous to the State of Bascal. It is also the national language and have the official status as one of the official languages of Bascal along with Malay. It is also a national language and served as a major lingua franca in the country and is spoken to almost 20 people of which only 7 used it as a first language. Even though the official name is Bascal Malay, Most people preferred to call it Terengganu Malay because of it's historical connections to the State of Terengganu. The major differences between Bascal Malay and Terengganu Malay is Bascal Malay adopted more loanwords from Kelantanese (sister language of Terengganuan) and it has a standard writing system. It is related but unintelligible to Standard Malay and Indonesian.


Standard Malay Bascal Malay English
tidak larat dokghok tired
melampau nebéng overreacting
kamu mung you
tidak dok no
iklan ngépéng or éklang commercial
bagaimana guane how
serabut bolok headache
tidak sempat dok dang late (I am late for work)

EN: I don't understand.

  • Saya tak faham langsung

= Ambe/Saye dok pahang lasóng or Ambe/Saye dok pahang staghang baghoh

EN: What are you doing ?

  • Apa yang kau buat ni ?

= Mung wak mende éh ?

EN: This is too much, stop doing that.

  • Ini dah melebih-lebih, jangan buat macam tu.

= Ni do'oh lalu doh ning, jangang/doksoh/béng wak gitu

Writing systems of Bascal Malay

Bascal Malay has three main writing systems which is Jawi (Arabic), Rumi (Latin) and Bascalian, an indigenous script for Bascal Malay. Bascal Malay Latin alphabet has a total of 30 letters, Compared to Standard Malay which has 26. The Jawi alphabet are based on Arabic alphabet with few modifications.

Bascal Malay has 8 vowels compared to standard Malay which has 6 vowels. Bascal Malay are the only Malayan language to have a diacritics on it's letters. Other languages such as Malay, Banjarese and Minangkabau did not use diacritics when writing.

Bascal Malay Rumi


Bascal Malay Jawi

ا‎ ب‎ ت ة ث‎ چ‎ د‎ ذ‎ ر‎ ز‎ س‎ ش‎ ص‎ ض‎ ط‎ ظ‎ ع‎ غ‎ ڠ‎ ف‎ ڤ‎ ق‎ ک‎ ݢ‎ ل‎ م‎ ن‎ و‎ ۏ‎ ه‎ ي‎ ڽ‎ ء‎ أ إ‎ ئ‎ لا‎

Bascalian script


Letter English Approximation
A as A in Father
B as B in Boy
C as CH in Chalk
D as D in Duck
E as E in open
É as E in red
È as EY in Hey
F as F in Fun
G as G in Globe
GH similar to German and French R sound
H as H in House
I as EE in feet
J as J in Joy
K as K in Kit and also a glottal stop
L as L in Lorry
M as M in Man
N as N in Nice
O as A in Ball
Ó as O in Host
P as P in Pen
Q as Q in Quarter
R Silent letter (Like how the British say Car)
S as S in Snow
T as T in Toilet
U as OO in Zoo
V as V in Vulture
W as W in Whale
X as X in X-ray
Y as Y in You
Z as Z in Zebra (it pronounce as "zed")


Pronunciation of Bascal Malay is similar to it's mother language Terengganuan Malay and Pattani-Kelantanese Malay. It differs only slightly with Pattani-Kelantanese Malay.

Pronunciation /a/ followed by a nasal consonant changes to /ŋ/ ayam ايم ('chicken') becomes ayang; makan ماكن (to eat) becomes makang

/a/ at the end of syllables changes to /ɔʔ/ minta مينتا ('to ask') becomes mitok

/ah/ changes /ɔh/ rumah رومه ('house') becomes rumoh

/a/ changes to /ə/ saya ساي ('I') becomes saye

/i/ changes to /iŋ/ sini سيني ('here') becomes sining

/ua/ changes to /ɔ/ buaya بواسو ('crocodile') becomes boye

/aj/ becomes /aː/ sungai سوڠاي ('river') becomes sunga

/aw/ becomes /a/ pisau ڤيساو ('knife') changes to pisa

/ia/ before a nasal vowel changes to = /ijaŋ/ siam سيام ('Siam') becomes siyang

/ia/ changes to /ɛ/ biasa بياسا ('once') becomes bese

/s/ and /f/ at the end of syllables changes to /h/ malas مالس ('lazy') changes to malah

/m/ and /n/ at the end of syllables changes to /ŋ/ hakim حاكيم (judge) changes to hakeng

/r/ changes to /ʀ/ orang اورڠ ('person') becomes oghang

final consonants are often only pronounced as a glottal stop. bukit بوكيت ('hill') becomes buke’ (bukiʔ) words are distinguished between lengthened initial consonant. It usually replaced with "K" like bukek.

bulang ('moon') vs. bːulang ('many months'); katok ('to strike') vs. kːatok ('frog'); siku ('elbow') vs. sːiku ('hand tool')

Numbers in Bascal Malay

On the left in bold is Bascal Malay and on the right is Standard Malay.

  • 1 - Se -Satu
  • 2 - Duwe - Dua
  • 3 - Tige - Tiga
  • 4 - Pak - Empat
  • 5 - Lime - Lima
  • 6 - Nang - Enam
  • 7 - Tujóh - Tujuh
  • 8 - Lapang - Lapan
  • 9 - Smilang - Sembilan
  • 10 - Spulóh - Sepuluh
  • 100 - Seghatóh - Seratus
  • 1000 - Seghibu - Seribu
  • 1000 000 - Sjuta - Sejuta

Bascal Malay Phrasebook

1. How are you - Ape Kabo (polite) or Guane Gamok (informal)

2. Fine - Ambe séhak/Kabo baèk

3. My Name is - Name ambe/aku/saye ______

4. I am happy to meet you - Ambe/Aku/Saye gembighe dapak jupe nge mung/awok/deme

5. Thank you- Mmasèh/Teghime Kasèh

6. Yes - Ye(polite)/Ho(informal)

7. No - Dok

8. Good Morning - Slamak Pagi

9. Good Afternoon - Slamak Tengohaghi

10. Good Evening - Slamak Petang

11. Good Night - Slamak Malang(malang also means bad luck, the difference is the "a" sounding, maalang (bad luck), malaang (night)).

Universal declaration of human rights

Standard Malay Bascal Malay English
Semua manusia dilahirkan bebas dan samarata dari segi maruah dan hak-hak. Mereka mempunyai pemikiran dan perasaan hati dan hendaklah bertindak di antara satu sama lain dengan semangat persaudaraan. Sume maknusie lahèy bébah dang sameghate daghi segi maghuoh dang hok-hok. Setiak maknusie bulèh mmikèy dang ade peghasa'ang ati dang hendoklah ttindok antaghe satu same laèng dengang smangak pesaudaghe'ang. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

ISO 639-3

Bascal Malay did not have ISO 693-3 code, but use the Micronational Linguist Code "bml". It's parent language Terengganuan also did not have ISO 693-3 code but with a Linguist List Code "zlm-coa". Kelantanese, a language recognised by the State use ISO 693-3 code "mfa", similar to Pattani Malay.

See also