BHH Cycle

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The BHH Cycle (abbreviated to BHC) is one of the five modern mythological cycles of Glastieven mythology. Chronologically the last cycle in the mythological narrative, the BHH Cycle takes place mostly in the 16th century New Era (NE) and is set in a highly futuristic and advanced world that is portrayed through science fiction, science fantasy and cyberpunk. In the BHH Cycle, humanity has existed for over a thousand years as an interplanetary civilisation divided into different species-nations, each of which has its own political system and genetic 'species' of human. The main characters of the modern BHH Cycle are Ciarraí Teagwyn Kavanah, Rosaline Elluna, Ajax Inuta Krassen, Orka Fyfån, and Raven Olympia; collectively, these heroes comprise the Fourth Army.

The BHH Cycle is the oldest modern cycle of Glastieven mythology and has been a setting for roleplays, stories, and worldbuilding continuously since November 2015. It has its roots in the Oburron Cycle (2014–16) and Black Hole Hulk (2012-14), which along with the BHH Cycle are collectively referred to as BHH and represent the oldest part of the mythology.