Assemble Nationale Des Union Kalifornien

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National Assembly of the Unions of Kalifornia
Assemble Nationale Des Union Kalifornien
Split fromDemokratische und Nationale Frontpartei
SloganLes Ailes de Kalifornie

Assemble Nationale Des Union Kalifornien (ANUK) is a political party founded on December 15, 2023, within the New Californian Reich (NCR). The party, led by Quentin, holds a distinct position in the micronation's political landscape, focusing on representation in the Assembly and participation in the Prime Ministerial elections.

Mission and Goals

ANUK is dedicated to promoting the interests and concerns of the citizens of the New Californian Reich. Its primary objectives include:

Assembly Representation

ANUK seeks to secure a significant presence in the Assembly, representing the diverse voices and opinions within the micronation.

Prime Ministerial Elections

The party actively participates in the elections for the position of Prime Minister, aiming to contribute to the leadership and governance of the NCR.

Party Structure

ANUK operates with a structured hierarchy to effectively pursue its goals:


Since its establishment, ANUK may have achieved milestones in terms of party growth, influence in the Assembly, or successful participation in Prime Ministerial elections. Details of specific achievements would be outlined based on the party's historical contributions.

Electoral Participation

ANUK actively engages in elections, both for Assembly seats and the position of Prime Minister. The party's campaigns focus on presenting comprehensive platforms that resonate with the NCR's citizens.

Party Owner - Quentin

Quentin, as the founder and leader of ANUK, plays a pivotal role in shaping the party's vision and strategies. His leadership style and commitment to the party's goals contribute to ANUK's overall influence and success.

Current Status

ANUK's current status, including its representation in the Assembly, participation in elections, and any recent developments, reflects the party's ongoing impact within the NCR's political landscape.