Amalgamated Territory of Friends

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The Amalgamated Territories of Friends
Motto: Together we are happy. Kune ni estas feliĉaj
Official languagesEnglish, Esperanto,
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchical Democratic Republic
• King
Avery Hotchkiss
• Declared
June 1st, 2016
• Total
[convert: invalid number]
• Estimate
Time zoneFriendly time -6 GMT (does not observe daylight savings)
Calling codeArea code 608

The Amalgamated Territories of Friends (Esperanto: La Amalgamitaj Teritorioj de Amikoj) is a micronation founded in 2016, and declaring its independence on June 1. It was created by His Majesty King Avery Hotchkiss, who is the current King of the Amalgamated Territories of Friends. They are located in and around the city of Madison Wisconsin.


The word "amalgamated" means "combined or united to form one organization or structure." The Amalgamated Territories of Friends is a collection of friends that have united together to form a new micro-nation.

Government and Politics

The government of The Amalgamated Territories of Friends is split into four different branches. Those branches are The Monarchical Branch, The Congressional Branch, The Supreme Court, and The People. The job of the King and the Monarchical Branch is to insure that the ideals in the constitution are followed through with. They also make sure that the government is not corrupted by big money. The Congressional Branch elected officials that write the budget and all laws but do not have any more voting power than the people. The Supreme Court is all elected officials that make sure the laws passed are constitutional. The People vote on everything that Congress does. They elect the Congressmen and the Court Justices. They are the most important part of the government.

His Majesty King Avery Hotchkiss of The Amalgamated Territories of Friends is 15 years old. He was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin. He speaks both of our nations languages, English and Esperanto. He wrote the constitution and has established the fundamentals that will run our great nation for the rest of its existence.

Law and Order

The Supreme Court is all elected officials that make sure the laws passed by the people are constitutional. The People vote on everything that Congress does. They elect the Congressmen and the Court Justices. They are the most important part of the government.


Constitution of The Amalgamated Territories of Friends

Article 1: Bill of Rights
1.All persons have the freedom of speech, press, expression, and religion.
2.All persons shall have the right to arm bears. Bears don't kill people arms kill people... get it?
3.All persons shall be secure in their property unless there is a real threat.
4.All persons have the right to do anything to their body as long as it has no affect on others.
5.No military force shall be organized unless at a time of war.
6.The Constitution of The Amalgamated Territories may be amended with a majority in all branches of government but The Monarchical.
Article 2: List of Noes
1.No persons over the age of 13 shall be denied the right to vote.
2.No political parties shall be formed.
3.No caucusing is allowed among government officials.
4.No election shall have more than two persons running. If more primary will be held.
5.No persons over the age of 18 shall not vote.
6.No product that is producing a profit for any persons shall be pushed on you by the government.
7.No person under the age of 18 shall be forced to pay annual tax.
8.No killing!
9.No rape!
10.No owning people!
Article 3: The Monarchical Branch
1.The king shall not at any time over power the people.
2.The king has the right to appoint any ministers if need be.
3.The king may call for a recall election if he feels an elected official is not doing his/her job correctly.
4.If the king calls for a recall the people and the third branch must approve.
5.The king shall not vote on any laws but may propose them to congress who may amend it and call for a vote by the people.
6.The King shan't have a say in if the Constitution is amended.
7.The King may propose constitutional amendments.
8.If nobody runs for an elected seat the king may appoint a person.
Article 4: The Congressional Branch
1.Members of congress shall not have any more voting power on bills than any other citizen.
2.Until the date of June Fifteenth 2018 there shall be five Congressmen. This number may be changed by the king after that date.
3.Elections shall be every two years for congress.
4.A Congressman shall not be in office over
5.When a person becomes a citizen they are randomly placed in a voting sector.
6.If unbalanced in population the Supreme Court may change what sector people are in without any knowledge of voting record.
7.A candidate may only run in his appointed sector.
Article 5: Supreme Court
1.Justices shall not have any more voting power than the normal citizen.
2.Until June Fifteenth 2020 there shall be 3 Justices. This number may be changed by the king after that date.
3.Elections shall be every four years.
4.A Justice shall not run again in his lifetime.
5.The Supreme Court may overturn a bill if it does not follow the constitution.
6.There are different voting sectors than for Congress but they are random.
7.Sectors may be changed by Congress if unbalanced in population.
8.A ruling by the supreme court may be overturned if all other branches vote to overturn said ruling.
Article 6: The People
1.The people shall always be the most powerful branch of the government.
2.The people vote in any and all elected officials unless nobody runs.
3.The people vote on all laws drafted by congress and approved by the Supreme Court
4.The people may get a petition signed by an appropriate percent of the people to hold a recall election for an elected official.
5.If the people have a 75% majority and a congressman willing to draft the change they can call for an amendment to the constitution.
6.After the year 2050 the people may decide to replace the Monarchical branch with a Presidential branch with a majority of 60%
7.If the people feel the King has overstepped his abilities guaranteed in the Constitution he may be voted out with a majority of 80% and replaced with a president.
8.To hold an election to overthrow the King 80% of congress must approve and 60% of the Supreme Court.

Foreign relations

At this point there have been no foreign relations between The Amalgamated Territories of Friends and any other nation or micro-nation. His Majesty King Avery Hotchkiss has banned Donald Trump from the country and said if he is elected president they may need to consider war with the U.S.


The Amalgamated Territories of Friends are many different territories thought Dane County Wisconsin. The size of these territories varies from single rooms in buildings to large plots of land. The Capital is in the bedroom of the king in the small town of Verona right outside Madison. Most of the territories however on the west side of Madison. We would like to make it clear all people who declare any of their property part of The Amalgamated Territories of Friends still do need to pay their taxes because our children do still go to American schools and we use American roads. We are always looking to expand so if you are a citizen and would like to declare your land a part of our nation please email our minister of expansion. To do so just click on the contact tab.


The two official languages of The Amalgamated Territories of Friends are English and Esperanto. To become a citizen you need to at least speak one of these languages. The majority of citizens do not however speak Esperanto. To change that we have created the Esperanto Academy free to all citizens to help them learn. We have adopted Esperanto because we love to promote world peace and Esperanto was created for just that purpose. We ask all representatives in Congress and the Supreme Court to take our course if they do not speak Esperanto. A key piece of the culture also is that in our country we are all friendly happy people who want to fight for freedom and equality together.


The website of The Amalgamated Territories of Friends was launched on the 24th of April 2016 and consists of information about the country, how to become a citizen, why to become a citizen, full news source, and much more. The Website is