Alphain War

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Alphain War for Independance
Date : 20/03/2022 - 31/03/2022
Result : Fall of Brestand, Alphain and Staatskreig
Government for Liberation of Alphain Republic of Brestand

Republic of Staatskreig

Principalty of Neustria

Republic of Thefernus

Before the War

Before the War, the Absolute Kingdom of Alphain was an simple micro nation. After the tentative of the putsch of Thermidor (14 october 2021), the Alphain declare war on the Brestand. After this capitulation of Alphain, Brestand place an occupation government in Alphain. On the 4 January 2022, the Alphain try to conquer his lands back. The New-Entente declare war on the Alphain and they capitulated, the treaty to make the peace give all lands to Staatskreig and the Brestand.

Start of the War

The Alphain War for Independance is an war who take place in discord. The Supreme Leader Sri.Neary declare war on Brestand and Staatskreig who are occuped the Alphain territory since the New-Entente Reconciliation. So, the 21/03/2022 the Supreme Leader of the Government for Liberation of Alphain after can't have negociaions with Brestand and Staatskreig declare war on they.

Act of declaration of war.

On the 22 March, 2 day after the declaration of war, in 8:00pm the Republic of Brestand start an raid on the discord server of Alphain. After this the Republic of Thefernus declare war on Alphain. The Neustria help the Brestand and Staatskreig.

An way to peace

On the 24 March, so 4 days after the start of the war, the President of Brestand Thermidor want to make an cease fire with Alphain. The communicated of the declaration was write in handwritten and no taped on an computer. The Supreme Leader Sri.Neary actually don't give an response to the Thermidor's call.

The next day, the Alphain Government give his response and it's no. The Brestand will have an "memorable revenge".

The End.

In the end of the war, the Alphain Government make and raid on the Staatskreig Server. The Republic of Staatskreig falling in this raid. The Republic of Brestand have an raid too, the Brestand fall too to make the Republic of Bourges. The Alphain Government fall with Staatskreig and Brestand.