Calvinist State - Eva Braun Empire War

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Calvinist State - Eva Braun Empire War
Date5 November, 2021 - 11 November, 2021
Result • Ceasefire declared by the Eva Braun Empire
• Withdrawal from the war by the Eva Braun Empire
• Victory declared by the Calvinist State
Calvinist State Eva Braun Empire
Commanders and leaders
Johannes Calvinus Luke Braun

The Calvinist State - Eva Braun Empire War, also known as the Reformed - Braun War or the Micronation War of Religion was a short-lived political conflict between the Calvinist State and the Eva Braun Empire that lasted from 5 November, 2021 to 11 November, 2021. The conflict was started by the Eva Braun Empire and won by the Calvinist State.

Timeline of the war

- 4 November, 2021: Johannes Calvinus, the President of the Calvinist State sends a warning to kaiser Luke Braun of the Eva Braun Empire. The warning is about a self-founded, and, according to Johannes Calvinus heretical church that was founded by the kaiser of the Eva Braun Empire. According to Johannes Calvinus, the Eva Braun Jewish-Christian Church, as it is called, is unbiblical and has nothing to do with real Christianity, as it is mainly focussed on the veneration of Eva Braun, the wife of German dictator Adolf Hitler. Therefore, Johannes Calvinus call on kaiser Braun to disband this church.

- 5 November, 2021: Luke Braun posts a video on the Eva Braun Empire Youtube channel, announcing that the Eva Braun Empire declares war on the Calvinist State for calling the Eva Braun Jewish-Christian Church false and heretical. Johannes Calvinus sees the video but is not impressed and announces that the Calvinist State doesn't care about the war, stating that "Even if the entire micronational world declares war on us, they will never be able to reach our country". He announces that he will recognize the war declaration as a declaration of cold war instead of a regular war. Kaiser Luke Braun calls for the Eva Braun Knight Order to fight against the Calvinist State, with the use of cyber attacks.

- 6 November, 2021: The Eva Braun Empire attempts their first cyber attack on the government YouTube channel of the Calvinist State. The aim is to leave as many spam comments as possible so that Keyboard Calvinist would become frustrated due to the spam and beg for peace. However, Johannes Calvinus was already prepared even weeks before the war started and had already put the comments on YouTube on hold for review, meaning that all comments posted on the governmental Youtube channel first have to be approved before being shown in the comment section. This marks a failed first attack by the Eva Braun Empire. A few hours later, the Eva Braun Empire tries again. Another attempt is made to spam the government channel. Again, without success because of the same reason. After this second failed attack, the Eva Braun Empire doesn't try to attack a third time on this day.

- 11 November, 2021: After 4 days of silence from both sides, where no new attacks happened by the Eva Braun Empire, kaiser Luke Braun declares a ceasefire and withdraws the Eva Braun Empire from the conflict. Johannes Calvinus declares victory for the Calvinist State, and declares a shameful and humiliating defeat for the Eva Braun Empire. Kaiser Luke Braun recognizes his defeat and recognizes the Calvinist State as victor of the war. This marks the official end of the war. Johannes Calvinus decides to declare November 11 as Lazy Victory Day, the day on which the Calvinist State defeated the Eva Braun Empire without taking any action.

- 2 January, 2024: More than 2 years after the war, Johannes Calvinus announces that he will officialy recognize the conflict as a real war instead of a cold war, like he did for the past 2 years since the end of the war. Reason is the attempted but failed cyber attacks by the Eva Braun Empire during the war, which wouldn't happened if it was only a cold war. He continues to recognize November 11 as Lazy Victory Day, as the Calvinist State still won the war, even if the country it didn't attacked the Eva Braun Empire or their social media platforms themselves.