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Kingdom of Neustria (EN)
Royaume de Neustrie (FR)
Coat of arms
Motto: "Souveraineté, Démocratie, Unité" (Sovereignty, Democracy, Unity)
Land of the Kingdom of Neustria
Official languagesFrench
GovernmentConstitutionnal monarchy and direct democracy
• King
Stanislas 1st of Neustria
LegislatureThe Citizen's Chamber
Establishment29 June 2021
• Census
70 (9 February 2024)
Time zoneCET (Central European Time)
This micronation is a member of the Congress of stability of democracies 2024


The Old Era of Orelia

Flag of Orelia

The 29th June 2021, the Principality of Orelia was created by Arnaud-Justin the First. "The Vic" helped the Prince Arnaud-Justin the First to make an good Micronation. But Orelia was unstable and this nation fell 11 days after its creation, on July 10, 2021.


The History of Neustria and the New Era

Vacant Era

On February 11, 2022, it is decided of the refoundation of Orelia, under the name of Neustria, and in fact, of the refoundation of a new Nesutrian state. A Constitution will be written and finished on February 26, 2022, and the laws will be written the next day, on February 27, 2022.

Quickly, Neustria is growing, the next day, February 28, 2022, there is the first neustrian citizen other than Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st registered at the civil status. A few days later, Neustria decides to continue to make itself heard at the international level, in particular by depositing its candidature to the Organization of the French-speaking Micronations United on March 1, 2022, which will be accepted on March 4, 2022, it is the same day that Neustria will accept the charter of the OMFU. Neustria will officially join SMO on March 13, 2022.

But on March 14, 2022, an unfortunate event will hit Neustria hard: while the micronational world is in a tense period where wars are taking place, Neustria is raided. But Neustria will recover from this attack and will continue its strategy to be known internationally, it will obtain a treaty of mutual recognition with the Republic of Nim on March 23, 2022. From April 2022, the inactivity of the Prince of Neustria is felt and the Neustrians suffer from this inactivity since the micronation is in a state of agony.

From April 2022 to the beginning of June 2022, Neustria does not move and dies little by little. In June 2022, the Prince expresses his will to organize elections to elect a Prime Minister. The president of the National-Democratic Party Wilfrid Orochi will be candidate but a few days after the deposit of his candidacy, this one will withdraw it, judging the democratic debate not up to the level, because of the remarks of his adversary Alphonse Ferrero who will qualify him of neo-Nazi and ultra-nationalist.

Alphonse Ferrero, being the only candidate, the elections do not take place and Neustria continues on the same inactivity from June 2022 to August 2022. But in August 2022, more and more threats of exclusions of Neustria from the international because of its inactivity are made. Wilfrid Orochi then reapplies on August 12, 2022. On August 15, 2022, Mathieu de la Forêt was appointed First Councilor.

A centrist named Leo (leader of the Rally towards Democracy) presents himself, but a few days later, Alphonse Ferrero announces to withdraw his candidacy to support Leo in order to block the national-democrat candidate, but this one also withdraws his candidacy a few days later because of scandals revealed by Wilfrid Orochi (request for alliances to his opponents, contradictory words and other affairs which are a burden for the centrist candidate).

Three minutes after this withdrawal, Alphonse Ferrero resubmits his candidacy in order to block Wilfrid Orochi, but refuses to present any program even though the National Democratic Party, which invests Wilfrid Orochi, presents a complete program of several pages. Despite attempts at foreign pressure against the candidate Wilfrid Orochi, the elections took place anyway and the Neustrians elected Wilfrid Orochi as Prime Minister with a score of 62.50% and a historically high turnout of 72.73%.

Orochist Era

Constitutionnal Review

The new Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi quickly presented himself as a Man of Iron, who would give nothing away, especially to the left-wing opposition.

And this face, he showed it from the first reform of his mandate, which is the heart of his program: the constitutional revision of Neustria. He believes that as it is, Neustria is ungovernable, and that it is necessary to withdraw royal power to give more to the people.

He presents his constitutional revision to the Council of State, which refuses it with 50% of the votes, but does not want to give anything up, he appoints Tristan Biard general secretary of the Internal Security and the Protection of the People and makes again a vote to the Council of State for the constitutional reform in the identical way (since he does not wish to give anything up of this constitutional revision) which adopts it this time with 66,67% of the votes the 26th August 2022

He must now present this constitutional reform to the OMFU, but this one having been condemned to the OMFU cannot accede to it and asks that his condemnation is lifted, the general assembly votes in favor of the lifting of his condemnation with 66,67% of the votes. He presents his constitutional revision to the assembly, which accepts it unanimously the 29-31 august 2022.

To complete and definitively adopt this reform, he organized a referendum the 1st september 2022 which he won with 57.14% for, 28.57% against and 14.29% who voted blank. The participation rate was satisfactory, despite the doubts of the opposition, since it was 70%.

The Cold War with Brestand

The bisexuality of the Prime Minister disturbs, in particular the King of Brestand, an authoritarian regime, this one "condemns the election of the Prime Minister of the Principality of Neustria", that he qualifies of "criminal infected by the LGBT ideology" and this one asks for the resignation of the Prime Minister on August 28th, 2022.

Wilfrid Orochi, the concerned, answers immediately to the polemical remarks of Brestand: "YES, I love women AND men and YES what is in my bed does not concern him. [...] in power, I have never acted for or against the so-called LGBT+ community. He called Brestand's comments "a horror".

The Neustrian Prime Minister immediately receives the support of Fiera, Frocenos or Jaïlavera. The left-wing opposition led by Leo initially supports Brestand, but is forced to backtrack due to the controversy that this support has created, and apologizes to the Prime Minister, who does not accept the apology.

The escalation of tensions continues, the micronations reinforce their security, Wilfrid Orochi does not put any additional security in place because he says he is not "afraid of Brestand", and he does not want to give in to the fear that Brestand is trying to create, which has threatened to make Neustria suffer "a unique and memorable retaliation in history", which allows the escalation of tensions. The Neustrian Prime Minister recalls his position as an iron man and reminds us that he is ready to go further if Neustria's interests are attacked, and he has called the King of Brestand "a big mouth, small balls".

Brestand continued its provocations by banning homosexuality on its soil on August 30, 2022, but the Prime Minister of Neustria refused to react and on September 4, 2022, Brestand announced that it was "deploying its numerical forces" in order to carry out "military exercises. Again, Wilfrid Orochi refused to give anything up, even though Neustria had suffered an attempted attack by the "Praetorian United States", which had been thwarted, the day before.

Since August 29, 2022, the Prime Minister of Neustria has not made any speeches about Brestand and has not even mentioned the subject, and since September 4, 2022, the situation has stabilized between the two micronations.

The Coup of the 7 September

On September 2, 2022, Wilfrid Orochi's revised constitution was adopted, but Prince Arnaud-Justin I, who was absent, did not apply it. It is then asked that the First Councillor, in accordance with the Constitution, applies it, which he refuses even though he had voted against and tried to obstruct this constitutional revision.

Wilfrid Orochi asks to be able to apply this constitutional revision because because of the inaction of the First Counselor Mathieu de la Forêt, the Neustrian institutions are at a standstill. Tensions between the Prime Minister and the First Councillor are increasing, even as a far-left party is being formed and is attempting to spread the influence of the communist Jailavera in Neustria.

On September 7, 2022, Mathieu de la Forêt, Léopold Deuff and Thermidor Dufferandais (under the false name of "Pierre Brodor") unconstitutionally proclaimed a Council of Regency, which took over all powers, annulled the Neustrian referendums and removed all power from Wilfrid Orochi's government. The legitimate government then creates a new official digital space for Neustria (which will continue as the official Neustrian digital space thereafter).

There are now two Neustrias: an authoritarian, extremist Neustria, and a nationalist, democratic Neustria. On the return of Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st, on September 8, 2022, the putschists gave up their coup d'état, having been cornered by successive acknowledgements from the micronational world in favor of Wilfrid Orochi's legitimate government. They were subsequently prosecuted by the Neustrian courts for their actions. The digital space of the legitimate government will then become the official digital space of the Principality of Neustria.

Neustria at the center of the reorganisation of the inter-micronational

On 9 September 2022, the Secretary General of the Organisation des Micronations Francophones Unies or OFMU Noah Lampenois, an organisation in which Neustria is a member state, resigned in the face of harsh criticism from Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi.

Despite his resignation, the Prime Minister of Neustria, Wilfrid Orochi, threatens to kill him and banishes anyone who criticises him. Neustria threatens to leave the OMFU, the president of the Republic of Fiera Rocco Venti intervenes and attacks Lampenois' OMFU, Lampenois is then dismissed.

Following this event, the Republic of Collumie and its colony Slorkatie left the organisation. An internal election was organised, won by the Prime Minister of Neustria Wilfrid Orochi, against the candidate of the People's Republic of Dirtybiologistan Karma Spencer, with 66.67% of the votes, on 21 September 2022.

Despite the shift to the extreme left of the Republic of Bourges, with whom Neustria was to have a mutual recognition treaty, Neustria is increasing its diplomatic power, with the achievement of a mutual recognition treaty with Aulpanne on 24 September 2022 and with the Kingdom of Gier on 29 September 2022.

The Principality of Neustria will lead the negotiations for a new OFMU Charter, which Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi will obtain in less than a month. The organisation will then be renamed UCFM (Union de Coopération des Micronations Francophones), and Wilfrid Orochi will shorten the duration of his mandate so that he will exercise this mandate until Wilfrid Orochi at 23:59.

Neustria against the far left and the far right

The Republic of Fiera, the best ally of the Principality of Neustria, which has recently elected a far-left president Zakuma Diem, announces that it wants to get closer to Crisardie, Jaïlavera and Fronecos, three dictatorial far-left nations with which the Principality of Neustria is in a cold war. Wilfrid Orochi then announces that the Principality of Neustria breaks the Neustria-Fiera mutual independence guarantee treaty, put in place during the presidency of Rocco Venti.

A consul from the People's Republic of Dirtybiologistan, bitter about the defeat of their candidate for the OMFU General Secretariat, threatens the territorial integrity of the Principality of Neustria on 26 September 2022. The Kingdom of Bordan will do the same on the same day by publicly supporting the fascist Staatskreig and the Kingdom of Brestand. A Neustria-Brestand war then began, won by the Principality of Neustria on 4 October 2022, resulting in the total annexation of the Brestanian territories by the Principality of Neustria.

On 10 October 2022, Fiera-Neustria relations worsen further following the unjustified accusation by the President of the Republic of Fiera against Neustria of "a series of hostile acts that constitute serious interference". The Prime Minister of Neustria then announces that the Fiera-Neustria treaty of mutual independence will not be redone and : "Let the President of the Republic of Fiera preside instead of throwing around bogus accusations, which degrade his ties with the nation that was his best ally. Let him not forget that the Fierians and the Neustrians are close peoples, who would not accept such actions from the Fiera government, and who would not accept the end of the economic and cultural collaboration that binds our two nations.

On 3 November 2022, Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi refuses the appeasement treaty proposed by the Kingdom of Fronecos, due to the repression of two Neustrians the day before.

On 5 November 2022, the Republic of Zergue, led by a radical left-wing, proposes a treaty of mutual recognition to the Principality of Neustria, Wilfrid Orochi will refuse it because he considers its leader Leo Vander unreliable, due to the revelation of hostile messages from Vander against a nation, which he made allied 3 days later (Fronecos).

On 11 November 2022, the former president of the Republic of Fiera Rocco Venti obtained Neustrian citizenship and created the far-right party "Christian Union - Liberal and Conservative", in secession from the National Democratic Party. He quickly criticised the Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi, to the point where he quickly resorted to misogynistic and homophobic insults towards some of them. He eventually left the Neustrian territory following complaints lodged against him by Wilfrid Orochi and by Maëlys Feierblumm. His party was reintegrated into the National Democratic Party on 19 November 2022.

On 15 November 2022, Neustria-Fiera relations reached their most catastrophic level since the opening of the latter following the announcement by the President of the Republic of Fiera to leave the UCMF. Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi then pointed out the suspicious links of the President of the Republic of Fiera with the communist dictatorship of Jaïlavera, and announced, in response, to propose a new constitutional revision for the Principality of Neustria and to draft a law on identity.

The unexpected Neustria-Collumia rapprochement

While the provisional president Enzo Demarle called the Prime Minister of Neustria Wilfrid Orochi names and made Neustria-Collumia relations the worst inter-micronational relations, on 16 October 2022, his candidate Maxence Antoine (already President of the Republic of Bourges) was defeated by Kolin Dakine, whom Wilfrid Orochi congratulated on his election the same day.

After some negotiations, and despite pressure from Enzo Demarle on the Collumian president, a treaty of mutual recognition between Neustria and Collumia was adopted on 5 November 2022. Enzo Demarle will end up integrating this non-hostile government to Neustria (an admission of weakness). On 15 November 2022, Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi will congratulate his Collumian counterpart Stanyslas Bouchon on his appointment.

Zergue pre-war: from escalation to rapprochement

On November 20, 2022, the Neustrian secret services discovered that the Neustrian citizen Nathan Maups was a false identity. He was Léo Vander, president of the Zergue, who had used this identity for espionage purposes against the Principality of Neustria. Wilfrid Orochi, who denounces them, is immediately imprisoned by the Zergue. The latter threatened to declare war, despite the support of the Kingdom of Fronecos for the Republic of Zergue. The standoff lasted just 24 hours, however, and the following day Zergue president Léo Vander publicly apologized and signed the Treaty of Zergue, a treaty of diplomatic and economic sanctions against Zergue. Should either party break the treaty, it specifies that the escalation to war between Neustria and Zergue may resume.

On December 5, 2022, the two micronations announce the organization of a joint cultural event on a winter theme.

Exit from the Lux Economic Zone

In November 2022, the Lux Central Bank, presided over by Enzo Demarle, refused to give Neustria the 30,000 Lux owed to it by virtue of the Neustrian population, for reasons of political tension with the Neustrian Prime Minister, Wilfrid Orochi. The Chambre Citoyenne neustrienne then decided to consider these 30,000 Lux as a debt owed by the LCB to Neustria, which was growing daily. Initially, Enzo Demarle decided to ignore. On December 19, 2022, Wilfrid Orochi announced that the debt had risen to 63396 Lux and threatened to take the money by force. In a speech 3 days later, he threatened to leave the Lux Economic Zone. On December 26, 2022, the Principality of Neustria decides to take the money owed to the Bank by force, i.e. 89,204 Lux. The following day, Enzo Demarle launches economic sanctions against Neustria, which have no effect on the latter.

Supported by Zergue president Léo Vander, who described the organization as "not very serious", the Principality of Neustria officially exits the Lux Economic Zone on January 1, 2023. This will leave only 3 member-states: Collumie, Gier and Zergue.

Brestand's return to the spotlight and the Congress of Stability of Democracies

On November 27, 2022, Victor Martins declared himself provisional president of Brestand, claiming to have deposed Brestand dictator Thermidor Dufferandais. On December 22, 2022, the regime claims to have elected Irène Fertmain as regent of Brestand. The Principality of Neustria congratulates the democratization but keeps its distance out of distrust. On December 29, 2022, Wilfrid Orochi publicly expresses his doubts and concerns about the authenticity of Brestanian democracy, as one of Brestand's ministers is named Pierre Brodor, who claims to be a National Socialist and is a false identity of Thermidor Dufferandais used against Neustria on September 26, 2022. On January 1, 2023, Brestand publishes a false declaration of Neustrian war against Fronecos, quickly denied by the Prime Minister. 5 days later, on January 6, 2023, Brestand decided to censor Wilfrid Orochi for 24 hours, then for 1 week from the following day.

On January 7, 2023, in response to the false declaration of war on January 1, 2023, at Wilfrid Orochi's initiative, Neustria, Zergue, Gier and Furaux form the Congress of Stability of Democracies. Brestand categorically refused to join at the outset. Collumie joined on January 8, 2023. Brestand changes its mind and wishes to join, as does Fronecos: both requests are refused by the President of the Congress of Democratic Stability. The five member-states sign the Treaty of Nisida Aspro on January 27, 2023, a historic diplomatic isolation treaty between Thermidor Dufferandais and Brestand, following the discovery by Neustrian intelligence that Irène Fertmain was a false identity of Thermidor Dufferandais and that this was the case for all Brestanians.

Neustrian-Fierian escalation

Three months after the rise in tension between Neustria and Fiera, linked to the emergence of the communist Zakuma Diem to power, on February 12, 2023, Wilfrid Orochi was convicted in a Fierian court by a partisan judge. As a result of this judgment, considered to be aimed at interfering in the election of the Prime Minister of Neustria. The Prime Minister then decided to deploy sanctions against Fiera, firstly by breaking the treaty of recognition linking Neustria to Fiera, and secondly by drawing up a treaty against Fiera at the Congress of Democratic Stability. The negotiations and their content remain unclear to this day, but it is known that Wilfrid Orochi has obtained the agreement of Collumie President Kolin Dakine and Furauxian President Hugo Perret to sign a treaty against Fiera. Gier's disagreement and Zergue's neutrality prevented the treaty from coming to fruition.

Consolidation of the Principality of Neustria at inter-micronational level

Two diplomatic treaties were signed in the space of two days: on February 18, 2023, a treaty of mutual recognition was signed between the Principality of Neustria and the Federal Union of Southerner, and on February 19, 2023, a treaty guaranteeing mutual independence was signed between the Principality of Neustria and the Kingdom of Gier.

On February 21, 2023, National Democrat Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi is re-elected by Neustrians at 66.67% (up from 62.50% last time) with a turnout of 85.71% (up from 72.73% last time), against Mathis Lebrun, whom he appoints as guardian of the laws.

From Cold War to military war against Communism and Nazism

On March 2, 2023, Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi was hit by a failed coup attempt, planned by Brestand. The following day, neo-Nazi demonstrations linked to the dismissal of Mathis Lebrun for failing to comply with the neutrality demanded of the guardians of the law took place, culminating in an attempted coup against Wilfrid Orochi, which again failed. The protests and coup were planned by the ex-president of Zergue, Léo Vander, who is willing to support the neo-Nazis because of his desire to get rid of the Treaty of Zergue once he is back in power.

On April 3, 2023, Gier King Jules 1st unleashed a crackdown on the relative national-democrat majority, immediately condemned by the Principality of Neustria, supported by the Union of Cooperation of Francophones Micronations. The government then backed down and pardoned the president of the National-Democratic Party of Gerona, whom it had wanted to condemn to life imprisonment under the influence of Gierois communists.

On April 18, 2023, on the eve of Léo Vander's Zergue's certain return to power, Wilfrid Orochi reveals a file from the Neustrian secret services, which indicates that Léo Vander was creating a weapon of digital destruction for use against Fiera and the Principality of Neustria. On April 19, 2023, Léo Vander, President-elect, announced his intention to break the Treaty of Zergue, thereby triggering a war between Neustria and Zergue: Wilfrid Orochi immediately initiated talks and negotiations, which Léo Vander ignored and even avoided.

Faced with the risk of war and Léo Vander's increasingly persistent threats, the Principality of Neustria signed a treaty guaranteeing mutual independence with the Furauxian Republic.

On May 1, 2023, Zergue had the personal data of Neustrian Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi stolen and published, condemned by himself, the Congress of Stability of Democracies, the Union of Cooperation of Francophones Micronations and all Neustrian allies. Its president, Léo Vander, even laughed at Wilfrid Orochi's tribute to the victims of the Second World War on May 8, 2023, and didn't hesitate to call him a "pig". Orochi continues to provoke Neustria and refuses to negotiate.

On May 12, 2023, Léo Vander resigned from office. The communist Bearinx became provisional president of the Republic of Zergue. Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi wanted to overthrow the Zergue government and start democratizing Zergue. However, he was given false information by his minister Rocco Venti to declare war, namely that the weapon Rocco Venti had been tasked with creating for this purpose would never be ready in time, even though it had already been ready for several weeks.

So, on May 13, 2023, the Principality of Neustria, supported by the Kingdom of Gier and the Furauxian Republic, launched a military intervention in Zergue and declared war on the Republic of Zergue. Within 19 minutes, the invasion was a success for the Principality of Neustria, which temporarily took control of Zergue's digital territory. On May 16, 2023, the Neustrian Protectorate of Zergue was established, Théo Ligniville was appointed President of the Provisional Council, and the following day, May 17, 2023, a peace treaty (known as the Second Treaty of Zergue), a treaty of mutual recognition and a treaty of guaranteeing mutual independence is signed by the Principality of Neustria and the Neustrian Protectorate of Zergue.

Foreign condemnations of Collumie and the FUS, attempting to deploy anti-neustrian sanctions, graze the Principality of Neustria. Kolin Dakine's Republic of Collumie went so far as to withdraw from the Treaty of Nisida Aspro, provoking the return of Thermidor Dufferandais to the micronational world just a few hours later, despite Wilfrid Orochi's expressed warning. Two separatist groups emerged from the creation of the Neustrian Protectorate of Zergue: the so-called Communist Republic of Zergue, led by the communist Bearinx, exiled to the Kingdom of Nurcimal, and the so-called Republic of Zergue, led by the neo-Nazi Enzo Vulpès.

On May 14, 2023, the Kingdom of Nurcimal unilaterally declares war on the Principality of Neustria. From May 19, 2023, Enzo Vulpès's separatist group and the so-called Participative Republic of Dibistan began attempting daily digital terrorist attacks against the Principality of Neustria. The terrorist attacks are abandoned on June 17, 2023, even though the Neustrian Protectorate of Zergue is still in place and normalizing. On September 2, 2023, after some talking between the prime minister Wilfrid Orochi and the king of Nurcimal Kéthan Hrabovszky, the Nurcimal war was stopped peacefully.

A Neustrian election of a thousand and one uncertainties

Just as the Neustrian election campaign is about to begin, on July 21, 2023, extremist terrorist attacks take place in the former Neustrian digital space. Initially claimed by Islamist terrorists, they were supported and joined by neo-Nazis, including Thermidor Dufferandais.

Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi, who wanted to start a succession process at the head of his party, finally decides to run for re-election as a token of stability. He faced the candidate of the Socialist Party of Neustria, Nicolas Meyer. The outgoing Prime Minister got off to a poor start in his election campaign, with his opponent polling at 40%, the highest score recorded for an opposition candidate in a poll for a year, with Alphonse Ferrero's 62.5% in August 2022.

Wilfrid Orochi regained the upper hand on security and institutional issues, and Nicolas Meyer fell back in the polls to 33.33%, compared with 66.67% for the outgoing Prime Minister. The latter waged a very right-wing campaign of distrust of foreign powers and exacerbated nationalism, highlighting his record over the past year. On August 21, 2023, Wilfrid Orochi was re-elected with a historic 83.33% of the vote (compared with 66.67% the previous time), against Nicolas Meyer's 16.67%. The turnout was 66.67% (compared with 85.71% last time).

From Principality to Kingdom

On August 26, 2023, Wilfrid Orochi appointed an Orochi IX Government, bringing together all the wings of his party. Stephan Rottmann, who appealed to the right wing of the National-Democratic Party and was formerly Guardians of the Laws, was appointed Minister of the Economy. Sam Eragon, who appeals to the centrist wing of the National-Democratic Party, is renamed Minister of Culture, while Nicolas Meyer, who appeals to the left wing of the NDP, is appointed Minister of Anti-Discrimination.

On the same day, in a referendum, Neustrians were asked to choose between a constitutional and democratic kingdom with increased powers for the monarch, a constitutional and democratic principality with minor modifications, a parliamentary republic and a presidential republic. Neustrians voted 60% in favor of a constitutional kingdom. Wilfrid Orochi and the Neustrian Citizens' Chamber then convened a Constituent Assembly starting August 28, 2023.

From August 28, 2023 to October 20, 2023, a series of measures were taken by the Constituent Assembly, which also adopted new codes and even a new Constitution, effective from October 21, 2023, to put an end to the Prince-less era experienced by the Principality of Neustria in early September 2022, from October 2022 to February 2023, and from April 2023 to October 2023.

On October 15, 2023, Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi announced his resignation, effective from October 21, 2023, so that Neustrians could elect their new monarch, who would appoint a new Prime Minister. However, from October 17, 2023 to October 20, 2023, Neustrians chose their new monarch from a list of all Neustrian citizens and brought Wilfrid Orochi to the Neustrian throne, under the name of Stanislas 1st of Neustria, with 75% of the vote. He accepted this election, as otherwise Neustria would have had neither a government nor a monarch by October 21, 2023. That's the beginning of the Kingdom of Neustria.

Politics and elections


Current parties

Here is the list of political parties still active in the Kingdom of Neustria :

Current parties in the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Logo of the party Political positionning Ideologies Seats in Citizen's Chamber Current status
National-Democratic Party
Center to right Democracy, socialism, nationalism, patriotism, OMFU-skepticism, secularism, anti-communism, moderate progressivism (with some conservatism)
4 / 16
Created the 18th june 2022 by Wilfrid Orochi. Prime Minister's Party from August 22, 2022 to September 7, 2022. Reformed the 8 September 2022.
Center to radical right Democracy, socialism, nationalism, patriotism, protectionnism, secularism, anti-communism, moderate progressivism (with some conservatism), Neustria first Reformed the 8 September 2022. Prime Minister's party from 22 August 2022 to 20 October 2023
Center to radical right Nationalism, democracy, patriotism, socialism, protectionism, secularism, anti-extremism, anti-communism, half-progressive, half-conservative, Neustria First Reformed on 10 November 2022 due to the merger with the Conservative Popular Front. Prime Minister's party from 22 August 2022 to 20 October 2023, Minister of Economy and Finances' Party from 22 February 2023 to 10 June 2023.
Center to radical right Nationalism, democracy, sovereignty, patriotism, socialism, economic protectionism, secularism, anti-extremism (anti-communism and anti-fascism), monarchist, half-progressive, half-conservative, Neustria First Reformed on 26 August 2023. Prime Minister's party from 22 August 2022 to 20 October 2023. King's party since 21 October 2023.
Center to radical right Nationalism, democracy, sovereignty, patriotism, socialism, economic protectionism, secularism, anti-extremism (anti-communism and anti-fascism), monarchist, half-progressive, half-conservative, Neustria First, neustrianism, neustrian traditionalism, interventionism, micronational pacifism Reformed the 19th February 2024. King's party since 21st October 2023. Prime Minister's party since 24 March 2024.
Patriotic Party
Extreme-left Patriotism, democracy, nationalism
1 / 16
Created on 4 march 2023 by Marvin Comete
Extreme-left Opposition to nationalism, defense of direct democracy and self-management, democracy, patriotism Reformed on March 7, 2023 by Marvin Comete
Neustrian Socialist Party
Center-left to left Socialism, progressism, opposition to nationalism, anti-communism, democracy, secularism, anti-religion, republicanism
2 / 16
Created the 4th August 2023 by Nicolas Meyer. Minister for the fight against discrimination's party from 26 August 2023 to 20 October 2023. Guardian of the Laws' party from 6 January 2024 to 17 February 2024.

Older parties

Here you will find a list of all parties that have been abolished or dissolved and therefore no longer exist:

Older parties in the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Logo of the party Political positionning Ideologies Others informations
Movement for the Progress of the Nation No archives Left Unknown Created the ??? by Emma de Normand
Social-Democratic Party ("Rally For Democracy" before) No archives Center No archives Created the 15th august 2022 by Leo. Reformed the 1 September 2022.
Center Europhilia, democracy, republicanism, progressism, liberalism, sovereignism, social-liberalism, third way, social-democracy Reformed the 1 September 2022. Dissolved the 7 Septembre 2022 by Leo.
Neustrian Communist Party
Left Communism, Marxist feminism, Marxism-Leninism, Leninism-Bolshevik (Trotskyism), Agrarian communism, Christian communism Created the 4th September 2022 by Leopold Deuff
Conservative Popular Front ("Popular Democratic Rally" before)
Center-right and right Christian democracy, liberal-conservatism, economic liberalism, conservatism, monarchism, sovereignism, ruralism, moderate Euroscepticism Created the 6th march 2022 by Alphonse Ferrero. Regent's Party from March 28, 2022 to April 1, 2022. President of the Chamber of Deputies' Party from the March 7, 2022 to April 3, 2022. Reformed the 18 June 2022.
Center-right to radical right Christian democracy, conservatism, nationalism, conservatism, monarchism, national-conservatism, liberal-conservatism, populism of right Reformed the 18 June 2022. Party merged with the National Democratic Party on 10 November 2022.
Christian Union - Liberal and Conservative
Right to radical right Micronational economic liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, sovereignism, patriotism, secularism with a defence of Christian origins and traditions and anti-Marxism Founded on 11 November 2022 by Rocco Venti. Party in secession from the National Democratic Party. Party that re-merges with the National Democratic Party on 19 November 2022.
National-Territorial Party of Neustria
Radical right Nationalism, territorialism, patriotism Created on 19 November 2022 by Cyriel Roynette. Dissolved on 16 March 2023 because there were no members in.
Liberal-National Party
Center right Pro-liberal monarchy, Oreloskepticism Created on 25 February 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont
Center left Pro-liberal monarchy, pro-social monarchy Reformed on March 6, 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont
Center left Pro-liberal monarchy, pro-social monarchy Reformed on March 19, 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont. Gardian of Laws' Party between 2 April 2023 and 21 April 2023. Dissolved on 1st July 2023 because there were no members in.
New Democrats
Center-left to center-right Humanism, democracy, progressivism, social liberalism, conformism, anti-extremism, secularism, radicalism Created the 31st October 2023 by Kenneth Nuuborg. Party merged with the National-Progressist Party the 3rd January 2024.
Progressive Patriotic Movement ("Neustrian National-Progressive Party" before)
Left to center-right Democracy, pro-welfare state, secularism, progressivism, anti-communism, socialism, nationalism, anti-extremism Created the 20th November 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont. Prime Minister's Party from December 28, 2023 to February 17, 2024.
Center-left to center-right Democracy, pro-welfare state, progressivism, anti-communism, socialism, nationalism, anti-extremism Reformed the 2nd January 2024 due to the merger with the New Democrats. Prime Minister's Party from December 28, 2023 to February 17, 2024.
Center-left to center-right Democracy, pro-welfare state, secularism, progressivism, anti-communism, socialism, patriotism, anti-extremism Reformed the 14th January 2024 by Ferdinand Dupont. Prime Minister's Party from December 28, 2023 to February 17, 2024.
Center-left to center-right Democracy, pro-welfare state, secularism, progressivism, anti-communism, socialism, patriotism, anti-extremism Reformed the 7th February 2024 by Ferdinand Dupont. Prime Minister's Party from December 28, 2023 to February 17, 2024. Party dissolved by Ferdinand Dupont the 18th February 2024.
International Development and Peace Party
Center Pacifism, globalism, liberalism, socialism, democracy, ecology Created the 20th February 2024 by Youri Sevostyanov.


Coalitions that have existed in the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the coalition Logo of the coalition Political positionning Coalition member parties Others informations
Neustrian Nationalist and Democratic Union
Left to radical right Neustrian National-Progressive Party

National-Democratic Party

Created the 24th December 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont and Stanislas 1st of Neustria. Dissolved the 9th January 2024 by Ferdinand Dupont. This right coalition has been made to win the neustrian general election of December 2023 against the Neustrian Socialist Party. Their candidate was Ferdinand Dupont, who won the election.


Elections of the Neustrian Prime Minister - August 2022

Election for Prime minister of Neustria - August 2022

Party Candidates % ±
National-Democratic Party Wilfrid Orochi 62,50% n/a
Conservative Popular Front Alphonse Ferrerro 37,50% n/a
Rally For Democracy Leo Vander Withdrew x
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 72,73% n/a

Referendum for the adoption of the Constitutionnal Review (1/09/22)

Referendum for Constitutionnal Review (1/09/22)

Votes % ±
For 57,14% n/a
Against 28,57% n/a
Blank vote 14,29% n/a
Total votes 100.00%
Elligble voters/turnout 70,00%

Elections for Prime Minister of Neustria - February 2023

Election for Prime minister of Neustria - February 2023

Party Candidates % ±
National-Democratic Party Wilfrid Orochi 66,67% +4,17%
No party Mathis Lebrun 33,33% n/a
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 85,71% +12,98%

Elections for Prime Minister of Neustria - August 2023

Election for Prime minister of Neustria - August 2023

Party Candidates % ±
National-Democratic Party Wilfrid Orochi 83,33% +16,66%
Neustrian Socialist Party Nicolas Meyer 16,67% n/a
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 66,67% -19,04%

Neustrian general elections - December 2023

Neustrian general elections - December 2023

Party Candidates % ±
Neustrian Nationalist and Democratic Union Ferdinand Dupont 55,56% -27,77%
Neustrian Socialist Party Nicolas Meyer 33,33% +16,66%
Blank vote 11,11% n/a
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 69,23% +2,56%

Neustrian general elections - March 2024

Election of the Prime minister

Neustrian general elections - March 2024

Party Candidates % ±
Neustrian National-Democratic Party Armando Marazzani 55,56% +0.00%
Neustrian Socialist Party Nicolas Meyer 33.33% +0.00%
International Peace and Development Party Youri Sevostyanov 11.11% n/a
Blank vote 0.00% -11.11%
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 64.29% -4.29%

Neustrian National-Democratic Party's primary

Neustrian National-Democratic Party's primary - March 2024

Function in Neustria Candidates % ±
No function in Neustria Armando Marazzani 85.71% n/a
Journalist in the foreign newspaper MicroNews Henri Giordanno 14.29% n/a
Blank vote 0.00% n/a
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout x x

Citizen consultation on the neustrian political regime

Neustrian general elections - March 2024
What political regime do you prefer for Neustria?

Regime % ±
Constitutional, parliamentary and democratic Kingdom (current Neustrian regime) 66.67% +6.67%
Parliamentary and democratic Republic 22.22% +2.22%
Semi-presidential democratic Republic 11.11% +11.11%
Constitutional, parliamentary and democratic principality 0.00% -20.00%
Blank vote 0.00% +0.00%
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 64.29% +8.73%

Citizen consultation on the exercise of royal power by Stanislas 1st of Neustria

Neustrian general elections - March 2024
Do you support the exercise of royal power by King Stanislas 1st of Neustria?

Votes % ±
Yes 77.78% n/a
No 11.11% n/a
Blank vote 11.11% n/a
Total votes 100.00%
Elligble voters/turnout 64.29%

Neustrian general elections - May 2024

Election of the Prime minister - First round (4 May 2024)

Neustrian general elections - May 2024
Election of the Prime minister - First round

Party Candidates % ±
Neustrian National-Democratic Party Liza Gora 50,00% -5,56%
Neustrian Socialist Party Nicolas Meyer 50,00% +16,67%
Blank vote 0.00% +0,00%
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 71,43% +7,14%

Election of the Prime minister - Second round (8 May 2024)

Neustrian general elections - May 2024
Election of the Prime minister - Second round

Party Candidates % ±
Neustrian National-Democratic Party Liza Gora 50,00% +0,00%
Neustrian Socialist Party Nicolas Meyer 50,00% +0,00%
Blank vote 0.00% +0,00%
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 71,43% +0,00%

Election of the Prime minister - Third round (12 May 2024)

Neustrian general elections - May 2024
Election of the Prime minister - Third round

Party Candidates % ±
Neustrian National-Democratic Party Liza Gora x x
Neustrian Socialist Party Nicolas Meyer x x
Blank vote x x
Total votes 100.00% n/a
Elligble voters/turnout 71,43% x

Governance (with details)


Monarch of Neustria

Neustrian monarchs

Name of the party Name of the monarch Pictures Start and end dates Others informations
No party Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st
11 February 2022 - 27 March 2022
People's Democratic Rally Regent Alphonse Ferrero
28 March 2022 - 1st April 2022 Temporarily appointed by Arnaud-Justin I to the regency of the Principality of Neustria
No party Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st of Neustria
2 April 2022 - 20 October 2023
National-Democratic Party King Stanislas 1st of Neustria
Since 21 October 2023

First Councillor

First Councillors of the Principality of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the First Councillor Pictures Start and end dates Others informations
Conservative Popular Front Mathieu de la Forêt
13 February 2022 - 12 November 2022 Sentenced by the Neustrian Justice for coup d'état to : 1 year in prison, fine of 6000Lx (+1 year in prison if unpaid), 2 years of ineligibility to be First Councillor
Vacant Vacant Vacant 13 November 2022 - 20 October 2023
Position abolished by the constitutional revision of 21 October 2023


Prime Minister of Neustria

Prime Ministers of the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Prime Minister Picture Start and end dates Others informations
National-Democratic Party Wilfrid Orochi
22 August 2022 - 20 October 2023 Elected with 62,50% of the votes cast with a turnout of 72,73%.

Reelected with 66,67% of the votes cast with a turnout of 85,71%

Reelected with 83,33% of the votes cast with a turnout of 66,67%

Vacant 21 October 2023 - 27 December 2023
Neustrian National-Progressive Party Ferdinand Dupont
28 December 2023 - 17 February 2024 Elected with 55,56% of the votes cast with a turnout of 69,23%. Resigned on February 17, 2024. He is the first Prime Minister to resign as Head of the Neustrian Government. That's the shortest mandate of a Neustrian Prime minister.
Vacant 18 February 2024 - 23 March 2024
Neustrian National-Democratic Party Armando Marazzani
Since 24 March 2024 - 1st April 2024 Elected with 55,56% of the votes cast with a turnout of 64,29%.
Neustrian National-Democratic Party Provisional Prime minister Liza Gora
File:Liza Gora-Neustria.png
2 April 2024 - 11 April 2024
Vacant 12 April 2024
Neustrian National-Democratic Party Provisional Prime minister Liza Gora
File:Liza Gora-Neustria.png
Since 13 April 2024

Minister of Economy

Ministers of Economy of the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Minister of Economy Picture Start and end dates Others informations
National-Democratic Party Rocco Venti
22 February 2023 - 10 June 2023 He was the first Minister of Economy of Neustria
Vacant 11 June 2023 - 25 August 2023
No party Stephan Rottmann
26 August 2023 - 20 October 2023
Vacant Since 21 October 2023

Minister of Finance

Ministers of Finance of the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Minister of Finance Picture Start and end dates Others informations
National-Democratic Party Rocco Venti
22 February 2023 - 10 June 2023 He was the first Minister of Finance of Neustria
Vacant Since 11 June 2023

Minister of Culture

Ministers of Culture of the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Minister of Culture Picture Start and end dates Others informations
No party Sam Eragon
1st November 2022 - 10th October 2023 He was the first Minister of Culture of Neustria. He was the first minister to be reappointed two Prime minister's terms in a row.
Vacant Since 11 October 2023

Minister of the Interior and Defence

Minister of the Interior and Defence of the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Minister of the Interior and Defence Picture Start and end dates Others informations
No party Pierre Brodor
7 September 2022 - 25 September 2022 He was the first Minister of the Interior and Defence of Neustria
Vacant Since 26 September 2022

Minister for Civil Rights (Minister for the fight against discrimination before)

Minister for the fight against discrimination of the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Minister for Civil Rights Picture Start and end dates Others informations
Neustrian Socialist Party Minister for the fight against discrimination Nicolas Meyer
26 August 2023 - 20 October 2023 He was the first Minister for the fight against discrimination of Neustria
Vacant 21 October 2023 - 13 April 2024
National-Democratic Party Minister for Civil Rights Henri Giordanno
Since 14 April 2024

Guardian of the Laws

Guardians of the Laws of the Kingdom of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Guardian of the Laws Picture Start and end dates Others informations
No party Enzo Da Costa
24 October 2022 - 25 October 2022 He was the 1st Guardian of the Laws of Neustria
Vacant 26 October 2022 - 4 November 2022
No party Stephan Rottmann
5 November 2022 - 23 November 2022 Judged the De La Forêt case and the Deuff case
Vacant 24 November 2022 - 21 February 2023
No party Mathis Lebrun
22 February 2023 - 3 March 2023 Judged the Demarle case, the Vander case and the Saurunt Case. He led the 1st Biard Case, but he was dismissed by Prime Minister Wilfrid Orochi, for "failure to take his office seriously, ambiguity regarding homophobic statements, failure to maintain judicial neutrality and violation of neustrian laws.". He was the first minister to be dismissed.
Vacant 4 March 2023 - 1 April 2023
Liberal-National Party Ferdinand Dupont
2 April 2023 - 21 April 2023 Re-tried the Demarle case.
Vacant 22 April 2023 - 11 June 2023
No party Stephan Rottmann
12 June 2023 - 25 August 2023 Re-tried the Vander case.
Vacant 26 August 2023 - 5 January 2024
No party then Neustrian Socialist Party Gaëtan Polar
6 January 2024 - 17 February 2024
Vacant Since 18 February 2024

Secretary General of Internal Security and People's Protection

General Secretaries of Internal Security and People's Protection of the Principality of Neustria

Name of the party Name of the Secretary General of Internal Security and People's Protection Picture Start and end dates Others informations
No party Tristan Biard 25 August 2022 - 1 September 2022 He was the first and the only Secretary General of Internal Security and People's Protection of the Principality of Neustria
Position abolished by the constitutional revision of 2 September 2022

Summary of the History of the Neustrian Governance

Principality of Orelia (29 june 2021 - 10 july 2021)
Beginning of term of office Picture of the head of Government Prime minister Government composition Others informations
Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st (29 June 2021 - 10 July 2021)
29 June 2021 No government
Principality of Neustria (11 february 2022 - 1 september 2022)
Beginning of term of office Picture of the head of Government Prime minister Government composition Others informations
Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st of Neustria (11 February 2022 - 27 March 2022)
11 February 2022 No government
7 March 2022
Alphonse Ferrero (People's Democratic Rally) He was at the head of Government as President of the Chamber of Deputies, and not as Prime minister and he resigned on 2 April 2022.
Regent Alphonse Ferrero (28 March 2022 - 1st April 2022)
7 March 2022
Alphonse Ferrero (People's Democratic Rally) He was at the head of Government as President of the Chamber of Deputies, and not as Prime minister and he resigned on 2 April 2022.
Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st of Neustria (2 April 2022 - 20 October 2023)
Prime Councillor Mathieu de la Forêt (18 August 2022 - 12 November 2022)
7 March 2022
Alphonse Ferrero (People's Democratic Rally) He was at the head of Government as President of the Chamber of Deputies, and not as Prime minister and he resigned on 2 April 2022.
3 April 2022 No government
22 August 2022
Wilfrid Orochi (National-Democratic Party) Government Orochi I

Secretary General of Internal Security and People's Protection Tristan Biard

Principality of Neustria (2 september 2022 - 20 october 2023)
Beginning of term of office Picture of the head of Government Prime minister Government composition Others informations
Prince Arnaud-Justin 1st of Neustria (2 April 2022 - 20 October 2023)
Prime Councillor Mathieu de la Forêt (18 August 2022 - 12 November 2022)
22 August 2022
Wilfrid Orochi (National-Democratic Party) Government Orochi I

Secretary General of Internal Security and People's Protection Tristan Biard (No party)

Government Orochi II

Minister of the Interior and Defence Pierre Brodor (No party)

Government Orochi III

Guardian of the Laws Enzo Da Costa (No party)

Government Orochi IV

Minister of Culture Sam Eragon (No party)

Government Orochi V

Minister of Culture Sam Eragon (No party)
Guardian of the Laws Stephan Rottmann (No party)

Government Orochi VI

Minister of Economy and Finances Rocco Venti (National-Democratic Party)
Minister of Culture Sam Eragon (No party)
Guardian of the Laws Mathis Lebrun (No party)

Government Orochi V

Minister of Economy and Finances Rocco Venti (National-Democratic Party)
Minister of Culture Sam Eragon (No party)
Guardian of the Laws Ferdinand Dupont (Liberal-National Party)

Government Orochi VIII

Minister of Culture Sam Eragon (No party)
Guardian of the Laws Stephan Rottmann (No party)

Government Orochi IX

Minister of Economy Stephan Rottmann (No party)
Minister of Culture Sam Eragon (No party)
Minister for the fight against discrimination Nicolas Meyer (Neustrian Socialist Party)

Kingdom of Neustria (since 21 october 2023)
Beginning of term of office Picture of the head of Government Prime minister Government composition Others informations
King Stanislas 1st of Neustria (Since 21 October 2023)
21 October 2023 No government
28 December 2023
Ferdinand Dupont (Neustrian National-Progressive Party) Government Dupont I

Guardian of the Laws Gaëtan Polar (Neustrian Socialist Party)

18 February 2024 No government
24 March 2024
Armando Marazzani (Neustrian National-Democratic Party) Government Marazzani I
2 April 2024
Liza Gora (Neustrian National-Democratic Party) Government Gora I
12 April 2024 No government
13 April 2024
Liza Gora (Neustrian National-Democratic Party) Government Gora II

Minister for Civil Rights Henri Giordanno (Neustrian National-Democratic Party)



Current companies

Current companies in the Principality of Neustria

Name of the company in English Logo of the company Micronation-mother Domain(s) Current status
Trade Federation
Kingdom of Neustria Inter-micronational activities Created on October 11, 2022 by Enzo Da Costa
The Commmercial Lis
Promotion of job searches, highlighting of neustrian companies Nationalized by the Neustrian Constituent Assembly at the request of Wilfrid Orochi, Prime Minister of the Principality of Neustria, on September 1, 2023.
The independent Neustrian
Kingdom of Neustria Newspaper Created on November 9, 2022 by Rocco Venti
The Libero Neustrian
Official newspaper of the Principality of Neustria Nationalized by the Neustrian Citizen's Chamber at the request of Wilfrid Orochi, Prime minister of the Principality of Neustria, on November 25, 2022.
Edited by the State of Neustria, at the request of Wilfrid Orochi, Prime minister of the Principality of Neustria, on June 6, 2023.
Kingdom of Neustria Prevention association Created on March 17, 2023 by Alban List
Kingdom of Neustria Private foreign exchange office Created on March 19, 2023 by Rocco Venti
Kingdom of Neustria Polls company Created on March 19, 2023 by Rocco Venti
Opinari Polls
Nationalized by the Neustrian Constituent Assembly at the request of Wilfrid Orochi, Prime Minister of the Principality of Neustria, on September 1, 2023.
Kingdom of Neustria Graphic designer store Created on April 7, 2023 by Wilfrid Orochi
Kingdom of Neustria Newspaper Created on November 25, 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont.
The name and the logo has been changed on January 9, 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont.
The Neustrian Echo
The name and the logo has been changed on January 9, 2023 by Ferdinand Dupont, after a huge controversy among the Neustrian population, linked to the previous change.

Older companies

Older companies in the Principality of Neustria

Name of the company in English Logo of the company Micronation-mother Domain(s) Others informations
Republic of Collumia Online trading card game platform Joined the Principality of Neustria on September 7, 2022, at the request of Enzo Demarle. Left Neustria on October 30, 2022, at Enzo Demarle's request, to avoid paying Wilfrid Orochi's entrepreneurial wealth tax.
Ace Palace
Republic of Collumia Poker platform Joined the Principality of Neustria on September 7, 2022, at the request of Enzo Demarle. Left Neustria on October 30, 2022, at Enzo Demarle's request, to avoid paying Wilfrid Orochi's entrepreneurial wealth tax.
Kingdom of the Bordan Online platform for banking services and micronational activities Joined the Principality of Neustria on September 7, 2022, at the request of Theo Saurunt. Left Neustria on November 5, 2022, at Theo Saurunt's request, following the revelation by Wilfrid Orochi's government that the company had failed to pay taxes. The head of the company has legal proceedings pending against him in the Principality of Neustria.


Alliances present

Micronations recognised by the Kingdom of Neustria

Furauxian Republic (Since 7 september 2022)
Aulpannian Shatidom (Since 24 september 2022)
Kingdom of Gier (Since 29 september 2022)
Neustrian Protectorate of the Zergue (Since 17 may 2023)
Republic of Thefernus (Since 3 november 2023)

Organisations where Neustria is

Congress of stability of democracies 2024 (Since 1st january 2024)

Alliances passed

Micronations formerly recognised by the Kingdom of Neustria

Republic of Gustrenn / Republic of Nim (23 march 2022 - 30 august 2022)
Kingdom of Fronecos (7 september 2022 - 10 september 2022)
Republic of Fiera (7 september 2022 - 12 february 2023)
Federal Union of Southerner (18 february 2023 - 13 may 2023)
Republic of Collumie (5 november 2022 - 19 may 2023)
Republic of Svalbard (23 august 2023 - 26 august 2023)
Kingdom of the Nurcimal (30 september 2023 - 5 december 2023)

Organisation where the Kingdom of Neustria was present

Organization of Francophone Micronations United, abbreviated OFMU, now UCFM.
Economic Zone Lux
Congress of stability of democracies 2023 (7 january 2023 - 31 december 2023)

Wars fought

War of Brestand (27 september 2022 - 4 october 2022) : Neustrian victory, annexation of the Brestanian territory
Pre-War of Zergue (20 November 2022 - 21 November 2022): surrender of the Republic of the Zergue, establishment of the Treaty of Zergue
War of the Zergue (13 may 2023 - 17 may 2023): surrender of the Republic of the Zergue, fall of the Republic of the Zergue, establishment of the Neustrian Protectorate of Zergue
War of Nurcimal (14 may 2023 - End date under debate (7 june 2023 or 1 september 2023)) : temporary pause in the Nurcimal activities, apologies from both sides on 2 September 2023
War of Neutronia (3 november 2023) : Temporary agreement between Neustria and Neutronia, broken by Neutronia 2 days after