Parliament of Sototen

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The Parliament of Sototen is the legislative body of the Federal Republic of Sototen. It is unicameral and at the moment two MPs are in office filling two out of the three seats available. The parliamentary elections are on the 11th of July of every year, as prescribed by the 3rd Republic’s constitution (which was enacted on 10 July 2020). The Parliament enacts most laws and constitutional changes as well as electing the president and confirming the presidential choice for the prime minister (due to this rule stating that parliament must confirm the prime minister the president is expected to pick the leader of the biggest party to be PM).

History Of Parliament

Parliament has been a legislative body throughout the history of the federal republic except during the first provisional republic where a senate of all states was the legislature and the second provisional republic where members of Parliament and the president came together to run the country under the name ‘federal council’. During the first republic parliament was bicameral (because at the time of the first republic the nation was actually federal) consisting of the National Assembly (equivalent to the current parliament, elected by the citizens) and the senate (elected by the state parliaments). In the second and third republics the parliament was made unicameral and during the second republic it had 6 month terms (during the first and third it had/has 12 month terms)

Composition of Parliament by seats

  • Sophie Asekokhai- Advancement Party
  • Tobey Wyles - Advancement party