Public holidays in Kozlova

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During its tenure, Kozlova celebrated a number of annual holidays, which may be found in the table below.


Picture Name Date Remarks
New Years Day January 1 Mildly celebrated by seeing in the new year
Cuban Revolutionary Day January 1 A day to celebrate Communism in Cuba, Fidel Castro and the fallen revolutionaries
Kozlovan Thinking Day February 7 A day to contemplate and think, made to increase intelligence in the country
April Fools Day April 1 A day in which the citizens play pranks and hoaxes on one another
Karl Marx Appreciation Day May 5 Celebrated on his birthday, the Communist community celebrate his achievements
Family Appreciation Day May 15 A day to appreciate families, citizens should also meet up with those with little or no family
D-Day Remembrance Parade June 6 A parade held to remember the sacrifice of the fallen soldiers
Kozlovan Foundation Day June 10 A day to celebrate the formation of Kozlova, one of the biggest celebrations of the year
Youth Day June 16 A day to celebrate the Kozlvan youth and their role in society