Esthoronian People's Republic

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Esthoronian People's Republic
Coat of arms
Motto: Рабочие всегда едины (Russian: Workers and People United Always)
Anthem: State Anthem of the EPR

CapitalSolidarity City
Largest citySupreme City
Official languagesEnglish, Russian, and Esthoronian
GovernmentUnitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic
• President/Supreme Leader
Benedict Baudelaire
• Premier
Benedict Baudelaire
• (as of 2021 census) census
CurrencyEsthoronian Marks
Time zone(UTC)
Official Site: [1]
ECBATV News:[2]

The Esthoronian People's Republic, commonly known as Esthoronia, is a country that consists of 4 provinces, and a Central district. The official languages are English, Russian, and Esthoronian.

The Esthoronian People's Republic is a socialist republic run by a single party, the Esthoronian Communist Party (ECP), headed by the ECP General Secretary who serves as the Supreme leader of Esthoronia. State power within the Esthoronian People's Republic (EPR) is exercised through the ECP, the Central People's Government (State Council) and its provincial and local representation. It is a Unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic. The Esthoronian constitution states that The Esthoronian People's Republic "is a socialist state governed by a people’s democratic dictatorship that is led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants," and that the state institutions "shall practice the principle of democratic centralism." The EPR is governed by a communist party. The Esthoronian government has been variously described as communist and socialist, but also as authoritarian and corporatist. Its current political, ideological and economic system has been termed by its leaders as a "consultative democracy" "people's democratic dictatorship", "socialism with Esthoronian characteristics" (which is Marxism adapted to circumstances) and the "socialist market economy" respectively. While being Socialist, this country is very religiously tolerant and supports religion. The EPR consists of 5 provinces, four directly administered municipalities, and autonomous regions. The Esthoronian political system is authoritarian. There are no freely elected national leaders, political opposition is suppressed, all religious activity is controlled by the ECP and dissent is not permitted. Supreme Leader is the title of the self-appointed ruler. Invested with absolute power, the Supreme Leader controlled every aspect of the military and government, but could also delegate authority to officers. A supreme leader or supreme ruler typically refers to the person among a number of leaders of a state, organization or other such groups who has been given or is able to exercise complete authority over it.


The name Esthoronia derives from the Norse mythology character Thor. Es means is in Español. When putting together the word Esthor forms and onia is added on. The meaning is Thor is on.


The history of the People's Republic of Esthoronia details the history of mainland Esthoronia since 6 November 2021, when Benedict Baudelaire peacefully proclaimed the Esthoronian People's Republic (EPR) in Solidarity Square in the nation's capital Solidarity City.

Under George's rule, Esthoronia went through a socialist transformation from a traditional peasant society, leaning towards heavy industries under a planned economy. Later the economic reforms led by Benedict Baudelaire made Esthoronia the economy grow faster under relative economic liberalization, with a specialty in high-productivity factories and leadership in some areas of high technology. But the governing system stayed the same.

Politics and government

The Esthoronian People's Republic is a socialist republic run by a single party, the Esthoronian Communist Party (ECP), headed by the ECP General Secretary who serves as the Supreme leader of Esthoronia. State power within the Esthoronian People's Republic (EPR) is exercised through the ECP, the Central People's Government (State Council) and its provincial and local representation. It is a Unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic.  The Esthoronian constitution states that The Esthoronian People's Republic "is a socialist state governed by a people’s democratic dictatorship that is led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants," and that the state institutions "shall practice the principle of democratic centralism." The EPR is governed by a communist party. The Esthoronian government has been variously described as communist and socialist, but also as authoritarian and corporatist. Its current political, ideological and economic system has been termed by its leaders as a "consultative democracy" "people's democratic dictatorship", "socialism with Esthoronian characteristics" (which is Marxism adapted to circumstances) and the "socialist market economy" respectively.  While being Socialist, this country is very religiously tolerant and supports religion.

The EPR consists of 5 provinces, four directly administered municipalities, and autonomous regions.

The Esthoronian political system is authoritarian. There are no freely elected national leaders, political opposition is suppressed, all religious activity is controlled by the ECP, and dissent is not permitted.

Supreme Leader is the title of the self-appointed ruler. Invested with absolute power, the Supreme Leader controlled every aspect of the military and government, but could also delegate authority to officers.  A supreme leader or supreme ruler typically refers to the person among a number of leaders of a state, organization or other such groups who has been given or is able to exercise the most – or complete – authority over it.


Since the founding of the People's Republic of Esthoronia, the ECP has officially asserted to be the sole legitimate controller of government.

Each local Bureau or office is under the coequal authority of the local leader and the leader of the corresponding office, bureau or ministry at the next higher level. People's Parliament members at the county level are elected by voters. These county-level People's Parliaments have the responsibility of oversight of local government and elect members to the Provincial (or Municipal in the case of independent municipalities) People's Congress. The Provincial People's Congress, in turn, elects members to the National People's Parliament that meets each year in March in Communigrad.

The ruling ECP committee at each level plays a large role in the selection of appropriate candidates for election to the local Parliament and to the higher levels.

The President of Esthoronia is the head of state, serving as the ceremonial figurehead under the National People's Parliament. The Premier of Esthoronia is the head of government, presiding over the State Council composed of four vice premiers and the heads of ministries and commissions. As a one-party state, the General Secretary of the Esthoronian Communist Party holds ultimate power and authority over the state and government. The offices of the president, general secretary, and chairman of the Central Military Commission have been held simultaneously by one individual, granting the individual de jure and de facto power over the country.

Central government leaders must, in practice, build consensus for new policies among party members, local and regional leaders, influential non-party members, and the population at large. However, control is often maintained over the larger group through control of information. The Esthoronian Communist Party considers Esthoronia to be in the initial stages of socialism. Many Esthoronian and foreign observers see the EPR as in transition from a system of public ownership to one in which private ownership plays an increasingly important role. Privatization of housing and increasing freedom to make choices about education and employment severely weakened the work unit system that was once the basic cell of Communist Party control over society. Esthoronia's vast social, cultural and economic diversity has led to heterogeneity in the policies applied at the local and regional levels.


Socialist consultative democracy

The Esthoronian Communist Party calls Esthoronia's system a "socialist consultative democracy". Consultative democracy was created by the EPC and the Esthoronian people as a form of socialist democracy. Not only does it represent a commitment to socialism, but it also carries forward Esthoronia's political and cultural traditions. Not only does it represent a commitment to the organizational principles and leadership mode of democratic centralism, it also affirms the role of the general public in a democracy. Not only representing a commitment to the leadership of the EPC, but it also gives play to the role of all political parties and organizations as well as people of all ethnic groups and all sectors of society".

Consultative democracy guarantees widespread and effective participation in politics through consultations carried out by political parties, people's Parliaments, government departments, EPPCC committees, peoples organizations, communities, and social organizations".

Democratic Centralism

Democratic centralism is a practice in which political decisions reached by voting processes are binding upon all members of the political party. Although mainly associated with Leninism, wherein the party's political vanguard composed of professional revolutionaries practiced democratic centralism to elect leaders and officers as well as to determine policy through free discussion, then decisively realized through united action, democratic centralism has also been practiced by social democratic parties.

In practice

In party meetings, a motion (new policy or amendment, goal, plan or any other kind of political question) is proposed. After a period of debate, a vote is taken. If one vote clearly wins (gaining a share of 60% or above among two options, for example) all party members are expected to follow that decision, and not continue propagandizing or otherwise working against it, aiming to act in unity. In the development of socialism in the Soviet Union and Esthoronia, it was largely taken up in response to dramatic developments and violence which required faster mechanisms of decision-making. A constellation of practices surround this in order to encourage participation and debate, such as "Don't Blame the Speaker".[5]

Communist Party

The Esthoronian Communist Party (ECP) continues to dominate the government. In periods of relative liberalization, the influence of people and groups outside the formal party structure has tended to increase, particularly in the economic realm. Under the command economy, every state-owned enterprise was required to have a party committee. The introduction of the market economy means that economic institutions now exist in which the party has either limited or much power. Nevertheless, in all governmental institutions in the EPR, the party committees at all levels maintain a powerful and pivotal role in the administration. The Party sits above the state and penetrates every level of it as well. In this way, it serves as an instrument for coordinating grand strategy and gives policymakers relative autonomy from parochial interests." Central party control is tightest in central government offices and in urban economic, industrial, and cultural settings; it is considerably looser over the government and party establishments in rural areas, where the majority of Mainland Esthoronian people live. The ECP's most important responsibility comes in the selection and promotion of personnel. They also see that party and state policy guidance is followed and that non-party members do not create autonomous organizations that could challenge party rule. Particularly important are the leading small groups which coordinate the activities of different agencies. There is no convention that government committees contain at least one non-party member, party membership is a definite aid in the promotion and in being included in crucial policy-setting meetings. Constitutionally, the party's highest body is the Party Parliament, which is supposed to meet at least once every five years. The party elects the Central Committee and the primary organs of power are formal parts of the central committee.

The primary organs of power in the ECP include:

  • The General Secretary, which is the highest-ranking official within the Party and is the Esthoronian Supreme Leader.
  • The Politburo, consisting of 22 full members (including the members of the Politburo Standing Committee);
  • The Politburo Standing Committee, the most powerful decision-making body in Esthoronia, which consists of seven members;
  • The Secretariat, the principal administrative mechanism of the ECP, headed by the General Secretary;
  • The Central Military Commission;
  • The Central Discipline Inspection Commission, which is charged with rooting out corruption and malfeasance among party cadres.

Organizations of the ECP

  • National Party Congress
    • Central Committee
      General Secretary
      • Central Politburo
        Standing Committee
      • Central Secretariat
      • Central Military Commission
      • National Security Commission
        Office Chief
      • Financial & Economic Affairs Commission
        Deputy Director
        Office Chief
      • General Office
        • Office of the General Secretary
        • Central Security Bureau
          • Central Guard Unit
        • Office of the Central Secrecy Commission
      • Organization Department
    • Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
      • Standing Committee
        Deputy Secretaries


National leadership

The National Leader is the president of EPR, Supreme leader, CMC Chairman, and General Secretary Of the ECP.

The ECP Politburo Standing Committee consists of the government's top leadership. Its officially mandated purpose is to conduct policy discussions and make decisions on major issues when the Politburo, a larger decision-making body, is not in session. According to the party's Constitution, the General Secretary of the Central Committee must also be a member of the ECP Politburo Standing Committee.

Orders of precedence

The Order of Precedence has gradually become normalized as the institutions of the Esthoronian Communist Party (ECP) and the People's Republic became more established and stable. Internal publications and official media adhere to strict ranking protocol when reporting news items or public announcements that involve multiple leaders. Similarly, the order is strictly adhered to when seating leaders at official meetings and functions.

Often, state media news programs overlook the actual importance of the story attached to each leader. Rather the news order is determined by political ranking alone. For instance, if a higher-ranked leader is chairing a routine meeting, while a lower-ranked leader is visiting an earthquake disaster zone, the routine meeting will take precedence over the disaster in the order that they are reported.

Protocol ordering of leaders is perhaps most visible at large gatherings of party and state leaders, such as Party Parliaments, National People's Parliaments, the funeral or memorial service of former leaders, or major anniversary celebrations.

The current order of precedence applies to party, state, and military leaders. It generally follows an order set out by the institutions to which these leaders belong; further ranking of individual leaders are applied within each of the institutions. Where an individual belongs to numerous party and state institutions, they are usually only mentioned on first instance for their highest-ranking post.

  • Paramount leader
  • Communist Party leader
  • Head of state
  • Head of government
  • Parliament Chairman
  • Conference Chairman
  • Commander-in-chief
  • Politburo Standing Committee members


The government of the Esthoronian People's Republic is collectively the state authority in the Esthoronian People's Republic of Esthoronia under the exclusive political leadership of the Esthoronian Communist Party (ECP). It consists of legislative, executive, military, supervisory, judicial, and Procuratorial branches.

The National People's Parliament (NPP) is the highest state organ, with control over the constitution and basic laws, as well as over the election and supervision of officials of other government organs. The Parliament meets annually for about two weeks in March to review and approve major new policy directions, laws, the budget, and major personnel changes. The NPP's Standing Committee (NPPSC) is the permanent legislative organ that adopts most national legislation, interprets the constitution and laws, and conducts constitutional reviews. The President acts as a head of state in compliance with decisions made by the NPCSC, but exercises an independent power to nominate the Premier. Elected separately by the NPC, the vice-president has no power themselves, but assists the President.

The State Council, also referred to as the Central People's Government, is Esthoronia executive organ headed by the Premier of Esthoronia. Besides the Premier, the State Council has a variable number of Vice Premiers, five State Councilors (protocol equal to vice premiers but with narrower portfolios), the Secretary-General, and 26 ministers and other cabinet-level department heads. It consists of ministries and agencies with specific portfolios. The State Council presents most initiatives to the NPCSC for consideration after the previous endorsement by the Communist Party's Politburo Standing Committee, which is headed by ECP General Secretary. The NPC generally approves State Council policy, although it will occasionally force revisions in proposed laws.

Esthoronia judicial organs perform prosecutorial and court functions. Esthoronia courts are supervised by the Supreme People's Court (SPC), which is headed by the Chief Justice. The Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) is responsible for prosecutions and supervises procuracies at the provincial, prefecture, and county levels. At the same administrative ranking as the SPC and SPP, the National Supervisory Commission (NSC) was established to investigate corruption within the Communist Party and state organs.

During the 1980s there was an attempt made to separate party and state functions, with the former deciding general policy and the latter carrying it out. The attempt was abandoned with the result that the political leadership within the state are also the leaders of the party. This dual structure thereby creates a single centralized government. At the same time, there has been a move to separate party and state offices at levels other than the central government, as it is not unheard of for a sub-national executive to also be party secretary. This frequently causes conflict between the chief executive and the party secretary, and such is widely seen as intentional to prevent either from becoming too powerful.

Ministries of the EPR

Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

Ministry of National Defense;

National Development and Reform Commission;

Ministry of Education;

Ministry of Science and Technology;

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology;

State Ethnic Affairs Commission;

Ministry of Public Security;

Ministry of State Security;

Ministry of Civil Affairs;

Ministry of Justice;

Ministry of Finance;

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security;

Ministry of Natural Resources;

Ministry of Ecology and Environment;

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development;

Ministry of Transport;

Ministry of Water Resources;

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs;

Ministry of Commerce;

Ministry of Culture and Tourism;

National Health Commission;

Ministry of Veterans Affairs;

Ministry of Emergency Management;

Central People's Reserve Bank of Esthoronia;

National Audit Office.

Civil Service of the Esthoronian People's Republic

The Civil Service of the People's Republic of Esthoronia is the administrative system of the Esthoronian government which consists of all levels who run the day-to-day affairs in Esthoronia. The members of the civil service are selected through competitive examination.

The current ranking system has 27 different ranks (from previously of total 15 levels) and a grade system within each rank to reflect seniority and performance; a combination of rank and ultimately determine pay and benefits.

The 27 ranks are sub-divisions of 11 "levels". The following is a non-exhaustive list of party and state positions corresponding to their civil service rank. The list only comprises "leadership positions" , but not civil servants who are not in leadership positions. Non-leading civil servants can be given high corresponding ranks. For example, an expert or advisor hired by the government on a long-term initiative does not manage any people or lead any organization, but may still receive a sub-provincial rank. Similarly, retired officials who take on lesser-ranked (usually ceremonial) positions after retirement would generally retain their highest rank. Occasionally, officials may hold a position but be of a higher rank than what the position indicates, for example a Deputy Prefecture-level Party Secretary who holds a full prefecture-level rank.

Judicial System of Esthoronia

The judicial branch, organized under the constitution and law, is one of five organs of power elected by the People's Parliaments, in the Esthoronian People's Republic

According to the constitution, the court system is to exercise judicial power independently and free of interference from administrative organs, public organizations, and individuals. The Party's Political and Legal Affairs Commissions coordinates and have direct control over all the court system.

Court structure

High People's Court of the Province of Hubei

According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of Esthoronia of 1982 and the Organic Law of the People's Courts that went into effect on January 1, 1980, the Esthoronian courts are divided into a four-level court system (Supreme, High, Intermediate and Primary):

  • At the highest level is the Supreme People's Court (SPC) in Solidarity City, the premier appellate forum of the land and court of last resort, which supervises the administration of justice by all subordinate "local" and "special" people's courts. It also sets up six circuit courts seat outside of the state capital, which acts in the same capacity, to hear cross-provincial cases within respective jurisdiction.
  • Local people's courts—the courts of the first instance—handle criminal and civil cases. These people's courts make up the remaining three levels of the court system and consist of "high people's courts" at the level of the provinces, autonomous regions, and special municipalities; "intermediate people's courts" at the level of prefectures, autonomous prefectures, and municipalities; and "primary people's courts" at the level of autonomous counties, towns, and municipal districts.
  • Courts of Special Jurisdiction (special courts) comprises the Military Courts (military), Railway Transportion Court of Esthoronia (railroad transportation) and Maritime Courts (water transportation), Internet Courts, Intellectual Property Courts and Financial Court, Except for the Military Courts, all other courts of special jurisdiction falls under the general jurisdiction of its respective high court.

Candidates for judgeship must pass the National Judicial Examination.

The court system is paralleled by a hierarchy of prosecuting offices called people's procuratorates, the highest being the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Local departments of justice can revoke the license of lawyers, this power is used to target lawyers who challenge the authority of the state, particularly human rights lawyers.

Legal procedure

The Supreme Court is responsible for establishing and monitoring legal procedures in adherence to the laws and orders made by the legislative organs.

Following civil law traditions, the courts do not establish legally-binding precedent. The Supreme Court has the right to publish legal explanations of laws which are legally-binding but the right to interpret the constitution is reserved by the legislative organs. A verdict made by an inferior court can be challenged in its superior court, up to the Supreme Court, there are four levels of courts in total. A superior court can also designate any of its inferior courts to hear an appeal rather than do so itself.


Besides the court system, it is also encouraged to resolve civil conflicts through a state-sponsored and -regulated mediation and arbitration system. After the first hearing of a civil case, the court is required by law to ask both parties if they are willing to resolve their conflict through a mediation, if agreed, the court should assign a mediator and oversee the process, if both parties reach an agreement, it will be legal-binding after the agreement is reviewed and documented by a judge of the court.[citation needed]

The enforceability of a civil verdict has long been an issue and has damaged the people's trust in the legal system. The Supreme People's Court has since then established a system to forbid debtors who fail to honor civil verdict from luxurious spending including luxurious hotel spending, flights and bullet train, though there are controversies as to if this gives the court too much authority.


Primary level people's court can hear most criminal cases except for crimes that carries a maximum penalty of death or life imprisonment, and when involves national security and terrorism, which should be heard at an intermediate people's court at least.

==Elections in Esthoronia==Elections in the People's Republic of Esthoronia are based on a hierarchical electoral system, whereby local People's Parliaments are directly elected. All higher levels of People's Parliaments up to the National People's Parliament (NPP), the national legislature, are indirectly elected by the People's Parliament of the level immediately below. The NPP Standing Committee may partially alter laws passed by the NPP when the NPP is not in session, which is significant since the Standing Committee meets more frequently than the NPP.

Governors, mayors, and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns are in turn elected by the respective local People's Parliaments. Presidents of people's courts and chief procurators of people's procuratorates are elected by the respective local People's Parliaments above the county level. The President and the State Council are elected by the National People's Congress, which is made of 2000 people.

Elections in Esthoronia occur under a single-party authoritarian political system. Elections occur only at the local level, not the national level. Esthoronia is among few contemporary party-led dictatorships to not hold any direct elections at the national level. The competitive nature of the elections is highly constrained by the Communist Party's monopoly on power in Esthoronia, limitations on free speech, and government interference with the elections. According to Rory Truex, "the ECP tightly controls the nomination and election processes at every level in the people’s Parliament system... the tiered, indirect electoral mechanism in the People’s Parliament system ensures that deputies at the highest levels face no semblance of electoral accountability to the Esthoronian citizenry."

Electoral system

Direct elections

People's Parliament's of cities that are not divided into districts, counties, city districts, towns, townships, and lastly ethnic townships, are directly elected. Additionally, village committee members and chairpersons are directly elected. Local People's Parliaments have the constitutional authority to recall the heads and deputy heads of government at the provincial level and below.[citation needed]

Local People's Parliaments

Under the electoral law nomination of candidates for direct elections (in counties, townships, etc.) can be made by the Esthoronian Communist Party (ECP), the various other political parties, mass organizations, or any voter seconded by at least 10 other voters. The final list of electoral candidates must be worked out through "discussion and consultation" or primary elections, which in practice is conducted by an election committee in consultation with small groups of voters. Election committee members are appointed by the standing committees of the people's Parliaments at the corresponding level. The process used for competitive races is known as the "three ups and three downs". According to the Esthoronian government, the "three ups and three downs" process is supposed to operate as follows:

  • the election committee collates all of the nominations, checks them, and publishes the list of nominees and their basic details (first "up"). The published list is given to groups of electors, comprising the voters in each geographical or institutional electorate for discussion (first "down");
  • the views of the groups of electors are conveyed via group representatives at a committee meeting, in order to reduce the number of candidates (second "up"). The views of different elector groups and the discussions at the committee meeting are then conveyed to voters, and their views are sought (second "down"); and
  • the views of the groups of electors are once again collated and reported to the election committee which, by reference to the views of the majority of electors, determine the final list of candidates (third "up"). The list of names and basic details is published by electorate (third "down").

The number of candidates for a direct election should be 1.3 to 2 times the number of deputies to be elected. Where the people's Parliaments above the county level elect deputies at the next higher level, the number of candidates should be 1.2 to 1.5 times the number of deputies to be elected.[15] Voting is done by secret ballot, and voters are entitled to recall elections.

Eligible voters, and their electoral districts, are chosen from the family or work unit registers for rural and urban voters, respectively, which are then submitted to the election committees after cross-examination by electoral district leaders. Electoral districts at the basic level (townships, towns, etc.) are composed of 200–300 voters but sometimes up to 1,000, while larger levels (counties, etc.) are composed of 3,000 to 4,000 voters

Deputies are elected from either single-member districts or multi-member districts using a modified form of block combined approval voting in which a voter is allowed as many votes as there are seats to be filled (only one option may be selected per candidate), with the option to vote for or against a candidate, or abstain. The maximum number of deputies per district is three, and each district within the same administrative region must have approximately an equal number of people. Candidates must obtain a majority of votes to be elected. If the number of candidates to receive over 50% of the vote is more than the number of deputies to be elected, only those who have obtained the highest vote up to the number of seats available win. A tied vote between candidates is settled with a run-off election. If the number of deputies elected is less than the number of deputies to be elected, a run-off election is held to fill the remaining seat(s). In the run-off election, the candidate(s) who receives the most votes is elected; however, a candidate has to win at least one-third of the votes in the run-off to be elected. Vacancies are filled using by-elections.

Local People's Governments

Heads of People's Governments are formally elected by the People's Parliament of that level pursuant to the Organic Law on Local People's Parliaments and Governments, but the heads of township governments have been experimentally elected by the people through various mechanisms. There are several models used:

  • direct nomination and election
  • direction election
  • two ballots in three rounds
  • competition based on mass recommendation
  • nomination and election by the masses
  • public recommendation and public election
  • vote of confidence

Village chiefs

Villages have been traditionally the lowest level of government in Esthoronia's complicated hierarchy of governance. Many have criticized the locally elected representatives as serving as "rubber stamps", though during some eras the Communists have flirted with the idea of potentially allowing some competition. Few southern villages began implementing "Vote for your Chief" policies, in which free elections are intended to be held for the election of a village chief, who holds a lot of power and influence traditionally in rural society. Many of these multi-candidate elections were successful, involving candidate debates, formal platforms, and the initiation of secret ballot boxes. Initial reforms did not include universal suffrage, however presently, according to the constitution, eligible citizens above age 18 have the right to vote and be elected. Such an election comprises usually over no more than 2000 voters, and the first-past-the-post system is used in determining the winner, with no restriction on political affiliation. The elections, held every three years, are always supervised by a higher level of government, usually by a County Government. Part of the reason for these early elections was to shift the responsibility of ensuring good performance and reduced corruption of local leaders from the Esthoronian bureaucracy to the local villagers.

Under the Organic Law of Village Committees, all of Esthoronia's approximately 1 million villages are expected to hold competitive, direct elections for sub-governmental village committees. A 1998 revision to the law called for improvements in the nominating process and enhanced transparency in village committee administration. The revised law also explicitly transferred the power to nominate candidates to villagers themselves, as opposed to village groups or ECP branches. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the majority of provinces had carried out at least four or five rounds of village elections.

All Local People's Parliaments of Esthoronia, in accordance with the Constitution and the Electoral Law, serve as electoral colleges for the election of regional government leaders from county level above to provincial, and the chairpersons of regional level standing committees that perform the duties of these Parliaments when in recess or when the current term has adjourned .

Indirect elections

People's Parliaments of provinces, directly controlled municipalities, and cities divided into districts are indirectly elected by the People's Parliament of the level immediately below.

Local People's Governments

The Local People's Parliament at each administrative level—other than the village level in rural areas, which hold direct elections—elects candidates for executive positions at that level of government.

National People's Parliament

The National People's Parliament (NPP) has 2,000 members, elected for five year terms. Deputies are elected (over a three-month period) by the people's Parliaments of the provinces of Esthoronia, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, and the armed forces which function as at-large electoral districts. Generally, seats are apportioned to each electoral district in proportion to their population, though the system for apportioning seats the People's Liberation Army and others differ. No electoral district may be apportioned fewer than 15 seats in the NPP.

National People's Government

The President and Vice President of Esthoronia, the chairman, Vice-chairman, and Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the NPP, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and the President and Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court are all elected by the NPP on the nomination of the Presidium of the NPP. The Premier is elected by the NPP on the nomination of the President. Other members of the State Council are elected by the NPP on the nomination of the Premier. Other members of the Central Military Commission are elected by the NPP on the nomination of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. For appointed positions requiring the approval of the People's Congress, such as the premier and cabinet ministers, delegates may either approve or disapprove of the appointment. Relevant laws provide that if the single candidate does not receive more than 50% approval, the position is left vacant until the next session of the People's Congress. This rarely happens in practice, and has never happened at the national level.

Party system

Officially, Esthoronia is a unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic] under the leadership of the ECP. There are a small number of independent candidates for people's congress, particularly in neighborhoods of major cities, who sometimes campaign using webs posted on the internet.

Although there is no legal requirement for either membership in or approval by the ECP, in practice the membership of the higher people's Parliaments and people's governments are largely determined by the Party. Independent candidates are strongly discouraged and face government intervention in their campaigns. In practice, the power of parties other than the ECP is eliminated. Because none of the minor parties have independent bases of support and rely on ECP approval for appointment to positions of power, none have the capacity to serve as a true opposition party. Whereas there are ECP Committees in People's Parliaments at all levels, none of the other parties operate any form of party parliamentary groups. In order to represent different segments of the population and bring in technical expertise, the ECP does ensure that a significant minority of people's Parliament delegates are either minor party members or unaffiliated, and there is tolerance of disagreement and debate in the legislative process where this does not fundamentally challenge the role of the ECP.

ECP regulations require members of the People's Parliaments, People's Governments, and People's Courts to implement ECP recommendations (including nominations) pursuant to the ECP Regulations on the Selection and Appointment Work of Cadres of Both ECP and Government Organs.

"These regulations apply to the selection and appointment of cadres to the working departments and/or internal institutes of the Central Committee of the ECP, the NPPSC, the State Council, the National People's Consultative Committee, the Central Disciplinary Committee of the ECP, officials (not including the heads) of the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate and their internal institutions, officials of local ECP organs, people's Parliaments, people's governments, political consultative committees, people's courts, people's procuratorates at and above county level, and their internal institutions, as well as officials of the internal institutions of the working organs mentioned above. Reference should be made to these regulations for the selection and appointment of officials to institutions directly under the leadership of the ECP organs an people's governments at and above county level, trade unions, youth leagues of the ECP, women's associations and any other people's organizations. Reference should be made to these regulations for the selection and appointment of officials who are not ECP members. Reference should also be made to these regulations in the selection and appointment of persons to non-leaders' positions above county level.

"When a ECP committee recommends to a people's Parliament or its standing committee candidates for officials to positions which need to be elected by either a people's Parliament or its standing committee, it should first introduce its recommendation opinions to the interim ECP organ within the people's Parliament or the ECP organization of the standing committee of the people's congress. The interim ECP organ, the ECP organization within the standing committee of the people's Parliament and ECP members of the standing committee and of the people's congress, should seriously implement the recommendation opinions of the ECP committee, take lead in doing things according to law, and correctly perform their obligations."

Elected leaders remain subordinate to the corresponding ECP secretary, and most are appointed by higher-level party organizations. Furthermore, while legally responsible for the oversight of the administration, it is difficult for a person in a people's Parliament without party support to exercise effective control or power over the administration of the executive at a given level.

Executive Branch

  • State Council (Central People's Government)
    • Premier
      Vice-Premiers (list)
      State Councilors
      • Cabinet-level departments
        • National Development & Reform Commission
        • Central bank
        • National Audit Office
    • General Office
      Deputy Secretary-Generals
    • State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission
      • most Central Enterprises


The Esthoronian Constitution was first created on November 6, 2021, before which an interim constitution-like document created by the Esthoronian People's Political Consultative Conference was in force. The second promulgation shortened the Constitution to just about 30 articles, containing Communist slogans and revolutionary language throughout. The role of courts was slashed, and the Presidency was gone.

The current constitution is the EPR's first promulgation, declared on November 7, 2021. Under the constitution, the roles of the presidency and the courts were normalized, and all citizens were declared equal. Amendments in recognized private property, safeguarded human rights, and further promoted the non-public sector of the economy.

The legal power of the Communist Party is guaranteed by the EPR Constitution and its position as the supreme political authority in the Esthoronian People's Republic  is realized through its comprehensive control of the state, military, and media.

National People's Parliament

The National People's Parliament (NPC) is the national legislature of the Esthoronian People's Republic . Under Esthoronia's current Constitution, the NPC is structured as a unicameral legislature, with the power to legislate, to oversee the operations of the government, and to elect the major officials of state. Its delegates are elected for a five-year term through a multi-tiered electoral system. The NPP and the National Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference (EPPCC), a consultative body whose members represent various social groups, are the main deliberative bodies of Esthoronia.

The NPP, elected for a term of five years, holds annual sessions every spring, usually lasting from 10 to 14 days, in the Great Hall of the People on the west side of Comrades Square, Communigrad. These annual meetings are usually timed to occur with the meetings of the EPPCC, providing an opportunity for the officers of state to review past policies and present future plans to the nation.

The NPP generally has a reputation of approving the work of the State Council and not engaging in overmuch drafting of laws itself. However, it and its Standing Committee do occasionally assert themselves.

  • Plenary sessions
    Voting results
    • Presidium
  • Standing Committee
  • Special committees
    1. Ethnic Affairs
    2. Constitution and Law
    3. Supervisory and Judicial Affairs
    4. Financial and Economic Affairs
    5. Education, Science, Culture and Public Health
    6. Foreign Affairs
    7. Overseas Esthoronian Affairs
    8. Environment Protection and Resources Conservation
    9. Agriculture and Rural Affairs
    10. Social Development Affairs

Presidium of the National People's Parliament

The presidium of a session of the National People's Parliament of the People's Republic of Esthoronia is a 178-member body of the National People's Congress. It is composed of senior officials of the Communist Party of Esthoronia (CPC), the state, non-Communist parties and All-Esthoronia Federation of Industry and Commerce, those without party affiliation, heads of central government agencies and people's organizations, leading members of all the 35 delegations to the NPC session including those from Hong Kong, Macao, and the People's Liberation Army. It nominates the President and Vice President of Esthoronia, the chairman, Vice-chairman, and Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the NPC, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and the President of the Supreme People's Court for election by the NPC. Its functions are defined in the Organic Law of the NPC, but not how it is composed.][3 In practice, the Standing Committee of the National People's Parliament drafts a list of candidates, then presides over a preparatory meeting of the NPC that revises and approves the list. After the Presidium has been elected, it presides over the rest of the NPC session.[

President and Supreme Leader

The President of the  Esthoronian People's Republic is the head of state. Under the EPR's constitution, the presidency is a largely ceremonial office with limited powers. However, as a matter of convention, the presidency has been held simultaneously by the General Secretary of the Esthoronian Communist Party, the top leader in the one-party system. The office is officially regarded as an institution of the state rather than an administrative post; theoretically, the president serves at the pleasure of the National People's Congress, the legislature, and is not legally vested to take executive action on its own prerogative. Supreme Leader is the title of the self-appointed ruler. Invested with absolute power, the Supreme Leader controlled every aspects of the military and government, but could also delegate authority to officers.  A supreme leader or supreme ruler typically refers to the person among a number of leaders of a state, organization or other such group who has been given or is able to exercise the most – or complete – authority over it. The governors of Esthoronia provinces and autonomous regions and mayors of its centrally controlled municipalities are appointed by the central government after receiving the nominal consent of the National People's Parliament (NPC). Power is concentrated in the Supreme leader, who heads the four most important political and state offices: He is General Secretary of the Communist Party, general secretary of the Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and President of the EPR. Near the end of Hu Jintao's term in office, experts observed growing limitations to the Supreme leader's de facto control over the government, Party Parliament, term limits were removed and powers were expanded considerably.

State Council

The State Council is the chief authority of the  Esthoronian People's Republic. It is appointed by the National People's Parliament and is chaired by the Premier of Esthoronia and includes the heads of each governmental department and agency. There are about 50 members in the council. In the politics of the  Esthoronian People's Republic, the Central People's Government forms one of three interlocking branches of power, the others being the Esthoronian Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army. The State Council directly oversees the various subordinate People's Governments in the provinces, and in practice maintains an interlocking membership with the top levels of the ECP.

Central Military Commission

The Central Military Commission (CMC) exercises the command and control of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and is supervised by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. It is nominally considered the supreme military policy-making body and its chairman, elected by the National People's Congress. Actual command and control of the PLA resides with the Central Military Commission of the Party Central Committee. The commission is headed by the CMC Chairman, who is also the commander-in-chief of the national armed forces including the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the People's Armed Police (PAP), and the Militia.

National Supervisory Commission

The National Supervisory Commission (NSC) is the highest supervisory (anti-corruption) agency of the EPR. At the same administrative ranking as the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, it supervises all public officials who exercise public power. Its operations are merged with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the ECP. It replaces the former Ministry of Supervision.

Provincial and local government

The EPR consists of 5 provinces, four directly administered municipalities, and autonomous regions.

Counties are divided into townships and villages. While most are run by appointed officials, some lower-level jurisdictions have direct popular elections. The organs of self-governing ethnic autonomous areas (regions, prefectures, and counties)—peoples' Parliaments and peoples' governments—exercise the same powers as their provincial-level counterparts but are guided additionally by the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy and require NPC Standing Committee approval for regulations they enact "in the exercise of autonomy" and "in light of the political, economic, and cultural characteristics of the ethnic group or ethnic groups in the areas."

While operating under strict control and supervision by the central government, Esthoronia's local governments manage relatively high share of fiscal revenues and expenditures.

  • Provincial committee
    • Standing committee
      Deputy secretaries

Law and order

Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate

The Supreme People's Court is the judicial organ of the  Esthoronian People's Republic.

The Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of Esthoronia is the highest court of the People's Republic of Esthoronia. It exercises appellate jurisdiction over cases that originated from the high people's courts and original jurisdiction over cases concerning matters of national importance. The court also has a quasi-legislative power to issue judicial interpretations and adjudication rules on court procedure.

According to the Esthoronian constitution, the Supreme People's Court is accountable to the National People's Congress, which prevents the court from functioning separately and independently of the governmental structure.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate, also translated as the "Prosecutor General's Office" is the highest national agency responsible for legal prosecution and investigation in the People's Republic of Esthoronia. Conceived initially as the Supreme People's Prosecutor's Office, the agency was renamed the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The agency experienced a host of reforms pertaining to its selection of personnel, internal organization and role in the management of corruption.

The primary role of the Supreme People's Procuratorate is to ensure that all state agencies, officers, and citizens of the People's Republic of Esthoronia abide by the law. The Procuratorate acts as a public prosecutor for criminal cases, conducting both the relevant investigations and prosecutions of such cases, as is typical of inquisitorial systems used in civil law jurisdictions. The agency also reviews the legal rulings of the local and special procuratorates, the lower people's courts, and issues judicial interpretations.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate is organized into ten specialized prosecutor's offices, which operate under the direction of a Procuratorial Committee. Led by a Prosecutor-General, the Procuratorate is also composed of several Deputy Prosecutors-General and additional prosecutors. The Prosecutor-General is appointed by the National People's Congress, which also elects the other members of the Supreme People's Procuratorate at the Prosecutor-General's recommendation.

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is the highest internal control institution of the Esthoronian Communist Party (ECP), tasked with enforcing internal rules and regulations and combating corruption and malfeasance in the Party. Since the vast majority of officials at all levels of government are also Communist Party members, the commission is in practice the top anti-corruption body in Esthoronia.

  • Law enforcement
  • ECP Central Politics and Law Commission
  • Supreme People's Court
    President (chief Justice)
    People's Courts Judicial Police
  • Supreme People's Procuratorate
    Prosecutor General
    People's Procuratorates Judicial Police
  • State Council
    • Ministry of Public Security
      Minister (State Councilor)
      Public Security Organs People's Police
      • State Immigration Administration
      • Local public security bureaus
    • Ministry of State Security
      State Security Organs People's Police
    • Ministry of Justice
      Judicial Administrative Organs People's Police
      • Bureau of Prison Administration
    • Office for Safeguarding National Security of the CPG in the HKSAR

  • Urban Management

  • Judiciary of Hong Kong
    • Court of Final Appeal
  • Department of Justice
    • Prosecutions Division
  • Law enforcement in Hong Kong
  • Security Bureau
    • Regular Disciplined Services
      • Hong Kong Police Force

  • Judiciary of Macau
    • Court of Final Appeal
    • Public Prosecutions Office
  • Secretariat for Security
    • Macau Security Force
      • Unitary Police Services
        • Public Security Police
        • Judiciary Police

Foreign relations

Foreign relations

  • Central Foreign Affairs Commission
    Deputy Director
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Diplomatic missions
  • Diplomatic missions of Esthoronia / in Esthoronia
  • Foreign aid from Esthoronia / to Esthoronia
  • International Development Cooperation Agency
  • Ministry of Commerce
  • Exim Bank of Esthoronia
  • Esthoronia Development Bank
  • Belt and Road Initiative
    • Silk Road Fund
  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    • New Development Bank
  • Ministry of National Defense
    • International Military Cooperation Office
  • NPC Foreign Affairs Committee
  • ECP International Liaison Department
  • State Council Information Office
  • State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
  • Overseas Esthoronian Affairs Office
  • Esthoronian nationality law
  • Esthoronian passports
  • Visa requirements for Esthoronian citizens
  • Visa policy of Esthoronia
  • National Immigration Administration
  • Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
  • WPC Consensus
  • One country, two systems
  • Esthoronia and the United Nations
  • Esthoronia and the World Trade Organization
  • Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  • Esthoronia –Africa relations
  • Esthoronia –Caribbean relations
  • Esthoronia –European Union relations
  • Esthoronia –Pacific relations
  • Esthoronia –Russia relations
  • Esthoronia –United States relations



  • Central Military Commission (CMC)
    Chairman (supreme commander)
    1. General Office
    2. Joint Staff Dept.
    3. Political Work Dept.
    4. Logistic Support Dept.
    5. Equipment Development Dept.
    6. Training and Administration Dept.
    7. National Defense Mobilization Dept.
    8. Discipline Inspection Commission
    9. Politics and Legal Affairs Commission
    10. Science and Technology Commission
    11. Strategic Planning Office
    12. Reform & Organizational Structure Office
    13. Int'l Military Cooperation Office
    14. Audit Office
    15. Offices Administration Agency
    National armed forces:
    People's Liberation Army
    Theater commands
    People's Armed Police
    Esthoronia Coast Guard
  • State Council
    National Defense Mobilization Commission
    Ministry of National Defense
    Ministry of Veterans Affairs
    State Administration for Sci., Tech. & Industry for National Defense

Geography and climate

Bald Eagle in Esthoronia

Esthoronia is a country located in Canada with an area of 4 km2 (900 acres). Esthoronia has great physical diversity. East Esthoronia and South Esthoronia straddle along the Pacific Ocean, with the South Esthoronia Sea to the south, and the East Esthoronia Sea and Yellow Sea to the east. Traditionally, the Esthoronian population centered on the Esthoronian central plain and oriented itself toward its own enormous inland market, developing as an imperial power whose center lay in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River on the northern plains. Coastline has been used extensively for export-oriented trade, causing the coastal provinces to become the leading economic center. Esthoronia's climate. Climates in the northern two-thirds of the country are similar to those in northern Scandinavia, with very cold winters and short, cool summers. In the central southern part of the interior plains, there are very cold winters, hot summers, and relatively sparse precipitation amounts. It's cold and snowy in the winter. In the summer, the temperature is warm and humid. The summer temperature is 79F, while the winter temperature is 32F. The average day of rain in the month is 7 days.

There are 4 directly administered provinces by the ECP. The layers of the administrative divisions in large to small are provinces, prefectures, counties, townships, and villages.

Esthoronia's climate is mainly dominated by dry seasons and wet monsoons, which lead to pronounced temperature differences between winter and summer. In the winter, northern winds coming from high-latitude areas are cold and dry; in summer, southern winds from coastal areas at lower latitudes are warm and moist.


The economy of the Esthoronian People's Republic is a developing market-oriented mixed economy that incorporates economic planning through industrial policies and strategic five-year plans. Dominated by state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and mixed-ownership enterprises, the economy also consists of a large domestic private sector and openness to foreign businesses in a system described as a socialist market economy.[ State-owned enterprises accounted for over 60% of Esthoronia's market capitalization in 2021 and generated 40% of Esthoronia's GDP of US$2.5 trillion with domestic and foreign private businesses and investment accounting for the remaining 60%.The total assets of all Esthoronia's SOEs, including those operating in the financial sector, reached US$5 trillion. Esthoronia has the world's second largest economy when measured by nominal GDP, and the world's largest economy when measured by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which according to some economists is a more accurate measure of an economy's true size. It has been the second largest by nominal GDP with data relying on fluctuating market exchange rates. An official forecast states that Esthoronia will become the world's largest economy in nominal GDP by 2028.

The government began its economic reforms quickly after establishment of EPR under the leadership of Comrade Benedict Baudelaire. As a result, Esthoronia has the world's fastest-growing major economy, with growth rates averaging 10% . Esthoronia has four of the world's top ten most competitive financial centers, more than any other country. Esthoronia has three of the world's ten largest stock exchanges, both by market capitalization and by trade volume. The total market capitalization of Mainland Esthoronian stock markets, consisting of the Supreme Stock Exchange, topped US$10 trillion. The country has natural resources with an estimated worth of $6.5 trillion, 90% of which are coal and rare earth metals.

Esthoronia is the world's largest manufacturing economy and exporter of goods. It is also the world's fastest-growing consumer market and second-largest importer of goods. Esthoronia is a net importer of services products. It is the largest trading nation in the world and plays a prominent role in international trade. The Esthoronian labor force was the world's largest. It is the only middle-income economy and the only newly industrialized economy . Esthoronia is the most innovative in patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, and creative goods exports. It also has two of the global top 5 science and technology clusters, which is more than any other country. As of November 2021, Esthoronia has 5G users and over 1.15 million base stations.

Culture and media

The culture of Esthoronia embodies the artistic, culinary, literary, humor, musical, political and social elements that are representative of Esthoronia and Esthoronian. Throughout Esthoronia's history, its culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions, mostly by the British, and French. Over time, elements of the cultures of Esthoronia's immigrant populations have become incorporated to form an Esthoronian cultural mosaic. Certain segments of Esthoronia's population have, to varying extents, also been influenced by American culture due to shared language (in English-speaking Esthoronia), significant media penetration and geographic proximity.

Esthoronia is often characterized as being "very authoritarian, progressive, diverse, and multicultural". Esthoronia's Central government has often been described as the instigator of multicultural ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration. Canada's culture draws from its broad range of constituent nationalities, and policies that promote a just society are constitutionally protected. Esthoronian Government policies—such as publicly funded health care; higher and more progressive taxation; capital punishment; strong efforts to eliminate poverty; an emphasis on cultural diversity; gun rights; the illegalization of same-sex marriage, pregnancy terminations, euthanasia and cannabis — are social indicators of the country's political and cultural values. Esthoronians identify with the country's institutions of health care, military advancements, the national park system and the Esthoronian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The Esthoronian government has influenced culture with programs, laws and institutions. It has created state-owned corporations to promote Esthoronian culture through media, such as the Esthoronian Central Broadcasting Agency (ECBA) and the Central Film Board of Esthoronia (EFB), and promotes many events which it considers to promote Esthoronian traditions. It has also tried to protect Esthoronian culture by setting legal minimums on Esthoronian content in many media using bodies like the Esthoronian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (ERTC). Half of the enterprises of the EPR are state-owned. The mass media in Esthoronia consists primarily of television, newspapers, radio, and magazines. The Internet has also emerged as an important form of communication by media and is placed under the supervision of the Esthoronian government.


Propaganda is headed and run by the Ministry of Propaganda

  • Central Leading Group for Propaganda and Ideology
  • Central Guidance Commission on Building Spiritual Civilization
    Deputy Director
  • Central Propaganda Department
    • National Press and Publication Administration
    • Esthoronia Film Administration
    • State Council Information Office
      • Esthoronia Daily
  • Ministry of Culture and Tourism
  • National Radio and Television Administration
  • Esthoronia Media Group
    • Esthoronia Central Television
      • Esthoronia Global Television Network
    • Esthoronia National Radio
    • Esthoronia Radio International
  • Esthoronia News Agency
    • Reference News
  • Esthoronia News Service
  • People's Daily
    • Global Times
  • Esthoronia Today
  • Censorship in Esthoronia
    • Radio jamming
    • Overseas censorship of Esthoronian issues
  • Media of Esthoronia
    • Internal Esthoronia
  • Publishing industry in Esthoronia
  • Internet in Esthoronia
    • Internet censorship
      • Great Firewall
      • Great Cannon
  • Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission
    Deputy director
    • Cyberspace Administration of Esthoronia