Van Engels

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Van Engels
Ibukota Van Engels
Administrative Capital
Flag of Van Engels
Flag of Van Engels
Unity, freedom, and strength!
ProvinceMainland Province
Founded bySaleh A.H
 • GovernorSaleh A.H (Olovian National Party)
 • Total4
DemonymsVan Engelsian, Vanni (unofficial)

Van Engels, officially the Administrative Special Region of Van Engels, (formerly known as Badar) is the official capital and fifth-largest city in Olov. Van Engels is situated in the Mainland province, Olov. The capital of Van Engels holds a very special status from the administrative divisions of Olov. The rich history of the capital has been related to the area's origin and historical rights since before the Olovian nation's formation. Van Engels also contains the major governmental buildings of Olov, starting from the Van Engels Presidential Palace. National Parliament of Olov, and the Maria square.


According to the Olovian president Saleh A.H, the name Van Engels was based on his fifth great-grandmother, Maria Van Engels, who was born and raised as a Catholic.[1]


Reformation of Olov

Van Engels was officially charted as the capital of Olov in 2021, by Saleh A.H, who previously named it Badar. Since the reformation, economic growth rapidly continues to flow and develop in Van Engels, through a horticultural result. Van Engels also managed to slowly wipe the presence of littering, becoming one of the second cleanest regions in Olov, according to Olovian officials.

On 17 January, 2023. Cabinets and executives of the Olovian government had come to form a decision, to finally agree on renaming the capital city from Badar, into Van Engels.
