Attempt of Hit of state Of 3 September

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Coup Attempt of 3th September
Date3 to 4 September
Famiran Government
Famiran Crusaders (Pro-Government)
Enviropolitanos Adelante
Famiran Communists
Palpatinos (Pro-Revolution)
Oztranci Nesi Paçambo
Commanders and leaders
King Estéfano I
Grand Master of The Order of Fámira
Decentralized leadership
Communist guerrillas

This is an article of the Famiran History

The attempt of hit of state on September 3 was an event that would mark the history of Fámira for the rest of its days, in which coalitions clashed for power and took out their opponents in a violent

action, this had massive consequences for the nation, such as the devaluation of the national currency (El Bural) and losses in some territories.

After an incident that caused the events, Fámira experienced radical changes in its administration, such as its form of government and its population, thus putting Fámira in various situations.


See Also The Incident Of El Progreso

The Incident of El Progreso

On 26 July 2018, The Duke went to the former colony of El Progreso, (That marks an serious error) on 21:32, Some stranger coalition had burst in the Axis Envirola-Sacarta, the capital, some knights alerted the colony that originated a battle in the capital, inmediatly, some soliders went to the capital but all was about a trap of The Casmiran rebels.

This cost Fámira a lot, which even took 80 days to recover from that incident, there were enough material and economic losses (there were no injuries in the attack) that the Fámirano Congress chose to approve laws that would help the devastated colony, which It was not well seen by some sectors.

The Crusade Bull against Casmira

After the Incident Of El Progreso, the Duke anounced a crusade against Casmira for the events aroused in the colony of El Progreso, The bull of crusade was promulgated in 1th August, 2018, on 2 August, Duke started military movements in Casmira to take revenge For the El Progreso, thus managing to maintain some control in some areas of Casmira and its surroundings, however, the Casmiran forces were superior to the Famiran forces, but even so, battles were fought (even though the Famiran crusaders knew that they could be decimated).

The Axis Envirola-Sacarta, where the incident have part.

On August 21, 2018, Famiran forces stormed into Casmira, causing the forces to surrender and their subsequent expulsion from the nation.

Reactions after the cruzade

After the crusade against Casmira, some political parties such as PACE, the Saavedra League and some of the Duke's opponents staged a coup in the country to gain control of the micronation, however, the Duke managed to quell and crush the rebellion. and keep peace in the micronation.

But after these events, the coffers and banks of Fámira were empty, first, to solve the crusade and debts with other countries (although later these would cease to exist) causing enormous discomfort among the crusaders and citizens by not having funds to to solve themselves, thus creating the rebellion

The Cambra riots

Flag of Oztranci Nesi Paçambo, one of the groups that participate in this events.

On August 30, in the city of Cambra, the discontent of the population was such that union organizations, together with some important inhabitants of the city called for a strike, initially to ask for an explanation about the expenses (since Cambra gave large amounts for the crusade, something that years later, was returned by the Kastrombourg's League),However, at dawn on September 1, a group of riot police brutally attacked a Cambran, for which reason there were massive clashes between the police and the Cambran protesters.

The next morning, riots broke out in too many Famiran cities, so several groups (including Crusaders) drew up a plan to ''cope'' the situation,The group itself sought the removal of the President and the placement of a civil council (but controlled by them) so they contacted and called the attention of the Famiranos crusaders, so that they join this revolt against the President, it was so A strong organization was achieved and ready to face risks.