Eintrachtian language

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EthnicityEintrachtian people
Native speakers
<15 (2022)
Early forms
  • Old Eintrachtian
Latin (Eintrachtian alphabet)
Official status
Official language in
Eintrachtia (recognized status)
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Eintrachtian is classified as "Critically Endangered" because of the low speakers.

Eintrachtian is a West Germanic constructed language of the Indo-European language family, non-officially spoken and comprehended by native Eintrachtians primarily of the Royal Family and the aristocrats in Eintrachtia. The language is a mix of the English language and German laguage, and influenced by dialects of the Romance languages especially Latin and Portuguese. Eintrachtian despite being named after the country, is not official but a recognized language in Eintrachtia due to being understood only by a minority of the population.

The language was first emerged known as Penguinsian (or Penguinese), also known as Old Eintrachtian, spoken in Penguinsia, the first form of modern Eintrachtia. Penguinsian had its own alphabet, based on the English and Latin alphabet. The language wasn't widely spoken, only known to a few people, thus not having any official status. The language was then rearranged to its modern form by King John I in 2020.

Classification and history

The West Germanic languages

Eintrachtian belongs to the West Germanic group of the Germanic languages in the Indo-European language family. Eintrachtian started as Penguinsian that originated in Penguinsia between 2015 and 2016, before the official establishment of the Penguins Republic. It was mainly created by King John of Penguinsia around the year 2015. The language quickly developed into Old Eintrachtian which used the Latin alphabet, which differed from the original Penguinsian alphabet.

The Penguinsian alphabet consists of characters based from the traditional Chinese scipts, and influenced by some Japanese characters. Old Eintrachtian is extremely similar to the English language with mixed dialects from German and French. It was converted directly from the Penguinsian language to a more widely understood Latin alphabet, with slight difference is certain vocabluary from Penguinsian.

Modern Eintrachtian shares most similarities with Old Eintrachtian except from a few differences in grammar, with removed time sense and complex person narratives. The language was rearranged and redesigned by the Royal Court in 2020 to adjust the language to "fit modern needs".

Grammar and vocabluary

Eintrachtian has a very simple grammar compared with other Germanic languages such as English and German, with no time sense words like English's present, past or future tenses, but only simple time verbs such as:

Im run jasterdae. (I ran yesterday. In which run is the verb and it stays the same in all time senses.)

When describing an action, in English the verb to be form where in Eintrachtian, it is simply the Subject + verb. Example:

Im elektionas für uppekomme Presidente.

I elected for upcoming Presidency. (I am going to be elected for the upcoming presidency.)


Nouns in Eintrachtian can only be inflected for number and possession, similar to the English language, new nouns can also be formed by compunding. Eintrachtian nouns, however, is not inflected by gender but by case. Nouns representing a name of a person or a significant subject. (e.g. name of a country) Capitalising may also inflect on a determiner such as "De" (The) when indicating a significant noun:

Adam viv inn De Unitas Staats da Amerika den ise un Demokratik natione. (Adam lives in the United States of America which is a democratic nation. Here "Adam", "The United States of America" and "Democratic" are all capitalised as described above.)

Most nouns are countable in Eintrachtian; the plural formations are simple and can be shown by adding an extra -en at the end of the word, or adding a single -n when the word already possess a letter "e".

Noun formation examples:

  • Singlular: duer, penguine, komputer
  • Plural: dueren, penguinen, komputeren

Adjectives and connectives

Adjective and connectives examples
Adjective Eintrachtian Connective Eintrachtian
Good gute And et
Beautiful schuen Or od
Delicious gutetaste Therefore/hence tus
Enourmous graat Because/since du
Fast faste Also tem


Eintrachtian verbs doesn't have time sense, in other words there are no complex forms like English's tenses. In the case of time, time adjectives are added behind the verb to indicate the time when the action occurred. For example:

Im run jesterdae. (I ran yesterday. Where "run" is the verb.)


Eintrachtian numerals words are mostly borrowed and similar to that of other languages, or derived from certain literal sources. Tens numbers are formed by combining the tens and ones, and so on to the hundreds and thousands.

0 naut 10 dan 20 tsudan 10000 dantausand
1 un 11 elven 30 tseedan 100000 hundrechttausand
2 tsu 12 tvelven 40 fourdan 1000000 millionen
3 tsee 13 dantsee 50 fifendan 1000000000 billionen
4 four 14 danfour 60 sichsdan 1000000000000 trillionen
5 fifen 15 danfifen 70 sefendan Infinity infinen
6 sichs 16 dansichs 80 eichtdan 5302017 fifen millionen tsee hundrechttausand et tsu tausand et dansefen
7 sefen 17 dansefen 90 ninendan
8 eicht 18 daneicht 100 hundrecht
9 ninen 19 danninen 1000 tausand

Writing system

Eintrachtian uses the Latin alphabet and consists of a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z; as well as accent letters or extended alphabet such as æ (alternatively ä) and ü.

Eintrachtian alphabet
Upper case Lower case Name Pronounciation Upper case Lower case Name Pronounciation
A a /a:/ O o /o:/
B b /' bi:/ P p /pe:/
C c /' t͡si:/ Q q /ke:/
D d /' di:/ R r /ɛʁ/
E e /e:/ S s /ɛs/
F f /ɛf/ T t /te:/
G g /ge:/ U u /u:/
H h /ha:/ V v /ve:/
I i /i:/ W w /veː/1


J j /jɔt/ X x /ɪks/
K k /ka:/ Y y /ˈʏpsilɔn/
L l /ɛl/ Z z /t͡sɛt/
M m /ɛm/ Æ (Ä) æ (ä) /ɛː/
N n /ɛn/ Ü ü /yː/

See also