Prince's Order

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Prince's Order



HousesElectoral Legislature
⠀• House of Ministers
⠀• House of Lordministers
Royal Legislature
⠀• Prince
⠀• Prime minister
Term limits
Founded14 January 2018
Serve medium dico verum
"serve the public, tell the truth"
uncodified constitution

The Prince's Order (Denfray: ⟜∩¦〜⊏Ѳ'|o⊸∩⊐Ѳ∩), sometimes referred to by the metonym Rubykaal, is the central unitary government of the Princian Commonwealth and is a form of constitutional elective-principality; located in Rubykaal, the City of Warterby, Cathairo-Pempire. The Prince's Order is made up of two independent governmental bodies, the Electoral Legislature and the Royal Legislature, each able to pass acts into law without approval or confirmation of the other. The Royal Legislature consists of only two individual offices, the monarch (prince) & prime minister; while the Electoral Legislature consists of two elected chambers organised bicamerally, the House of Ministers (lower) with 124 seats and House of Lordministers (upper) with 35 seats. When the Prince's Order was first established it consisted of just the monarch & House of Ministers, and has also been known as the Princian Order. The current ruling party is the People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists, with 33·9% of House of Ministers seats and 45·7% of House of Lordministers seats. The next largest party, the United Democratic & Liberal Party, holds 33·9% of House of Ministers seats (tied with the ruling party) and 25·7% of House of Lordministers seats. Upon Prince Joshua's founding of the Prince's Order on 14 January 2018 it was chosen that there shall be no constitution defining the government or any pieces of legislation, as it is the belief of Prince Joshua that no legislation should be set in stone - all laws can and should be changed in time so as to better equip the people and their government with the capacity to adapt legislation for unforeseen future states of affairs.


Parties within the Prince's Order operate on a policy of permittance - parties must be permitted by a royal charter from the National Unitary Election & Referendum Commission (more commonly known by its acronym, NUERC) on behalf of the Prince in order to stand for election in the Prince's Order and any other autonomous governments in the Princian Commonwealth. When this system was first introduced on 25 January 2020, the first parties to receive a royal charter were known as the Big Three and consisted of: the People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists, the United Democratic Party (now known as the United Democratic & Liberal Party) and the Metropolitan Party. Today they are known as the Big Four and consist of the Traditionals Party (received royal Charter on 7 November 2021) in addition to those listed previous. Effective since June 2022, if a party wins zero total seats in any given election, its royal charter is automatically revoked.

Current parties

Party name Abrv. Symbolism Ideological standing Economic policies Governance policies Religious affiliation
Logo Flag Left-right axis Auth-lib axis Con-prog axis Means of production Allocation mechanism
People's Party & Princian
Party of Socialists
Left Centre-auth Centre Planned Planned Centralisation Secular core but promotion
of atheism
Metropolitan Party  MET 
none Centre-left Centre-lib Progressive Market Mostly planned Devolution Secularism
United Democratic
& Liberal Party
none Centre Liberal Centre-progressive Mostly planned Market Centralisation
Traditionals Party  TRD 
Centre-right Liberal-libertarian Conservative Market Market Federalisation Secular core but promotion
of Christianity

Political sections

Some parties contain distinct sections (or groups), usually created to unite an area with strong partisan support or to unite members with slightly differing political views than the larger party they are a part of.

Section name Party Policies/aims Details
Y Mudiad Metropolitan Party Independence for the Outlying Province of the Soeds Formerly a party in its own right, the Atiscross National Party,
until its absorption into the Metropolitan Party in November 2021
Radical People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists Preservation and strengthening of the political identity of the
Pempire region within the Home Province of Cathairo-Pempire
Formerly a section of the People's Party before its merger with
the Princian Party of Socialists in September 2019
Empire Traditionals Party Expansion of Princia's intermicronational sphere of influence and the
implementation of laws to combat what the section calls "degeneracy"
Formerly a party in its own right, the Party for People & Empire,
until its dissolution and reorganisation in July 2020

Former parties

Party name Abrv. Details
People's Party P.S.P.
Both founded in January 2018 and merged together to form the People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists in September 2019.
Princian Party of Socialists P.S.S.
Atiscross National Party A.N.P.
Advocated for the independence of Atiscross (now known as the Soeds) and dissolved in January 2020 when partisan permittance was introduced.
Upon the ANP's dissolution its former members united to form the political pressure-group Atiscross National – later becoming Y Mudiad (English: The Movement)
and being absorbed as a section of the Metropolitan Party in November 2021 following the failed 2021 Soedesian Independence Referendum.
Party for People & Empire P.P.E.
Princia's first and only nationalist political party, dissolved in July 2020 after failing to win any seats in the three consecutive elections prior.
Some former members of the PPE are now members of the Empire section of the Traditionals Party.

Electoral Legislature

House of Ministers

The House of Ministers is one of two houses that make up the Electoral Legislature. Ministers are elected by the public during the first stage of unitary elections to represent electoral districts, of which the Princian Commonwealth is divided into 124. Ministers can propose acts to be passed into law that the house will vote on - if the act passes (with 50% or more "yes" votes) it does not straight away become law but instead moves into the House of Lordministers for their vote.

Visual composition of the House of Ministers
Composition of the House of Ministers
Party Seats (visual) Seats (№) Change
People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists
42 / 124
42 ±0
Metropolitan Party
37 / 124
37 +3
United Democratic & Liberal Party
42 / 124
42 +2
Traditionals Party
3 / 124
3 -5

House of Lordministers

The House of Lordministers, or House of Lord-Ministers, is one of two houses that make up the Electoral Legislature. Lordministers are elected by the House of Ministers during the second stage of unitary elections to represent multi-member electoral provinces (coextensive with administrative provinces and protectorates), of which the Princian Commonwealth is divided into 7. There are currently 35 seats in the House of Lordministers, divided amongst electoral provinces based on voting population: 5 representing Addersonheath, 5 representing Cathairo-Pempire, 7 representing Southopearce, 1 representing Stonne, 5 representing the Soeds, 4 representing Allisterloo and 8 representing Parvusmount. The House of Lordministers receives proposed acts from the House of Ministers that must be voted on - if the act passes (with 50% or more "yes" votes) it becomes law. Some parties, due to the electoral structure, may end out with a fraction of a seat - this means that a non-biased representative of both parties in which the seat is divided will take the seat.

Visual composition of the House of Lordministers
Composition of the House of Lordministers
Party Seats (visual) Seats (№) Change
People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists
16 / 35
16 +4
Metropolitan Party
10 / 35
10 +5
United Democratic & Liberal Party
9 / 35
9 -9
Traditionals Party
0 / 35
0 ±0


The cabinet of Princia is a grouping of executive ministers and lordminsters (ones which head a ministry or lordministry), appointed by the prime minister at any time of their choosing. At present, the cabinet consists of the prime minister, the Minister of Foreign Relations, the Minister of Safety and the Lordminister of the Economy.

Cabinet members

Office Ministry/lordministry Holder
Prime minister N/A Minister for Touraff City electoral district
Foreign minister Royal Ministry of Foreign Relations Minister for Weststead City electoral district
Minister of safety Ministry of Safety Minister for Vandercoat electoral district
Lordminister of the economy Lordministry of Economics & Currency 4th Lordminister for Cathairo-Pempire electoral province

Royal Legislature


The current elected prince is Joshua I, elected by the people of Princia by the number of electoral counties won in royal elections. The prince is also officially the speaker for each of the houses of the Electoral Legislature though these houses have a more common-placed vice speaker. The prince holds the power to pass any act into law without the consultation or permission of the Electoral Legislature, although this power is rarely used. The official title used is Prince of Greater Princia, although the name Greater Princia ceased to exist as the name for the country, the title remains unchanged.

Prime minister

The position of prime minister is by appointment of the reigning prince, it is customary that the prince should appoint the leader of the ruling party following each election. The current prime minister is the leader of the People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists. The de jure role of prime minister is of an advisor to the prince, although this function is rarely employed as the prince now plays less of a duty in the overall legislative responsibility of the Prince's Order, the prime minister de facto appoints a cabinet comprised of ministers and lordministers from the Electoral Legislature.


This section details official acts passed by the Prince's Order. Acts before February 2020 are not shown.

Act Brief Desc. Date Proposed by Passed by
2020 Act of Government Abolition of Imperial Princia and the creation of the Princian Republic & Principality 7th Feb 2020 Prince Joshua President Cordél
2020 Electoral Act Abolition of devolved elections and the creation of monthly unitary elections 10th Nov 2020 Metropolitan Party Metropolitan Party & United Democratic Party
2020/21 RIC Act Princian entrance into the Reformed Intermicronational Confederation Dec 2020 / Jan 2021 Prince Joshua Electoral Legislature
2021 Southopearce Act Unification and ratification of claimed counties to be known as the Home Province of Southopearce 21st Jan 2021 Prince Joshua Prince Joshua & United Democratic Party
2021 Presidential & Government Restructure Act Abolition of the corrupt presidency and restructuring of the government to create the Princian Commonwealth 30th Jan 2021 Metropolitan Party
2021 Allisterloo Act Ratification of the Union Protectorate of Allisterloo claimed on the orders of Prince Joshua 5 April 2021 Prince Joshua
2021 Act of Military Unification of the independent militaries of the commonwealth as divisions of the Unified Military Defence Force 20 April 2021 PP&PPS Electoral Legislature
2021 Minimum Wage & Healthcare Act Introduction of a minimum wage of 18Đ (approx. £8·82 or $12·24) for over 16s and 14Đ (approx. £6·86 or $9·52) for under 16s in all provinces (apart from Pempire, which refuses to implement a minimum wage "as low as this" and instead opts for its own minimum wage of 1Ʀ-4) and the expansion of the Filorux Group's healthcare responsibilities to include non-emergency treatment 25 July 2021 Metropolitan Party Met-Dem Coalition
2021 Minimum Wage Act An amendment to the 2021 Minimum Wage & Healthcare Act in which a number of Governor-Generals of the provinces of Princia protested against as the introduced minimum wage of 18Đ was deemed too low. This act re-negotiates the minimum wage to be 1Ʀ-4 (approx. £10·00 or $13·87) for over 16s and 18Đ (approx. £8·82 or $12·24) for under 16s, which all provinces unanimously agree to 27 July 2021 Electoral Legislature
2021 Act of the Realm The unification of all laws and regulations to be consistent throughout the entire Princian Commonwealth as well as the revocation of the power provinces held to pass laws exclusive to within their jurisdiction (all bar the Parvusmount SDP, which retains its powers as a Self-Determined Protectorate) 16th Aug 2021 United Democratic Party
2021 De-Prohibition Act Lowering of the legal drinking age to 15, age of consent to 16 and voting age to 16 as well as the legalisation of all drugs: most low-risk drugs (caffeine, paracetamol, refined sugar, nicotine, etc.) legal at any age, cannabis at 16 and all other high-risk drugs at 18. 20th Aug 2021 United Democratic Party
2021 Act of Electoral Reform The creation of three new electoral districts from the previously longstanding divisions: Loacker City (previously within Ashwield), Fearne City & the Fearnland (previously within Lapgate City) and Kanpaltown (previously within Castlegrove City); and the abolition of Warterby City as a county and district in itself, instead to be a district of Rokkia county. 12th Sep 2021 United Democratic & Liberal Party
2021 Act of Referenda on Self-Determination The 2021 Soedesian Independence Referendum will be held in the Outlying Province of the Soeds and will ask the electorate whether it wishes the Soeds remain a province of Princia or become an independent nation. The 2021 Parvusmountian Status Referendum will be held in the Parvusmount Self-Determined Protectorate and will ask the electorate whether it wishes Parvusmount remain an SDP of Princia, become an Outlying Province, become an independent nation or become more integrated within Princia while still remaining an SDP. Both referenda are to be held in conjunction with and on the same date as the October 2021 10th Unitary Election. 24th Sep 2021 Metropolitan Party Electoral Legislature
2021 Act of Cathairo-Pempire The two Home Provinces of Cathair and Pempire shall merge to create the new Home Province of Cathairo-Pempire. 31st Oct 2021 United Democratic & Liberal Party
2022 Parvusmount Act Conversion of the Parvusmount Self-Determined Protectorate into the Parvusmount Self-Determined Province as per the result of the 2021 Parvusmountian Status Referendum - ratifying all Princian laws within Parvusmount and requiring permission from the Prince's Order to modify such laws. 2 January 2022 Electoral Legislature
2022 NUERC Act Creation of the National Unitary Election & Referendum Commission, abbreviated to NUERC (pronounced: "new-irk"), to organise and oversee all unitary elections and referendums. NUERC also gains the power to grant a political group a Royal Charter on behalf of the Prince to stand for election as a party within the Prince's Order. 13 January 2022 Prince Joshua Electoral Legislature
2022 Act of Electoral Reform Abolishment of the House of Head Ministers and reformation of the House of Lordministers. 24 January 2022 NUERC Prince Joshua
2022 Act of Russo-Macronational Condemnation Recognition of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine as internationally illegal and the restriction of Russian citizens from participating in financial transactions with the Filorux Group. 27 February 2022 Prince Joshua Electoral Legislature
2022 Devolution Act Transfer of the authority for the establishment of autonomous areas from the Prince's Order itself to provincial Governor-Generals 29 April 2022 Metropolitan Party Electoral Legislature
2022 Act of Russo-Macronational Condemnation (Amendment) Immediate withdrawal of all sanctions on the Russian Federation due to concerns of discrimination but the continued recognition of the invasion of Ukraine as internationally illegal. 15 May 2022 United Democratic & Liberal Party Electoral Legislature
2022 Monarchy Act Calling of the 2022 Princian monarchy referendum, asking the electorate if Princia's monarchy should be abolished. 19 May 2022 People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists
2022 Economic Democracy Act Unitary elections will additionally elect representatives to the Filorux Group board of directors in electoral counties. 20 June 2022 United Democratic & Liberal Party Electoral Legislature
2022 Royal Democracy Act Economic elections will be split from unitary elections, and royal elections are to be held to elect a monarch. Unitary, economic and royal elections are to be held monthly and in conjunction with each – under the umbrella of a tri-election. 29 August 2022 Prince Joshua
2023 Electoral Delay Act Election frequency will be changed to be held every three months (rather than monthly) as part of a trial known as the "election spacing trial." Early elections can be called at most every month by the ruling party if it so chooses, but an election must be held at least every three months. 22 January 2023 United Democratic & Liberal Party
2022 Economic Democracy Act (2023 Amendment) Creation of the Executive Commissariat for the National Economy to be the regulatory and directing force of Princia's economy, essentially replacing the Filorux Group board of directors while also including the Dee Group and Penroe-Louçade within its scope of responsibility. Economic elections will also elected this Economic Commissariat rather than the Filorux board of directors. 5 April 2023 People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists
2023 People's Act Outlawing of private capitalism, forcing all enterprise to be done through a government organisation. 13 April 2023 People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists
2023 Police Force Conformity Act Requires all autonomous areas to fund and maintain a police force. Also establishes three forces independent of an autonomous area. 13 April 2023 People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists
2023 Minimum Wage Act Introduction of an over-18s per day minimum wage of 1 and an over-60s per hour minimum wage of 2Ʀ-8 in addition to the already existent minimum wages. 9 August 2023 People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists
2023 Regimental Act Abolition of each province's UMDF division and the creation of four regiments: Allied, Blacks, 1st Royal and 2nd Royal Grouped. 14 September 2023 United Democratic & Liberal Party Electoral Legislature
2024 Murage Order Creation of murage tax-zones (MTZs) in which a form of murage/muragh (tax) would be applied to all goods entering, with the murage raised funding the MTZ's relevant UMDF regiment. 3 April 2024 Traditionals Party Electoral Legislature
2024 National Emergencies Act Creation of a national emergency contingency which, when invoked, exempts the Prince's Order from being subjected to the law and extends the UMDF's jurisdiction internally, temporarily converting the Princian Commonwealth from a Rechtsstaat to a Polizeistaat. A national emergency can be declared by either the prime minister, the prince or the minister of safety, but approval must first be gained from all three. 9 April 2024 People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists PP&PPS and United Democratic & Liberal Party
2024 Election Registration Act The prime minister can designate an election date that will be exempt from the usual regulation requiring a voter registration of 50% or more of eligible voters, in effect forcing an election regardless of registration or turnout. This act was passed due to the unprecedented apathy of the voting population, with an election not having been held since February 2023. 23 May 2024 People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists Electoral Legislature

Denfray Script

The Denfray Script (Denfray: ⊐Ѳ~Đ∩П╫oI⊏∩¦⟜+) is the official writing system of the Prince's Order. As such, all acts must be written in either Low Denfray Script or High Denfray Script. The High Denfray Script is the original Denfray Script developed by Prince Joshua, and is mainly in written form. The Low Denfray Script is the adapted form of the Denfray Script developed to work around the constraints of Unicode when typing digitally. In practice very few Princian citizens can read or write Denfray, thus this archaic custom of writing acts in the script is purely ceremonial and a Latin alphabet transliteration of all acts is also made available.


Referendums in Princia are held on a legally binding basis, meaning the result of a referendum will become law (provided all electoral conditions are met). A total of only two referendums have been held in Princia, both of which were province-specific and were called by the 2021 Act of Referenda on Self-Determination.

2021 Soedesian Independence Referendum

The 2021 Soedesian Independence Referendum was a people's vote held within the Outlying Province of the Soeds called by the 2021 Act of Referenda on Self-Determination. The question on the ballot paper read: "Should the Soeds become an independent country?" the acceptable answers were "Yes" and "No." The referendum was held in conjunction with and on the same date as the October 2021 10th Unitary Election and 2021 Parvusmountian Status Referendum. The People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists and United Democratic & Liberal Party both announced their support for a "No" vote, the former political party now pressure group Atiscross National announced their support of a "Yes" vote, and the Metropolitan Party announced their support for both equally. The result of the referendum was a 50/50 split with four districts voting for independence and four voting for the status quo, as such the referendum returned a "No" vote.

2021 Parvusmountian Status Referendum

The 2021 Parvusmountian Status Referendum was a people's vote held within the Parvusmount SDP called by the 2021 Act of Referenda on Self-Determination. The question on the ballot paper read: "Should Parvusmount remain a Self-Determined Protectorate, become an Outlying Province, become an independent country or become more integrated into Princia as a Self-Determined Province?" the acceptable answers were "Remain a Self-Determined Protectorate", "Become an independent country," "Become an Outlying Province," and "Become a Self-Determined Province." The referendum was held in conjunction with and on the same date as the October 2021 10th Unitary Election and 2021 Soedesian Independence Referendum. The People's Party & Princian Party of Socialists and United Democratic & Liberal Party both announced their support for Parvusmount becoming an Outlying Province, the Metropolitan Party announced their support for becoming a Self-Determined Province, and the Parvusmountian government itself urged its citizens to vote for either maintenance of the current Self-Determined Protectorate or for independence. The result of the referendum was 46.7% in favour of becoming a Self-Determined Province, and the option with the next largest amount of votes being to become an Outlying Province - thus it was clear that the people of Parvusmount wished for more integration into Princia. The outcome of this referendum was the passage of the 2022 Parvusmount Act, converting the Parvusmount Self-Determined Protectorate into the Parvusmount Self-Determined Province.


Confederation of Greater Princia

The Confederation of Greater Princia was a proposition by the United Democratic Party (the ruling party at the time) to equalise the autonomy of the colonies of the Principality of Greater Princia, and to create a unified state of equality and democracy. This proposition was passed by Prince Joshua, much to the dislike of the Princian citizens who had no say in the matter. This proposition was the main reason for the downfall of the United Democratic & Liberal Party - it was proposed and passed without a vote of the public. As a result, the United Democratic & Liberal Party became the party with the least members in government (the "minor" party).

People's Confederation of Greater Princia

The People's Confederation of Greater Princia was a change proposed by the Princian Party of Socialists (the ruling party at the time) to change the political structure of the confederation. It would remove the positions of Minister and Head Minister, in exchange for a council with an all-powerful leader at its head - reducing the prince to a ceremonial role, stripping him of all his current powers. Everything would be state-controlled: the farming, goods, imports, exports, etc. Princia would be turned into a communist dictatorship much like the former USSR. This proposition was outright rejected by the public, with over 90% voting against it.

Union of the Albion Grandceltic

The Union of the Albion Grandceltic was a change proposed by the Princian Party of Socialists (the ruling party at the time) to repeal the 2019 Confederative Act, effectively dissolving the Confederation of Greater Princia - and replacing it with a more democratic, up-to-date form of government. The only downside was that it was a form of government that made Princia more susceptible to corruption and the like. A referendum was planned to be held on the 7th December 2019, 7 days after its proposal - but for unknown reasons Prince Joshua cancelled the referendum and subsequently rejected the proposal altogether. A new referendum was later planned to be held on the same date by Prince Joshua for the repealment of the 2019 Confederative Act, but a new confederation like the Union of the Albion Grandceltic would not be established in the Confederation of Greater Princia's place if the repealment was to pass. The Prince's Order was also suspended until further notice due protests and political turmoil. The Princian Coup D'état soon followed.