LGBT rights in Senya

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LGBT rights in Senya
Same-sex sexual activity legal?No All sex regardless of orientation is band within Senya
Gender identityTranssexuals are allowed to change sex to match their gender (male/female)
Recognition of
Military serviceLegal

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Senya enjoy almost equal status as heterosexual citizens in the nation.

Article 69

Article 69 prohibits all forms of sexual intercourse from being performed within Senya. This law applies equally for both heterosexual and homosexual sex.


Senya did not have any marriage laws when the nation was founded, though in November 2010 marriage was restricted to being between humans after one Senyan tried to marry a cat. Senya sees it as a human right to marry whoever they like. However, religions in Senya can be forced to perform same-sex marriage.


In an agreement following some homophobic comments intended as banter made by government officials, Homophobic speech became illegal in January 2014, making it the first type of speech to be forbidden by the Senyan government.

Summary table

Category Senya Proper Austravia
Nazri Krai
Nazri Krai
New Campbellford
New Campbellford
Wimbledon & Southfields
Wimbledon &
Same-sex sexual activity No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Equal age of consent [1] [2] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-discrimination laws in employment Yes Unknown Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-discrimination laws in all other areas Yes Unknown Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hate crimes laws covering both sexual orientation and gender identity Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-hate speech legislation Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition of same-sex couples (e.g. civil unions) Yes Yes – Part of Commonwealth agreement
Marriage Equality (e.g. Same sex marriage) Yes Yes – Part of Commonwealth agreement
Adoption by same-sex couples Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Homosexuals allowed to serve openly in the military Yes Yes – Senya responsible for defence
Transsexuals allowed to serve openly in the military Yes Yes – Senya responsible for defence
Right to change legal gender Yes[3] Unknown Yes[4] Yes[5] Yes[6] Yes[7] Yes[8]
Access to in vitro fertilisation for lesbians Yes[9] No Yes[10] Yes[11] Yes[12] Yes[13] Yes[14]
Homosexuals allowed to donate blood Yes[15] No Yes[16] Yes[17] No Yes[18] Yes[19]
Religious Groups Forced to recognise marriages Yes No No No No No No
  1. Sex not legal
  2. Sex not legal
  3. via UK healthcare system
  4. via UK healthcare system
  5. via Canadian healthcare system
  6. via Norwegian healthcare system
  7. via Canadian healthcare system
  8. via UK healthcare system
  9. via UK healthcare system
  10. via UK healthcare system
  11. via Canadian healthcare system
  12. via Norwegian healthcare system
  13. via Canadian healthcare system
  14. via UK healthcare system
  15. via UK clinics, subject to a
    1 year deferral from sexual activities
  16. via UK clinics, subject to a
    1 year deferral from sexual activities
  17. via Canadian clinics, subject to a
    5 year deferral from sexual activities
  18. via Canadian clinics, subject to a
    5 year deferral from sexual activities
  19. via UK clinics, subject to a
    1 year deferral from sexual activities

See also