LGBT rights in Paloma

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StatusLegal in certain jurisdictions since 2019
Gender identityLaws vary by jurisdiction
MilitaryNon-official policy "Don't ask" since 2019
Discrimination protectionsSexual orientation and gender identity in employment nationwide since March 2020
Family rights
Recognition of relationshipsSame-sex marriage is illegal, however same-sex couples married outside Paloma are recognized in certain jurisdictions
AdoptionNot specified

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in Paloma have evolved in recent years. However, LGBT Palomans may still face some legal and many social challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents, particularly in Paloman Prefectural and territories with large Catholic and Muslim populations, such as in the Pajaro or Paloman Malaya.

Gay marriage in Paloma is illegal and cannot be preformed in the country. Previous rulings by the Supreme Court of Paloma determined originally that banning same-sex marriage as unconstitutional and against the common rights bill before it was overturned by the court a year later in a landmark decision that the Paloman government did not posses the proper recourses and unity on the subject due to the plurinational and multicultural structure of the state to recognize gay marriage in the country. Gay marriages performed outside Paloma are recognized by the government however.

LGBT rights anti-discrimination laws vary by Prefecture. Many prefectures have anti-discrimination laws in the current law code.

Hate crimes based on sexual orientation or gender identity are punishable by federal law under the Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2021, but many prefectures lack prefectural-level hate crime laws that cover sexual orientation and/or gender identity.


Although there has been no cases dated of HIV/AIDS among any of the Paloman population, the government strongly encourages safe sex practices and disclosure with a partner is infected with HIV/AIDS.

Summary table of LGBT rights in Paloma

A checkY denotes that the right exists, while a ☒N denotes it does not; a checkY and ☒N in the same column means the right varies on a state-by-state basis, or that it varies on the Federal Level.

LGBT right Federal protection Prefectural-level protection
Same-sex sexual activity legal Yes Yes
Equal age of consent Yes Yes
Romeo and Juliet laws apply equally to same-sex couples as to opposite-sex couples No No
Anti-discrimination laws in employment Yes Yes
Anti-discrimination laws in housing Yes Yes
Anti-discrimination laws in public accommodations No No
Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services No No
Anti-discrimination laws in all other areas No No
Anti-discrimination laws in health insurance Yes Yes
Anti-bullying legislation in schools and colleges No Yes/No
Anti-discrimination laws in schools and colleges No Yes/No
Anti-discrimination laws in hospitals Yes Yes
Anti-discrimination law in homeless shelters No Yes/No
Discrimination against Intersex or non-binary persons is interpreted to be a violation of anti-discrimination laws when gender identity and/or sex is enumerated as a protected class Yes for non-binary people, No for Intersex people Yes/No
LGBT anti-discrimination law in prisons, juvenile halls, and immigration detention centers, including but not limited to transgender people required to be housed according to their gender identity and coverage of transition care No Yes/No
Transgender-disenfranchising voting laws repealed/absent
Transgender people allowed to use restrooms and other gender-segregated spaces that correspond to their gender identity
Transgender people allowed to participate in the sport of their gender identity Yes Yes
Single-person restrooms with gender-segregated signage (and a lock) are given new signs saying "All-Gender Restroom" (by policy/law)
Gender confirmation surgery, puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy and other transition-related healthcare for transgender people required to be covered under health insurance policies
LGBT education No No
Hate Crime laws inclusive of Sexual orientation Yes (Since 2021) Yes/No
Hate Crime laws inclusive of Gender identity Yes (Since 2021)
Ban on police profiling on the basis of both perceived and/or actual gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation
Sexual orientation allowed as grounds for asylum
Gender identity allowed as grounds for asylum
Prohibition on the detention of immigrants on the basis of their LGBT identity.
Prohibition of deportations of LGBT immigrants back to countries with the death penalty for homosexuality
Endorsable visas for immigrants and travelers who are legally recognized as non-binary or Intersex in their country of origin
Surrogacy legal for male same-sex couples
Same-sex marriage No (Same-sex marriage preformed outside of Paloma recognized) No
Recognition of same-sex couples Yes Yes
Step-child adoption by same-sex couples
Joint adoption by same-sex couples
Paid family leave for same-sex parents and couples
LGBT anti-discrimination law in adoption, custody, and visitation rights
Conjugal visits for same-sex couples
LGBT people allowed to serve openly in the military No (under Don't Ask) No
Transgender people allowed to serve openly in the military No No
Transvestite people allowed to serve openly in the military
Intersex people allowed to serve openly in the military
Right to change legal gender Yes (Does not require SRS for a gender change on passports) Yes
Legal recognition of non-binary gender No Yes/No
Legal recognition of non-binary gender on Paloman passports No No
Abolition of gender-based dress codes which may discriminate against transgender students at schools
Airport security systems no longer classify bodies by (assumed/profiled) sex designation, and do not flag trans bodies as "alarm" or "anomaly" when they do not match normal sex designations
Paloman census counts number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and recognizes a non-binary gender or Intersex option No No
Intersex minors protected from invasive surgical procedures No No
Conversion therapy banned on minors Yes Yes
Gay panic and trans panic defenses banned by law
Homosexuality declassified as a mental illness Yes (since 2019) Yes
Transgender identity declassified as a mental illness Yes/No Yes/No
Intersex sex characteristics declassified as a physical deformity
MSMs allowed to donate blood
Female sex partners of MSMs allowed to donate blood

See also
