Dunjak-Barazkian Conflict

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Dunjak-Barazkian Conflict
Date21 April 2024 – 7 May 2024
(16 days)

Dunjak Victory

  • Barazkians are forced out of Dunjakistan
  • Dunjakistan reclaims east Bakaria
  • Dissolution of NBRM
  • Qizran forest is reclaimed by Dunjakistan
  • Sultan Abbas Al-Azeez Government is deposed due to the Coup
  • Abubakar Ibrahim I administration is reimplemented
  • Anti-Dunjak Propaganda websites are shut down by Dunjak Armed Forces
Islamiyyah Dunjakistan Barazkia
Commanders and leaders
Abubakar Ibrahim I
Muhammad Moussa Falatah
General Fazal Noor  Surrendered
Sharif B.(WIA)
Amin Sajid (WIA)
Baru Abdulleh  Surrendered
Units involved
Dunjak Armed Forces BNRM (Barazkian National Rebel Movement)
Barazkian Gangsters (minimal support)
20 Soldiers 24 rebels
4 Gangsters
Casualties and losses
6 injured 28 injured

Dunjak-Barazkian Conflict was an armed conflict between Islamiyyah Dunjakistan and The Emirate of Barazkia, The war was in response to micronational fights and skirmishes in the local area. tensions erupted in late April. the conflict lasted sixteen days, with many large scaled attacks and skirmishes mainly happening in the north-western part of Dunjakistan, The war concluded in Dunjak Victory.


21st of April at 8:30pm, Barazkian Sultan, Abbas Al-Azeez declared war against Islamiyyah Dunjakistan due to fights and arguments between the two, in response Abubakar Ibrahim I set up a battalion for the war. the conflict lasted sixteen days, with many large scaled attacks and skirmishes mainly happening in the north-western part of Dunjakistan, The war concluded in Dunjak Victory.


First Skirmish

During sometime in 9pm on April 21st, Barazkian rebels entered North Dunjakistan, around this time Abubakar was with 5 friends who he appointed to the battalion, at around 9:10-9:15 the first shot was fired by the Barazkians, Abubakar led his battalion to an area where they could fire back, The Dunjaks began firing back, the skirmish ended for a brief minute, this led to Abubakar leading his battalion closer to the Barazkians, where the Dunjak began firing, The Barazkians retreated with 5 wounded, The Dunjaks with only 1 wounded

Second Skirmish

At 10:18pm April 21st, Fazal Noor led the Barazkians close to the Dunjaks area again, where Dunjak soldier Abdul informed Abubakar about the Barazkian position, The Dunjaks set up behind a small cement wall. The Dunjaks began a counterattack with an ambush, The Barazkians were forced back, During the Barazkian pushback, Abubakar and another soldier split from the battalion and entered from another area to the Barazkians, Both armed on scooters, rode by the Barazkians while firing their weapons, a Barazkian rebel fired upon the unnamed soldier causing him to crash his scooter into a tree, The rest of the Battalion began firing from the other side causing the Barazkians to surrender.

Alleyway attack

Abubakar formed a larger battalion on April 22nd due to getting word of the larger Barazkian rebel group. The Barazkian rebels were seen near the south border of Dunjakistan, this led to a confrontation between the Dunjaks and the Barazkian, two shots were fired from the barazkians, The Dunjaks started firing back before splitting up in two groups. one group would attack from the east the other would attack from the west, The Dunjaks began communicating on tactical radios, it soon became clear to the Dunjaks that they were outnumbered, this however didn't matter Abubakar Ibrahim I as he just wanted to get rid of the Barazkians,


Barazkian rebels were seen moving to the east, where Abubakar ordered the east battalion rush them, The east battalion began firing towards the Barazkians, The west battalion began moving in closer to the fight before ambushing from behind, the gunfight lasted 30 seconds before both groups ran out of ammo, which led to the Dunjaks chasing the Barazkians out from the area.

Campsite skirmish

In the early hours of April 23rd, Abubakar led his battalion towards the Barazkian border, The Barazkians were seen setting up a campsite, Abubakar led his battalion into the campsite and began destroying it, this attack left minimal casualties.

Majeed conflict

20 minutes after the Campsite skirmish, Barazkian forces got close to Majeed, where Abubakar threw a small rock at an unnamed Barazkian soldier causing him to fall over, the Dunjaks closed in on the group which led them to retreat, the Barazkian was identified as Jamael Nasir, The Barazkians came back and shot 5 shots, none of which hit anyone. A few minutes later the Dunjaks spotted a Barazkian gunman walking in the forest, 3 Dunjaks followed to make sure the Barazkian wouldn't launch an attack, The Barazkian looked back and pulled out his rifle, the 3 Dunjaks hid in a long area of Grass where they could fire their guns, Soon the group swarmed the Barazkian where he surrendered.

Territorial dispute

Since the start of the conflict a dispute about a strip of land called 'Bakaria', the Barazkians claimed the land as theirs and under the name 'Kezmar', The dispute started on April 9th between Abubakar and Azeez, The two originally agreed on splitting the land in half but later Azeez broke this agreement, he then started spreading propaganda about the land and hoaxes about Dunjakistan, Abubakar made a statement on the 11th of April claiming that "The land was claimed by us since the start of our nation, now the Barazkian's want to take it.", Originally the two nations signed a pact but this was soon revoked due to the tensions.

Operation Al-Zarafa

Operation Al-Zafara was a successful military operation led by Abubakar Ibrahim I, Abubakar split his battalion into 5 divisions, the 5 divisions entered eastern Barazkia at 2:39pm and set up his division before finding the Eastern Barazkian rebels, The official attack launched at 2:47pm, Abubakar led the 5 divisions into the Barazkian base, the First division fired upon the Barazkian rebels while the other 4 divisions swarmed the base, capturing Military leader Sharif b. Dunjakistan now occupies a part of Eastern Barazkia which was originally Dunjak land.

Barazkian surrender

A large scale attack was launched by Dunjak forces, at 5:23pm Abubakar led the 5 divisions into Barazakian Bakaria, before attacking he ordered Muhammad Moussa Falatah to take the 4th and 5th division, The group split up with and entered into Barazkia, Muhammad Moussa Falatah took the 4th and 5th Division to the broken wall preparing for the urban assault, Abubakar with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd division moved in closer spotting the Barazkian rebels, The gunfire started at 5:31 as rain started to fall, The Dunjaks began firing hard onto the Barazkians causing them to run into the 4th and 5th Division which led General Rahim to surrender. the Dunjaks took him to Dunjaki prison where he is being interrogated by Abubakar.

Dunjak Invasion of Qizran forest

First attack

At 10:18pm on April 23rd, Abubakar led his battalion into Qizran forest, he then ordered the battalion to split into 5 divisions once again, with Muhammad Moussa Falata leading the 4th and 5th divisions. The battalion had now split up entering the forest from different areas, at 10:23 The Barazkian were spotted armed with guns, the Dunjaks threw small stones toward the settlements and began shooting, the 4th and 5th division began firing 2 minutes after the first 3 divisions, this surprised the Barazkians, leading them to retreat further into Qizran, The first, second and third battalion followed the Barazkians while the fourth and fifth destroyed the settlement.

Operation Qizram

at 12:29am, The Dunjaks had found the Barazkians near river Sumak on the edge of Qizram forest, At first the Dunjaks offered a peace treaty to let the Barazkians go, However the Barazkians wanted to have the forest to themselves, Abubakar made one final deal, a 50/50 split of the territory in Qizran, the Barazkian then opened fire on the unarmed Dunjaks, causing the dunjaks to take cover behind the Rock settlement and return fire, immediately the Barazkians attempted to implement Dunjak tactics into their fight, however they were not familiar with the tactics which led many of them to be hit fast.

At 12:49am the Barazkians once again retreated deeper into Qizran forest, Abubakar ordered Muhammad Moussa Falata to flank out the 4th and 5th Division again, During this Barazkian leader Lateef Nawaz started yelling slurs at Abubakar Ibrahim I and Muhammad Moussa Falata because of their Fulani Ancestry, Abubakar then told Muhammad Moussa Falata to flank out while he shoots, Abubakar then fired upon Lateef Nawaz causing Lateef to stumble into the rocks causing him to trip, while the 4th and 5th division took on the other Barazkians, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd took Lateef Nawaz as a POW, However Lateef surrendered along with Nasir M, Abubakar then led the Barazkians out of Qizran, The Qizran territory is now under high level Dunjak Security.

April 25-26 street conflict

The battle commenced at 12:52 AM on April 25, with Dunjakistani forces using the dark night to launch their attack. They struck quickly at Barazkian checkpoints, utilizing surveillance devices, for surveillance and guiding armed Dunjaks into strategic positions. The surprise attack created confusion among Barazkian troops, leading to a rapid loss of control over key parts of the military base.

By 2:30 AM, Dunjakistan had taken over the central base and the primary checkpoint, effectively disrupting Barazkian lines of communication. As dawn approached, Dunjakistan tightened its grip on the base.

By 7:28 AM, the battle was over, with Barazkian forces either retreating or surrendering.

Second Qizran battle

The skirmish began when Abubakar's battalion followed the Barazkians to Qizran forest, using drones to scan the forest, the Dunjaks detected unusual activity near a secluded area. As they moved in to investigate, they encountered a group of Barazkian rebels setting up a camp. The rebels were in the process of regrouping and were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Dunjak soldiers.

A brief exchange of fire ensued, with the Dunjak quickly gaining the upper hand due to their tactics, planning and the element of surprise. The soldiers used the dense forest to their advantage, circling the rebel camp and preventing any escape routes. The skirmish lasted about 30 minutes, resulting in 5 rebels wounded and 7 captured, including their leader, Amin Sajid. One Dunjak soldier was wounded during the exchange but was quickly taken back for medical assistance.

Operation: Mouz

Operation Mouz
Date27 April, 2024
Bakarian Strip, Islamiyyah Dunjakistan
Result Dunjak victory
Dunjak 5th Division

NBRM  Surrendered

  • Barazkian Gangsters
Commanders and leaders
Abubakar Ibrahim I Baru Abdulleh  Surrendered
Umar Abdu (WIA)
5 Soldiers 6 Rebels 4 Gangsters

Operation Mouz was a military operation carried out by Dunjak 5th division under Abubakar Ibrahim I, On the morning of April 27, 2024, Dunjakistans 5th division against the NBRM and the Barazkian gangsters, On the early morning of April 27, 2024, Abubakar Ibrahim I, led the 5th division for an expedition in Qizran forest, Around 200m from Qizran forest Abubakar spotted the Barazkian rebels with local Barazkian gangsters, Abubakar had made a plan prior incase of any encounters with the Barazkians, The 5th division were already informed on the plan while also seeing that the Barazkians were armed.

At 7:26am Abubakar initiated the Operation, The Dunjaks fired as the Barazkians took cover near a bush, the 5th division threw small stones at the Barazkians while Abubakar came from behind the Barazkians and began firing, Abubakar managed to injure 3 gangsters including Umar Abdu, The leader, The 5th divison then shot and chased at the fleeing Barazkian, causing a surrender, The Dunjaks took the Barazkians in for questioning where they told the Dunjaks about the Barazkian sultans plans, Operation Mouz was a success.

2024 Barazkian Coup

Abubakar entered Dunjak Bakaria into north Bakaria, The rebels from Barazkia entered Bakaria to take land illegally from Dunjakistan, Abubakar gave the rebels a chance to give back the land, They refused, Abubakar led the 5th Division into North Bakaria, The 5th division rushed towards the rebel leader known as 'Sultan Al-Azeez, the 5th division then took Sultan Al-Azeez and his rebels out of North Bakaria, then Reestablishing Abubakar Ibrahim I Administration, The North Bakaria autonomous region was now back in Dunjak lands. The Sultan of Barazkia angrily messaged Abubakar on WhatsApp, Sultan Al-Azeez:"Why did you coup against me", Abubakar Ibrahim I:"You set up a rebel group and illegally took a part of my land". Sultan Al-Azeez blocked Abubakar, Abubakar implemented better security in the Bakaria strip to stop any rebel coups from the Barazkians.

restart up of the Conflict

On April 30th, Abubakar Ibrahim I was informed about an anti-Dunjak propaganda site, Abubakar and an unnamed Dunjak entered the website and found a server link. Abubakar and the unnamed Dunjak got on alt accounts to spy on the Anti-Dunjak plans, Within a day both spies collected 20 screenshots and evidence of the group violating discord ToS, Abubakar sent the evidence to discord which led to the deletion of the Server, banning of the Barazkian sultan's account. Abubakar also managed to dismantle the anti-Dunjak site.

First Skirmish

May 1st 2024, Dunjak Armed Forces entered Qizran forest to find Barazkian rebels near a small settlement, The Dunjaks moved closer to get a better view before firing upon the Barazkians, The Barazkians became disorganized leaving them no choice but to retreat, The Dunjaks then found the Barazkians attempting to regroup and fired. after the first skirmish Dunjak soldiers began taking resources and gathering materials to make small settlements.

River Sumak battle

May 2nd, A Barazkian spotted Dunjak Armed Forces building settlements, The Barazkian then alerted the others before moving closer, a Dunjak soldier spotted the Barazkians causing both sides to fire, Abubakar Ibrahim I called in a small naval force to create a distraction, soon a small canoe came from the river Sumak and fired upon the Barazkians, causing the Barazkians to again break away, this gave the Dunjak the perfect opportunity to follow, The Dunjak managed to hit 3 Barazkians during the chase.

May 4-5 large scale battle

The Dunjaks had set up larger settlements ready for a large attack, The Barazkians were seen entering qizran forest by a Dunjak collecting wood, The Dunjak alerted Abubakar with a tactical radio, Abubakar ordered the battalion get in position, The Barazkians were told by a Cuisiniere that Qizran forest was unguarded, This claim would be false, as the Barazkian's moved closer a burst of shots were fired at the Barazkians, The Barazkians managed to get to a small barrier to return fire, a number of Barazkian's ran to river sumak, The Dunjak Navy captured 2 Barazkians, The rest of the Barazkians either ran to urban areas or further into river Sumak. where they finally surrendered on May 7th.

Tactics used

Dunjak Armed Forces

The Dunjak Armed Forces mainly used Ambush, Hit-and-run tactics and Guerilla warfare during the battle against the Barazkian rebels, the Dunjak Cyberforces used cyberattacks on anti-Dunjak Propaganda websites and shut down large Barazkian discord servers. The Dunjak Navy used drive-by type tactics to distract the Barazkians which gave Dunjak Armed Forces time to move closer to the Barazkians.

Barazkian Rebels

The tactics used by the Barazkian rebels are not well known, however they did attempt to implement Dunjak hit-and-run tactics.

Use of Cyberattacks

During the last week of the conflict (May 1-7), The Dunjaks used their cyberforces to combat anti-Dunjak propaganda websites, after successfully shutting down the anti-Dunjak websites, Abubakar Ibrahim I sent evidence of threats by the Barazkian sultan to discord, This lead to the banning of Sultan Abbas al-Azeez and deletion of the Barazkian discord server by Dunjak forces.

Abubakar Ibrahim I said the 'cyberattack' was necessary because of the Barazkian's use of propaganda and misinformation that was being spread on the blog.

Sultan Abbas Al-Azeez apologized for the anti-Dunjak website and decided to delete his fandom account to ensure no more anti-Dunjak websites would be created.

International responses

Abubakar Ibrahim I

"Today we as of May 7th have won the Barazkian conflict as of Operation Mouz and the Coup against Barazkia, Then the May 1st to 7th battles. we thank our soldiers, and citizens for the great battle and reclaiming of our rightful land. we have also managed to push out all Barazkian rebels and remove anti-Dunjak sites"

Sultan Al-Azeez

"The outcome of the conflict today was disappointing, our forces underestimated the strength of the Dunjaki's, we now have made the decision to unclaim Bakaria back to its rightful owner, Thank you."