United Church of New Pulaskia

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United Church of New Pulaskia
Location Bryant, Arkansas
Democratic Union of New Pulaskia
Date of Establishment November 26, 2022
Key Beliefs Balance Within Nature, Life After Death (for the good), Eternal Sleep (for the wicked), Future Armageddon, Finding Peace (meditation, anti-materialism, etc.)
Current Religious Head Ayden Tucker
Members (as of December 2022) 2

The United Church of New Pulaskia or the United Church of Pulaskia was a set of mixed beliefs held to standard by some within the Democratic Union of New Pulaskia. It pulled its ideals from other religions, namely Christianity, Taoism, and Buddhism among others. Those who believed in the United Church's principles held nature and its creatures to a high standard, similar to that of humans, and believe that after death, there is a period of darkness followed by paradise for the faithful, good, and kind, and eternal darkness for the evil and wicked.

It was at first only an idea in the mind of Ayden Tucker, who had mixed feelings on the doctrines of Catholicism and Christianity and their promise of eternal hellfire for unbelievers, and so he decided to change around these beliefs, founding the religion officially under government law on November 26, 2022. It mainly stayed a small religion followed officially by two people within New Pulaskia.


The United Church of New Pulaskia was a religion named for the nation it was a part of. It was one of many suggested names, among Naturalism, Natureism/Naturism, Unionism, Neo-Christianity, and Mixed Religion. The name was still somewhat in debate when the religious group was formally disbanded.


The United Church of New Pulaskia was founded on November 26, 2022, by Ayden Tucker as a way to convey his heartfelt beliefs on nature and peace. It would quickly adopt its final form, with believers simply practicing the religion's beliefs alongside their lives, interests, and work. The religious text known as the Holy Scriptures of the United Church was created to outline what the original member(s) believed in. It grew to encompass 2 people in November 2022 and its core beliefs are still practiced. Plans for a religious sermon or council had been drafted at the time of disbanding, but not implemented. It fell out of use and was officially disbanded in late 2023.


Naturalism (Balance Within Nature)

Naturalism holds that nature and its creatures must be respected and venerated as any other human. This made exceptions for animal consumption (within the United Church) but does not allow for United Church members to kill animals. The United Church held the exception of being allowed to kill an animal or other human under serious threat of death by that human or animal, but it is highly discouraged if possible. Humans should also be respected especially parents and siblings, and they should not quarrel.

Finding Peace

United Church members practiced meditation to stop suffering, and also practiced hobbies as a form of both meditation and calming and satisfaction. This ideal was pulled from Buddhism, along with the United Church being quite anti-materialistic and urging its members to find peace and happiness with life and their loved ones, not with material goods and items.

Life After Death and The Eternal Sleep

The United Church members believed that after death there is a period of darkness for all, after which they are judged by god/a god. If they are found to have been good and led good lives, they are sent to a paradise-like life after death where they spend the rest of eternity. If they led wicked and evil lives, they are put into an eternal sleep, filled with nothing but a void of eternal darkness and chaos.

Canon of Christian Scriptures and Scientific Theory

Most Christian Greek and Hebrew Scriptures of the Bible were considered to be accurate and are followed alongside the beliefs mentioned above. They were practiced and beliefs held to high standards by them were observed. However, several stories such as that of a worldwide flood and creation of man by God (along with Biblical dates not lining up) led followers to denounce the stories in favor of scientific theories on the creation of the universe/world and historical accounts.


The United Church did not have a true religious structure, it was mainly filled with followers, but it did have a high priest/worship leader. The current High Priest is Ayden Tucker.

Holy Texts

The two holy texts of the United Church were the adeptly named "Holy Text of the United Church" and the Holy Bible (Dead Sea Scroll texts used as main reference instead of King James or other). They were both held to a high standard and followed to the word.

Saints, Holidays and Religious Sites

No saints had been designated by the United Church, nor any holidays at the time of disbanding. The holidays in place as parts of Christianity (i.e. Easter Sunday, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Christmas (debated) were used and celebrated. Religious sites have not been designated, but the City of Jerusalem is known as an important site, along with Bodh Gaya (where the Buddha achieved enlightenment), Ur (God spoke to Abraham), Jericho (where Joshua brought down the wall supposedly), Mount Ararat (where Noah's Ark landed, this one is debated), Bethlehem (where Jesus was supposed to have been born), and the Red Sea coast (where Moses parted the waters). There are also smaller and less well-known sites, such as Babylon (exile), Susa (story of Esther), etc.