Royal Standard of Arlandica

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The Royal Standard of Arlandica is used by the monarch of Arlandica. It became the monarch's personal flag on January 5, 2024, following a royal decree signed by King Jerold I. It is primarily used to represent the monarch and the royal family.

The Royal Standard of Arlandica


The standard consists of four quarters: two are gold, and the other two are blue. The first quarter features the chicken/rooster, the national animal of Arlandica. The second quarter depicts a castle, despite the micronation having no actual castle; it symbolizes the settlements in Mainland Arlandica, namely Santo Niño City and Melascoville City. The third quarter displays a palm tree, representing the abundance of Arlandican lands. The fourth quarter showcases two fish, symbolizing the reefs in Kalinawan. These elements are also found in the country's coat of arms.


The standard is a personalized flag used to represent the monarch and the royal family. Used in events and ceremonies. Sometimes it is displayed in the residence of the Royal family in Santo Niño City.

See also