New Yitussian Empire

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The New Yitussian Empire
Coat of arms
Motto: Единство в Cвободе (Unity in Freedom)
Anthem: "God Save our Glorious Land!"
File:United States
CapitalNovaya Moskva
Largest cityNikolaigrad
Official languagesEnglish, German, Russian
Demonym(s)Yitussian, Yitussische, Yitusskii
GovernmentConstitutional Social Monarchism
• Tsar
Ivan Antonivitch Melnikov I
• General Secretary
Ivan Antonivitch Melnikov I (Acting General Secretary)
LegislaturePeople's Duma
EstablishmentSeptember 17, 2019
• Census
CurrencyUS Dollar ($)
Time zoneUS Mountain, US Central


Yitussia (Yit-OO-shuh) comes from the words "Yippity" and "Russia". The word "yippity", believe it or not, comes from a joke that Tsar Ivan and his friend made, the full joke being "Yippity yeetus (blank) is deletus." The original name of Yitussia was almost Yippitussia, however the Tsar disliked the word because he thought it too long, so he shortened the word to "Yitussia", and was satisfied with it.

Brief Introduction

Established on September 17, 2019, the New Yitussian Empire is a quite new micro nation. The country is led by current Tsar Ivan A. Melnikov I, who is still developing the nation. The Empire is modeled off of several different countries, chief amongst them being Germany and Russia. The official language of Yitussia is English, with the recognized languages of Russian and German as well. The national currency of Yitussia is as of right now the US Dollar, with plans to develop a "Yitussian Ruble".

History of the Empire

The New Yitussian Empire was founded after the fall of the Montanan Soviet Socialist Republic, by the former Generalissimus Ivan Melnikov (then Kynetsov), who decided to stick with Monarchy once and for all. The nation's constitution was drafted in November, being put forward and approved on November 27, 2019. The nation was originally run on the online website of Discord, however due to a possible security risk, the transition was made from digital to physical management. The capital was renamed to Novaya Moskva. The Empire retains the two Old Yitussian provinces of Capitalia and Saratovskii, with the colony of The Yitussian Republic of Krakistan being added to micro national claims on November 23, 2019. The port of Alexandrograd was established in Krakistan on January 16, 2020, and was declared a free port by Tsar Ivan I.

Geography and Climate

The geography and climate of Yitussia varies between the provinces and the sole colony of the Empire.


Capitalia is rather flat, with but few trees growing in the province. The province is located in Eastern Montana, U.S.A., and houses the nation's capital of Novaya Moskva. The winters in Yitussia are almost Siberian (prompting the Tsar to remark if "I found a new province, it shall be named New Siberia!!!"), while the summers can be scorching hot. There have been droughts in the area in the past, as well as an equal amount of abundances of moisture. The size of Capitalia is roughly 2.783 versts2.

Provincial Flag of Capitalia


Saratovskii is vastly different from Capitalia and Krakistan. Saratovskii has rolling hills, and much more trees. The summers are hot and humid, while the winters can be anywhere from as punishing as Capitalia's to almost spring like. However, one must note that Saratovskii is located in Iowa, U.S.A., almost 70 miles from the Nebraskan border. Saratovskii also boasts the largest land area of any Yitussian territory, as well as the largest Yitussian city, Nikolaigrad. Saratovskii's area is roughly 5.566 versts2.

Provincial Flag of Saratovskii

The Yitussian Republic of Krakistan

Krakistan is not very far from Capitalia, being about 4.4 versts away. Krakistan is an island colony located in the Missouri River, and is flat and almost devoid of vegetation. It does give Yitussia an important trade route however. Krakistan shares the same climate and time zone as Capitalia. Krakistan measures in at around 1.75 versts2.

Flag of the Yitussian republic of Krakistan

Yitussian Culture

Yitussian culture is a beautiful blend of American, Russian, and German culture. If you're lucky, you may hear the tune of a German folk song playing, or the smell of Russian blini (pancakes), freshly made and ready to eat. Folk dancing is a highly regarded sport in the Empire, the Tsar himself an avid Hopak dancer. Folk singing is a particularly amazing spectacle to behold as well.

Language in the Empire

The official languages of Yitussia are American, German, and Russian respectively. It is not mandatory to know German and Russian, but it is heavily stressed that all citizens know English.


The military force of Yitussia consists of only one operational unit, The First Capitalian Guards, an Army unit, whilst the First Missouri River Squadron of the Navy is in the planning stage. The Tsar drills daily, practicing marksmanship, saber wielding, and marching. He insists "that the (Yitussian) Army is ready for anything." The official hymn of the Grand Army of Yitussia is "Armiya Moya", with the hymn of the Grand Navy being "Varyag". The First Capitalian Guards emblem is two crossed sabers with the number "7" above, a nod to the past of the region Capitalia is located in, East Montana.

Official Flag of the Yitussian Army
Official Naval Ensign of Yitussia

The Flag and Its Meaning

The Yitussian flag is made up of three primary colors: Black, for the good earth, yellow, for the sun, and white for spiritual purity. The coat of arms of Yitussia is a double headed Russian eagle, with a Slavic Kolovrat symbol flanked by olive leaves inset on the eagle. The two heads of the Eagle symbolize the Elected and Imperial government, the two branches of government in the Empire. The flag design was found on Google and fit the Tsar's preference for a national flag. The Tsar has also designed by hand many other flags for the Empire.

Official New Yitussian Flag

The National Anthem

The New Yitussian national anthem was written by Tsar Ivan I to the tune of Slavsya Otechestvo. You can hear the anthem by clicking on this link: The lyrics are as follow:


United in freedom, our glorious Empire will stand the test of time forever! Through glory and war, our glorious Tsar will lead us and protect us from evil!

God save our glorious land! Our sacred land! Arise, vast country, and defend! Our holy Motherland! Our glorious people!

God save our glorious land!


Объединившись в свободе, наша славная Империя навсегда выдержит испытание временем! Через славу и война наш славный царь поведет нас и защитит нас от зла!

Боже, храни нашу славную землю! Наша священная земля! Встань, огромная страна, и защищай! Наша святая Родина! Наш славный народ!

Боже, храни нашу славную землю!

Transliteration: Ob"yedinivshis' v svobode, nasha slavnaya Imperiya navsegda vyderzhit ispytaniye vremenem! Cherez slavu i voyna nash slavnyy tsar' povedet nas i zashchitit nas ot zla!

Bozhe, khrani nashu slavnuyu zemlyu! Nasha svyashchennaya zemlya! Vstan', ogromnaya strana, i zashchishchay! Nasha svyataya Rodina! Nash slavnyy narod!

Bozhe, khrani nashu slavnuyu zemlyu!


In Freiheit vereint, wird unser ruhmreiches Imperium den Test der Zeit für immer bestehen! Durch Ruhm und Krieg wird unser herrlicher Kaiser uns führen und uns vor dem Bösen schützen!

Gott schütze unser herrliches Land! Unser heiliges Land! Steh auf, ein riesiges Land, und beschütze! Unser heiliges Mutterland! Unsere herrlichen Leute!

Gott schütze unser herrliches Land!

There is only one stanza to the anthem, due to the Tsar's preference of keeping the anthem short and simple. In his opinion: "An anthem should not last longer than 2 minutes."

Political Parties

Currently Yitussia has only one political party, The Yitussian Social Monarchist Party, of which the Tsar is honorary Chairman of. The party focuses primarily on the nation's economy, as well as the welfare and health of the citizens.

The Yitussian Social Monarchist Party Flag

Tsar Ivan Antonivitch Melnikov I

Born September 17, 2003, Tsar Ivan is the current regent of The New Yitussian Empire. He spends his time mainly reading, writing, building models, and anything else that keeps him occupied. He is currently 16, and living with his family in Novaya Moskva.

The Tsar in his private Novaya Moskva room
The Flag and Coat of Arms of the House of Melnikov


Ivan's full title is: Ivan Antonivitch Melnikov I, Tsar of the New Yitussian Empire, President of the Yitussian Republic of Krakistan, Vice-President of the Constitutional Republic of Grastonia, recipient of the Neo-Prussian Iron Cross, Cavalier of the Order of Lenin First and Second Class, Recipient of the Order of the Bronze Eagle, Chairman of the Yitussian Social Monarchist Party, Commander-in-Chief of the Yitussian Military.


In the photo of the Tsar to the right, he is wearing his Iron Cross that he received from Erich Hartmann I of the Neo-Prussian Empire, The Order of the Bronze Eagle, and The Yitussian Order of Lenin First and Second Class. The crossed sabers with the number "7" is the official emblem of the First Capitalian Guards.

Yitussian Holidays

Yitussia follows most standard holidays, with a few special ones of its own. Please note these are in no particular order.

September 17, Day of Founding

The Yitussian birthday celebration.

September 18, Tsar's Day

A celebration of the Tsar's birthday, due to the fact that the Tsar believes "the country's birthday is far more important than mine."

September 9, National Tolstoy Day

A holiday where citizens celebrate the birth of famous Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy.

November 7, Day of Social Pride

Dedicated to the Russian Revolution of 1917.

April 1, Tag von Bismarck

In memory of the birth of the "Iron Chancellor."

November 23, Krakistan Day

For the founding of Krakistan.

November 27, Constitution Day

To celebrate the approval of the New Yitussian Constitution.

May 27–28, Tsushima Remembrance

This holiday is to remember those who fought and died in the Tsushima Strait in 1905.

May 9, Den' Pobedy

Dedicated to the fall of Berlin and Nazi Germany.

December 15, Old Friends Day

This day is for looking back at all the friends one has made and lost through their lives.

November 16, Army Day

The birthday of the Grand Army.

April 8, Navy Day

The birthday of the Grand Navy.

Foreign Relations

Yitussia is currently in relations with The Grand Republic of Cycoldia, and an alliance with The Constitutional Republic of Grastonia.