National monarchism

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Types of government

National monarchism, previously known as neo-patriotism or preponderatism, is a political ideology and ideological framework that amalgamates populism, traditionalism, militarism, nationalism, and the enduring values of the a micronation's culture.[1] Rooted in a commitment to a strong and unified nation, this ideology envisions a society where a monarchy, inspired by the principles of the nation, serves as the supreme and legitimate source of authority. Generally, as it originated in the Empire of Ela'r'oech, Elarian values are set to be the main basis and values of any nation which wishes to incorporate national monarchism, though this can be disputed and is not necessarily a prerequisite.


The term "national monarchism" finds its roots in the compound of "national" and "monarchism." "National" underscores the ideology's emphasis on the collective identity and unity of the Elarian nation, while "monarchism" signifies the central role of a monarchy as the governing authority. Originating in the Empire of Ela'r'oech, the term gained prominence as a political and philosophical doctrine, encapsulating the unique blend of ideals shaping the nation.

Definition and usage

National monarchism can be defined as a political ideology advocating for a centralized governance structure led by a ruling monarchy, with the accompanying supreme party as the exclusive and legitimate source of political power. This framework emphasizes national unity, cultural preservation, and the embodiment of the nation's soul in the monarchy. It draws connections from various political and cultural ideas to create a unique system that places the monarch and the supreme party at the core of governance.

The term "national monarchism" is used to describe the political and ideological framework employed in the governance of the Empire of Ela'r'oech. It denotes a system where a monarchy and the associated supreme party are the central authorities, guiding the nation based on unique principles. The usage extends to discussions about political parties and movements globally that align with similar principles, emphasizing a commitment to strong, centralized governance rooted in national identity.


National monarchists assert that the concept of race, within the context of their ideology, is not based on biology or science but is a social construct. They argue that micronations, like the originating nation the Empire of Ela'r'oech, can establish their own 'races' based on ethnicity, uniting people with shared cultural values, traditions, and language. This perspective rejects biological determinism and emphasizes a self-identification process, allowing individuals to join the 'race' by upholding the values and principles of national monarchism.[1]

To clarify further, race is a concept with no biological or scientific basis or evidence. It's purely a social construct. The Elarian race could be defined by a simple citizen of the Empire who also, generally, speaks the language. Ideally, anyone can become a member of the race so long as they uphold and defend its values and the Empire itself. All foreigners should be free to join the Empire so long as they pass a test that evaluates their eligibility for citizenship. These foreigners will then be naturalized by their own volition in a program any non naturalized citizen can opt out of. However, naturalization will include taking courses on the language and history of the nation.

— Anthony Ramirez, National Monarchism: A Guide, Chapter VIII 'Elarian Purity'

Manifesto and ideology

The manifesto of national monarchism promotes superiority based on individuals striving to be better than they were before. To support this, the manifesto states that one can be better than before by continuing to uphold and live by national monarchist values, as well as the cultural values of their respective nation. Ideally, a national monarchist society is very traditionalist and upholds Christian values.

In the Empire of Ela'r'oech, a family of four leads a fulfilling daily life, deeply entwined with the nation's values and traditions. The father, a high-ranking official, starts his day by offering praise to the Emperor and his Chancellors for their wisdom and guidance. He then sets off to work, where he contributes to the Empire's prosperity and stability with great dedication.

The mother, a devoted wife and homemaker, ensures that her family is well-cared for. She prepares meals, maintains the household, and teaches her children the importance of loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire. Her love and care for her family serve as a model for her daughter's future role as a mother.

The daughter, a young girl with a passion for animals, learns to care for her pets as a way to develop her nurturing instincts. She also studies subjects that will prepare her for a logistical role in the Empire's workforce, ensuring she can contribute to the nation's growth and success.

The son, a young boy full of energy and curiosity, attends school where he learns about the Empire's history, the great victories over Pontunia, and the legendary figures of the Emperor and his Chancellors. After school, he dons his military uniform and joins the Elarian Armed Forces for rigorous training, learning discipline, courage, and loyalty to the nation.

Upon returning home, the son offers praise to the Emperor and the Empire for the opportunity to serve and protect their homeland. The family then gathers for dinner, sharing stories and discussing their day. They end the night with a prayer to the Emperor, expressing gratitude for his leadership and the blessings bestowed upon the Empire.

This daily routine reflects the deep connection between the citizens of Ela'r'oech and their nation, as they live in harmony with the Empire's values and traditions.

— Anthony Ramirez, National Monarchism: A Guide, Chapter XI 'Daily Life'

Roles of the government

In the framework of national monarchism, the roles of the government, including the Chancellor, President, Parliament, and Monarchy, are integral to the establishment and maintenance of a strong, centralized governance system. The specific roles and interactions between these entities are designed to ensure the harmonious functioning of the nation, guided by the principles of the ideology. The monarchy in national monarchism holds a central and symbolic role as the embodiment of the nation's soul. The monarch is considered the supreme and legitimate source of authority, entrusted with the sacred duty of guiding and leading the nations people. The monarch's functions include providing a unifying figure for the nation, representing continuity and tradition. While often serving as a ceremonial head of state, the monarch may also have specific constitutional powers or advisory roles.[1][2]

The second-in-command serves as a key executive figure within the national monarchist government. Elected by the people, the second-in-command plays a crucial role in implementing policies and overseeing the day-to-day administration of the nation. They are responsible for translating the values and principles of national monarchism into practical governance. This includes formulating policies aligned with the nations values, maintaining social harmony, and ensuring the nation's strength and prosperity. An optional third-in-command plays a significant role in the National Monarchist government, acting as the head of the executive branch. The precise role of this third-in-command is very much a case-by-case basis. However, in the originating nation, the third-in-command is an elected President who serves to mostly serve as a second speaker of the Parliament and overall representative of the state.

The legislature functions within the national monarchist government, representing the interests of the people. Members of Parliament may be elected or appointed, depending on the specific structure of the nation. The legislature is responsible for passing laws, reviewing policies, and ensuring that the governance aligns with the principles of national monarchism. It serves as a forum for deliberation and debate, contributing to the formulation of policies that reflect the nation's values.

Gender roles

National monarchism, like many ideologies, often emphasizes traditional gender roles rooted in historical norms and cultural values. The framework typically assigns specific roles and expectations to individuals based on their gender, reflecting a view of societal organization that aligns with traditionalism. It's important to note that these gender roles can vary in their manifestation depending on the interpretation and implementation within specific communities or nations adhering to national monarchism.[1]

Traditional gender roles within national monarchism often depict men as protectors and providers. Men are expected to take on roles in the military or other positions that contribute to the nation's defense and economic prosperity. Men are typically encouraged to pursue leadership positions in government, the military, and other institutions. This aligns with the ideology's emphasis on strength, discipline, and loyalty. National monarchism celebrates traditional male figures in history and mythology, reinforcing the expectation that men should emulate these ideals.

Women in national monarchism are often associated with roles in the domestic sphere, emphasizing homemaking and nurturing. This includes responsibilities related to raising children, maintaining the household, and fostering a sense of family loyalty. Women may be encouraged to take on supportive roles in the community and nation, contributing to social harmony and the well-being of the population. National monarchism often places importance on the preservation of cultural heritage. Women may play a role in passing down traditions, values, and cultural practices to future generations.


Tradition holds immense importance in national monarchism as it forms the backbone of the cultural identity of the nation's people.[1] Preserving and adhering to traditions is seen as a way to maintain a distinct and cohesive cultural identity that transcends generations. Tradition provides a sense of continuity and stability to the society. In a rapidly changing world, adhering to established customs and practices offers a foundation upon which the nation can build, ensuring a sense of stability that contributes to social harmony. National monarchism places a high value on specific virtues and principles. Traditions act as a vessel for the transmission of these values from one generation to the next. This ensures that the core beliefs of national monarchism are not only maintained but also ingrained in the collective consciousness of the society. Tradition establishes a connection to the nation's history, emphasizing the achievements, struggles, and triumphs of the people. This historical context serves as a source of inspiration and a reminder of the resilience and spirit that has defined the nation over time. Shared traditions should foster a sense of unity and solidarity among the people. Participating in common rituals and celebrations creates a communal bond, reinforcing the notion that individuals are part of a larger, interconnected whole.

National leaders, especially the monarch, serve as symbols of unity within national monarchism. Their position transcends political roles, embodying the collective spirit of the nation. The reverence of national leaders fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment among the citizens. National leaders are viewed as guiding figures who set the moral and ethical compass for the nation. Their actions and decisions are expected to align with the principles of national monarchism, providing a model for citizens to emulate. Leaders are often instrumental in preserving and upholding traditions. By participating in ceremonial and cultural events, they reinforce the importance of tradition and showcase a commitment to the nation's cultural heritage. National leaders are tasked with safeguarding the values and principles that define national monarchism. Their leadership is expected to reflect a commitment to the betterment of the nation and the welfare of its citizens. The reverence of national leaders is tied to the belief that their qualities and actions should inspire the nation to strive for greatness. Leaders are often portrayed as embodying the virtues and ideals that National Monarchists hold dear, motivating citizens to contribute positively to the society.

Foreign policy

National monarchism often advocates for the purity of the race, culture, and heritage. This perspective can lead to a view of foreigners, especially those from outside the cultural and linguistic sphere, as potentially diluting or compromising the perceived purity of the nation. While national monarchism may hold a preference for preserving a specific identity based on the state, it does not inherently exclude foreigners. Instead, the emphasis is often on the integration of foreigners into the nation's culture and values. Foreigners who wish to join the nation may undergo a naturalization process.[1] This process may include courses on the language, history, and values of the state. The intention is to ensure that individuals seeking citizenship actively engage with and understand the nation's traditions.

National Monarchism advocates for strong alliances with nations that share similar values and interests. Nations with national monarchist governments may implement a cautious approach to foreign relations, aligning with the ideology's commitment to preserving the national identity and safeguarding the nation's interests.  In international relations, the emphasis is often on protecting the nation's interests, maintaining sovereignty, and ensuring that foreign policies align with cultural and ethnic values. The ideology encourages diplomatic relationships with like-minded nations.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 National Monarchism: A Guide, Anthony Ramirez, 1 January 2024. Received 2 January 2024
  2. Respect Act of 2023 from the Parliament of the Empire of Ela'r'oech, 24 December 2024. Received 2 January 2024.