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Junowestavianism (Cartesian: Iuniveuctavesme) (Juniperian: Ayuniwestaivosisme) (Westavian: Adleriumsol), commonly known as Westavian Unionism is the political and social movement that supports the continuation of the union between Juniperia and Westavia, and affirms Athena II and the House of Athen as the rightful house of Westavia and is hence opposed to Westavian independence. Westavia was one of four subdivisions of Juniperia and is currently embodied in the County of Laskaridia. Westavia has a semi-devolved government with many active individuals. The main leader in the movement is Ishan Jha (formerly), a Westavian by birth, and his close friend, the Duke of Jean and Perry.


The widely accepted term is Junowestavianism, which has been accepted by many proponents and critics of the ideology. Westavian unionism and Junoadlerianism are also used as terms.


The first usage of the term came outside Juniperian context during the Ruisseauan Civil War. The Shahanic revivalists first rebelled and stated that Westavians should be independent from Ruisseau, and that a descendant of Shahan I should be restored to the throne.

The term in its modern usage came from George and Edward Celenic, Edward Celenic was an advisor to Shahan I and to Shahan IV during the Ruisseauan Civil War, and George Celenic was also a Westavian nationalist, thus were opposed to Junowestavianism, the two formed a party named One Nation (Westavian: Eine Nac). The party was vehemently nationalist and has formed a prominent opposition in the local Westavian government.