Arstotzkan Legislation Versions

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The Arstotzkan Legislation Versions or the Arstotzkan Legislation Version System (ALVS) are a series of updating and improvements on legislation design in the Arstotzkan Union. The first legislation version came about in February 2020 (2020.2). Since then there have been 5 versions.

The idea of Legislation Versions came in 2020 when Constitution Versions were introduced. However this was phased out by 2021 in favour of it being a part of the legislation.



2020.2 also known as 2020.2 Alpha was the first known Legislation Version. Established in February 2020 with the Border Protection Act. The version is very basic, utilizing the Helvetica Neue font. The version has "Amendments" instead of a preface or glossary. The legislation that used this version are, Border Protection Act, Entertainment and Social Media Restrictions and Censorship Act 2020, National Security Protection Act 2020, Civil Protection Act 2020, Anniversaries and National Holidays Act 2020 and the Land and Territories Act 2020, which was since updated to the 2021.8 version.


The 2021.1 version was an update of the 2020.2 version. It slightly built on the 2020.2 version by changing the font from Helvetica Neue to Times New Roman. However it still contained the "Amendments" section. The known legislation to use this version are the Privacy Act 2021 and Constitution Act 2021.


The 2021.8 was the biggest upgrade to the Legislation Versions. Firstly it improved the coat of arms by changing it from the Arstotzkan Eagle to the new Coat of Arms. Secondly it removed the "Amendments" section in favour of new Preface and Glossary sections. The first legislation template was created using this version. Some legislation that use it are the Covid-19 Response and Public Health Safety Act 2021, Arstotzkan Statute on Government Systems (2021), Executive Presidential Order on the Reforming of the Command and the Structure of the Arstotzkan Union National Defense Forces (October 2021), Civil Protection Act 2021, Firearms and Civilian Regulation Act 2021, War and Conflicts Act 2021, Executive and Supreme Powers Act 2021, Citizenship Act 2022, Bill of Rights Act 2022 and the Preventative Measures Act 2022.


The 2022.3 Version update improved on the 2021.8 version by adding the "Long Title" section under the "Preface". Some legislation contain it while still being under the 2021.8 version while others have adopted it.

2022.7 (Current)

The 2022.7 upgrade is the current legislation version. It modernizes its Preface and adding in an interpretation section and incorporating the new Coat of Arms. The only piece of legislation that uses the 2022.7 version to date is the State Owned Enterprises Act 2022.