Armed Forces of the U.C.C.R

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Christian Soviet Armed Forces

We are the Army of the People
Established Unknown (original)
2 November 2020 (Current)
3 years and 7 months ago
Country Christadonia
Previous engagements Operation Broken Silence, Tungsten-MACP War, Romanescuan Civil-War, LENS-Runnymede War
Current engagements Cold war with North Korea, U.C.C.R Civil-war
Grand Admiral of the Red Navy John Cordeaux II
General of the Christian Soviet Red Marine Corps Ivan Chernokovsky
Commander of the Airforce Viktor Chekev
General of The Red Army of the Christian Union CACU Mikhail Petrovsky
General information
Headquarters Christograd
Active personnel 23

The Armed Forces of the U.C.C.R or the Christian Soviet Armed Forces is the government agency that makes up the military of the Union of Christian Communist Republics, which is responsible for protecting the territorial integrity of the nation. It is made up of an Christadonian Army, Christian Soviet Red Navy, and Red Airforce.


The Armed Forces of the U.C.C.R have fought in and been involved in Operation Broken Silence, Tungsten-MACP War, Romanescuan Civil-War, LENS-Runnymede War


Aggressive and rush gorilla tactics, scorched earth warfare, blitzkrieg.


Premier of the U.C.C.R, Generals, Military staff, lower ranks.


Christograd, U.C.C.R


Grand Admiral of the Red Navy John Cordeaux II, General of the Christian Soviet Red Marine Corps Ivan Chernokovsky, Commander of the Airforce Viktor Chekev, CACU-General of The Red Army of the Christian Union Mikhail Petrovsky.




See also
