Anti-Arlandican sentiment

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Anti-Arlandican sentiment is prejudice, persecution, discrimination, fear, or hatred against the Arlandican government, Arlandican people, its monarch or the culture of the Kingdom of Arlandica. Sources of this article are based on history and reports from the Civil Guard.

This includes the dislike of the Arlandican expansion of territory, political, economic, cultural, and media influence. Other commentators have accused Arlandica of practicing Neocolonialism. However, the Arlandican government denied all of their "baseless" claims.

Regional antipathy

As of January 2023, there is no occurrence regarding the Anti-Arlandican sentiment. The following are the micronational entities whose its people and/or government have had cases of this sentiment at least once.

According to the Civil Guard, most Arlandicans have a negative view on Monzen.

Association of Micronations in the Philippine Islands (AMPI)

From October 2020 until April 2021, tensions between the member-states of the Association of Micronations in the Philippine Islands (AMPI), led by Fidelis against Arlandica, caused a growing anti-Arlandican sentiment within their organization. King Jerold I, who was the supreme leader at that time, warned AMPI that its actions and attitude would face consequences. The Central Committee of AMPI declared micronations affiliated with Accande Terrie Ornindo (ATO) as "Category 0." Arlandica did not recognize this decision. Jerold claimed that Rameses Casten, an AMPI member and Prince-Elector of Fidelis, engaged in cyberbullying towards him. Jerold I also alleged that AMPI questioned the legitimacy of Arlandica as a micronation and stated that Arlandica should be governed by adults rather than its founder. Jerold I added that this questioning of Arlandica's existence as a micronation was considered an insult to the Arlandican people.

On the other hand, AMPI's animosity towards Arlandica stems from Jerold's affiliation with communism as his ideology. Nevertheless, efforts to eliminate leftist ideologies in Arlandica were underway as Jerold aimed to establish a monarchy. A coup d'état attempt against Jerold I occurred due to this transitional process.


Before the crisis between Arlandica and Okasakawa occurred on February 2021, there was already a noticeable increase in Anti-Arlandican sentiment within the Okasakawa government. As a member-state of AMPI, the leaders had previously extended offers to Arlandica to become their vassal state. However, Jerold I rejected these offers, viewing them as an affront to Arlandica's right to exist as an independent micronation.

The offers made by Okasakawa were perceived as an insult to Arlandica's existence. Criticisms of Jerold's governance in Arlandica by Okasakawa further exacerbated tensions, eventually leading to the Okasakawan-Arlandican Crisis. The leader of Okasakawa, Angelus I, went as far as referring to Arlandica as a "penguin land." This reference was seen as an insult, as Arlandica's identity extends beyond being solely associated with penguins.[a]


Before the ratification of the Arlandic Agreement, Suleiman criticized Jerold I as arrogant, a moron, and incompetent.[b] However, he simultaneously encouraged Jerold I to bring Arlandica under his administration. Jerold I agreed to sign the agreement under these circumstances.

After the ratification of the Arlandic Agreement, the citizens of Arlandica and its supporters at that time were discontented with the agreement. They had not been consulted, and Suleiman's rule had increased Arlandica's dependence on Renderfeit. Jerold I initiated a movement to restore independence. Amid the crisis, Jerold I would have faced criminal charges in Renderfeit had he not surrendered or ceased his actions. Despite this, he persisted in his actions. Eventually, Suleiman acknowledged Jerold I's legitimacy as the monarch of Arlandica.

Accande Terrie Ornindo (ATO)

During the Arland Crisis in March 2021, Accande Terrie Ornindo's Secretary-General, President Carl Miguel Victa, reportedly mocked Arlandica by labeling it a "useless member-state" in an online chatroom, as reported by Vilasian sources. Leaders of Renderfeit and AMPI also condemned Arlandica's actions. Blazetopia aligned itself with Renderfeit during the situation.


In September 2021, Qinnowah, led by Samuel Escueta, was involved in a case of hate towards the monarchy of Arlandica. For instance, Qinnowah supported the Republican Movement in Cataline (Nueva Bago). However, tensions with Arlandica were later eased as Qinnowah declared its dissolution.

Razorite State

In 2021, the leader of Razorite State accused Jerold I of committing acts of neocolonialism, such as expanding Arlandica's influence in Mindanao without his permission. The Arlandican government denied all of his accusations.

Breaddoge Empire (BDE)

In August 2022, the Civil Guards of Arlandica reported that members of a group called the Breaddoge Empire (B.D.E.) were spreading hate and discrimination against King Jerold I and the people of Arlandica. The monarch took action and personally spoke to Dominick Guzman, an admin of the group. However, Guzman and his colleagues showed disrespectful behavior towards the monarch, leading King Jerold I to call it cyber libel for sharing old photos of him without permission.

As a result, the Arlandican government declared all persons affiliated with B.D.E. as "unwelcomed people" and barred them from entering the borders of Arlandica.

Currently, Anti-Arlandican sentiment persists in the Breaddoge Empire as its members continue to express hatred toward the Arlandican government and its people.


On May 27, 2022, Monzen's chairman, Matthew de Villa, released propaganda intending to discriminate against Arlandicans and undermine Arlandica's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The announcement also declared intentions to invade and destroy Arlandica, causing significant concern within the Arlandican government and among its people, despite Monzen lacking weapons and vehicles.

In response, Arlandica took immediate action to safeguard itself and its citizens. The government enhanced security measures along its borders and engaged in diplomatic efforts to address the situation with Monzen.

Derogatory terms

There is a range of derogatory terms that pertain to Arlandica and its people. A significant number of these terms are considered offensive.

  • ArlanDICKa – used to mock Arlandicans by incorporating derogatory language into the name of their micronation.
  • Arlandicock – same usage as 'ArlanDICKa'.
  • Arlandshit – same usage as 'ArlanDICKa'.
  • Useless State – a term that characterizes Arlandica as a negligible micronation.
  • Penguin Land – a term that refers Arlandica's former territorial claims in Antarctica.

Arlandican response

The Civil Guard is taking action and closely monitoring the activities of governments and individuals in various micronations who are involved in cases of Anti-Arlandican sentiment. For example, Arlandica has designated certain individuals, including Matthew De Villa from Monzen and the majority of members from the Breaddoge Empire (BDE), as de facto "unwelcome persons." The Civil Guard has assured that these individuals will face consequences if they enter any part of Arlandican territories, regardless of Arlandica's neutral foreign policy.


  1. The National animal of Arlandica is Chicken.
  2. Allegedly, according to His Majesty's Office.