Zangseunlay Fronteru di Duka (Duke Border Police)

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The Zangseunlay Fronteru di Duka is Duke's Border and Immigration police agency. The agency employs 6 agents who're task is to guard Duke's borders where immigration law is in effect, for example Princely State of Chatham. Places like Lop Noria in Battery Park aren't guarded daily as there is no immigration procedure in effect there. Anyone can become an agent. Daily activities of the agents include checking border crossers bags and passports. No problem has happened in the past, however, the Princely State of Lilac, which is a state that wants to secede and is right next to Chatham has had issues such as 1 Lilac Citizen (Zoe Kap) protest against what she believes is the unfair occupation of Lilac.


There are no barriers in effect at the borders.