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République de Thermidor
Coat of arms
Motto: “Travail, Fidélité, Patrie” (Work, Loyalty, Fatherland)
Anthem: Chant du Depart (instrumental)
File:Melbourne, Australia
Largest cityWalersbury (population), Falograd (area)
Official languagesEnglish, French, Thermidorian (in progress)
GovernmentConstitutional Republic
• Census
14 (7 Online)
Time zoneEastern Standard Time (EST)

The Revolutionary Republic of Thermidor, more commonly known as Thermidor, is a micronation in Melbourne, Australia. It was founded in 2011, and is planning to celebrate its 10th anniversary this November. The RRT (Revolutionary Republic of Thermidor) is developing its own language, Thermidorian. It is a mix of French and English. (The government might just use Afrikaans because why develop a unique language)


Thermidor is based on the idea of the French Revolution, so the micronation was named after the month of Thermidor (from the revolutionary calendar).


Roleplay Period

The micronation was first founded in 2009 as the Kingdom of Thermidor. It wasn’t meant to be a permanent micronation, but was a school project. After the project concluded, some members of the “micronation” decided to stay. One week after the project ended the micronation became the RRT as people know it today. At the time the members were not aware of the Micronational movement, and so the Republic was put on hiatus five months after its founding. In 2012 the first news of micronationalism began to trickle in, and when the citizens heard about the movement, they quickly reintroduced the “micronation”, making a flag, choosing an anthem and writing a constitution. This was when Thermidor became a real micronation, not just a roleplay.

Communist Rebellion

in 2013, a growing communist movement was sweeping Thermidor. The popular Thermidorian Socialist Party (TSP) was forming a militia, the People’s Army of Socialist Thermidor (PAST), and on October 1, 2013, the Communist Revolution began.

Online raids took down the communications channel, and the districts of Frimaire, Germinal, and Marat seceded from Thermidor. The Army of the Reserve was ordered to quell the rebellion, but many militiamen defected. The Revolutionary Guard made significant gains in Marat (named after the famous journalist) and caused Germinal’s surrender. Frimaire came under siege and after a short battle, the rebellion was quickly stamped out. The PAST was decisively defeated in an ambush, and as punishment the TSP was disbanded.

Conservative Scandal

In 2015 the Conservative Party was on track to win the June elections. Everything seemed alright until it came to light that the conservative candidate had made several homophobic and racist posts online. A federal inquiry found out that the Conservative party (CP) had been harassing citizens to vote for them, and the subsequent outcry resulted in the CP’s fall from grace, and the liberals dominating the elections.


In 2016 after a period of on and off activity, the nation was put on hiatus for three years. During this time all operations were halted, the elections postponed and it would not be until 2019 that the nation would become an active one again.

Politics and government

The republic is run by a two-party system, the Conservatives and the Liberals. The conservatives are widely unpopular due to their anti-LGBT and mildly racist views, whereas the liberals have won the monthly elections for 12 months straight. The liberals have been in power for a year, and the last time the conservatives won was in 2020, a short one-month period of widely unpopular administration.

Law and order

Thermidor has no need for a law enforcement system, as most citizens are law-abiding and will often report law-breaking citizens. The conservatives’ reign has been associated with higher crime rates and dissent.

Foreign relations

Thermidor maintains no relations as of yet, but formally recognises these micronations.


The Revolutionary Guard is the only full-time military force in the micronation. It is relatively small and does not see much action, though all RG members are trying to obtain gel blaster licenses for a military restructure. The Army of the Reserve is a part-time militia armed with potato cannons, Nerf guns and less sophisticated weaponry.


The currency, the Thermiro, is worthless. The economy is centrally planned, with 60% of business government owned, but there has been a growing private business movement lately.

Culture and media


See also


External links