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Theridic Alphabet

[Work In Progress] Theridic (Þærik) is a conlag created by T. O’Sullivan on June 16, 2022. It is currently used in Theria, a micronation located in between the U.S state of Massachusetts and near the South Georgia & Sandwich Islands. Theridic consists of 35 letters. It includes Eth Ðð and Thorn Þþ which are letters that were used in Old English, Gothic, Old Norse, Old Swedish, Middle Scots, some dialects of Middle English, and modern-day Icelandic. Theridic also includes Øø which is used in Norwegian, Danish, and Faroese. Another letter that isn't in the Latin Alphabet is Ææ, it is used in Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic.

Aa Áá, Bb, Kk, Dd, Ðð, Ee, Éé, Ff, Gg, Hh,

(Aa), (Auh,auh) (Buh), (Kuh), (The), (Ee), (Euh), (hho), (Guh), (Silent)

Ii, Íí, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Óó, Pp, Kw, Rr,

(Ii), (e), (Ya), (Kuh), (Luh), (Mm), (Nuh), (Oo), (Oh), (Puh), (Kwuh), (Er)

Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Ýý, Zz, Þþ, Ææ, Øø

(Ss), (Tuh), (oo), (Vv), (Ww), (Kse), (Yy), (Yee), (Zz), (The), (Ahe), (Ur)

Numbers 0-30
English Theridic
Zero Núllo
One Ópp
Two Trí
Three Þyo
Four Fýar
Five Skiv
Six Skay
Seven Efé
Eight Ohtá
Nine Nít
Ten Þín
Eleven Evéle
Twelve Pålf
Thirteen Þyoþán
Fourteen Fýarþán
Fifteen Skivþán
Sixteen Skayþán
Seventeen Eféþán
Eightteen Ohtáþán
Nineteen Nítþán
Twenty Tuþu
TewntyOne Ópptu
TwentyTwo Trítu
TwentyThree Þyotu
TwentyFour Fýartu
TwentyFive Skivtu
TwentySix Skaytu
TwentySeven Efetu
TwentyEight Ohtátu
TwentyNine Nítu
Thirty Þrirta