GOV constitution of Theodia

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This was an attempt by Swena of Theodia to create a legislative programming language, "GOV". Development work stopped on GOV because it was simultaneously an overcomplication of legislation and a misunderstanding of programming languages. There was a later attempt to code legislation in pure bash (yes, really); but in the end, what ended up sticking, was using plain language, a modular structure, and many of the other metas humans have come up with while trying to manage code.

This article contains old and unfinished legislation from 2012. It was uploaded by request.

Parent-Constitution of the Kingdom of Theodia.odt

The Parent-Constitution of the Kingdom of Theodia

We, with the intent to create a more perfect government, do hereby draft this parent-constitution to direct the Kingdom of Theodia. It is a country marked by the innovativeness, the industriousness, and integrity of its citizens and of its government. It is a country beyond the current problems of the world: a land where debt, the boom and bust cycle, greed, and scarcity do not run rampant; a land where the internet is forever free and our rights ever protected; it is a land where corruption and party politics do not and will not reign; it is a land where the voice of the people, not the voices of special interest groups and the power elite, rule; and it is a land with a unique and happy national identity, distinctive and sovereign. It is Theodia; it is the future ~ a brighter and happier tomorrow for all its citizens. Its government and people must hold always to the values of innovativeness, industriousness, and integrity; it cannot be allowed that the evils that have transpired in today’s world will ever again trample upon our lives and liberties. Theodia is free, and it is good. It will not practice interventionism in foreign politics, it will have a strong and dependable currency used not as a store of value but as a medium of exchange, and the efficiency of its culture and language will be sought after by all. This is Theodia; this is the future. So it begins…

The Kingdom of Theodia, founded as a micronation, cannot achieve all its goals without sufficient population. Because of this, several child-constitutions have been written for the purposes of scalability. As can be seen in the chart below, once Theodia reaches a certain number of people, it will begin using a different child-constitution, and it will not revert to the one before it until it loses a different amount of its population.

Title of Document Citizens until Use Citizens until Reversion
Child-Constitution F of Theodia 1 0
Child-Constitution U of Theodia 15 10
Child-Constitution C of Theodia 50 40
Child-Constitution A of Theodia 65 60
Child-Constitution R of Theodia 100 80
Child-Constitution K of Theodia 150 140
Child-Constitution G of Theodia 200 180
Child-Constitution V of Theodia 250 240

This is what can be termed the “Parent-Constitution” of Theodian law. All other legislative documents, including the child parts of this constitution, will be written in the GOV programming language. Such documents will consist of a glossary and all of the other parts deemed necessary in GOV. The language itself is defined via XML file (GOV.xml) and in the example set by the child constitutions ({title of document}.gov).

The first King of Theodia, King Sweyn Bradsson Schroeder I (M. Miles Bradley Huff / Sweyn78 / Sweyn9) will have always absolute power over the government of Theodia and its documents. No one person but him at any time may have such absolute power. This is done so that the founding father of Theodia, King Sweyn, may help guide Theodia to greatness, and so that no one can abuse such absolute power.

This parent-constitution may only be changed by the first King of Theodia, King Sweyn Bradsson Schroeder I (M. Miles Bradley Huff / Sweyn78 / Sweyn9). The scaled constitutions will each contain their own provisions for amendment.

To ratify this parent-constitution as legal throughout the Kingdom of Theodia, the first King of Theodia, King Sweyn Bradsson Schroeder I (M. Miles Bradley Huff / Sweyn78 / Sweyn9) has signed this document here:

Child-Constitution F of

 . : Child-Constitution F of Theodia : . 

START: 	Table of Contents		-W.iP
  `This line commented out for formatting purposes
	 1 This Child Constitution
		 1 Child-Goals
		 2 Registry
			 1 Flags
			 2 Functional Keys
			 3 References
			 4 Definitions
			 5 Preceder Keys
			 6 Normal Keys
	 2 Documents
		 1 Source
			 2 Non-GOV Documents
			 3 GOV Scripts
			 4 Release of Source
		 2 Publication
	 3 National Items
		 1 National Symbols
		 2 National Languages
		 3 National Calendar
	 4 Monarchial Branch
		 1 Monarch
		 2 Minister
  `This line commented out for formatting purposes
END: 	Table of Contents

 1 CHAPTER:	This Child-Constitution	-W.iP
	 1 ARTICLE:	Child-Goals					`The goals of this child-constitution
		 1 TO get a simple and very micronationally practical version of Theodia up and running
		 2 TO preserve the spirit of the more complex child-constitutions in an easy to administer manner, despite a low number of citizens
		 3 TO begin the process of establishing the world's first 'five branches by three chambers' governmental system
		 4 TO set a legislative example for all other countries to follow
		 5 TO eliminate as many real problems as possible (especially via the more populous constitutions) 
	   END: 	Child Goals

	 2 ARTICLE:	Registry						`Keys have a maximum length of seven characters after the marking character (*, #, etc.)

		 1 SECTION:	Flags						`These are appended to lines
			 1 -NO_MOD	This line and all subordinate lines may not be patched, ammended, modified, changed, etc. by any but se who founded the Kingdom of Theodia (King Sweyn Bradsson Schroeder I of Theodia (Miles Bradley Huff / Sweyn78 / Sweyn9) )	-NO_MOD
			 2 -W.iP		This line and all subordinate lines are a work in progress
		   END:		Flags

		 2 SECTION:	Functional Keys
			 1 AS		What the reference name of a variable should be follows this in quotes
			 2 CALL		For referencing a part of a legal document
			 3 CASE		"IF" without "THEN"
			 4 ELSE		If the first part of a conditional statement is false, then do what follows this
			 5 IF		The first part of a conditional statement
			 6 REF		For setting up a reference to a legal document
			 7 THEN		If the first part of a conditional statement is true, then do what follows this
		   END: 	Functional Keys

		 3 SECTION:	References					`This is where all dependencies are listed and given a reference name
			 1 REF "Child-Constitution F of Theodia" AS {ME}
			 2 REF "The Parent-Constitution of the Kingdom of Theodia" AS {PARENT} 
		   END: 		References

		 4 SECTION:	Definitions					`All terms with a definition here in the glossary MUST be underlined every time they are used, and they are the only terms throughout this entire document that may be underlined.  If a defined term is found within a comment, that term must be surounded by underscores (example: _Absolute_Power_)
			 1 Absolute_Power
				 1 CASE Noun: 
					 1 Unchecked power over all of the Kindom of Theodia
			 2 Adviser
				 1 CASE Noun: 
					 1 {ME|43}
			 3 Battlegaming
				 1 CASE Noun: 
					 1 A medieval combat sport in which participants use padded weaponry in live-action engagements
			 4 Kalendar
				 1 CALL {ME|33}
			 5 Milic
				 1 CASE Adjective: 
					 1 Of or pertaining to Miles Bradley Huff
				 2 CASE Noun: 
					 1 The Milic runes which are used to write the Theodian language
			 6 Minister
				 1 CASE Noun: 
					 1 CALL {ME|42}
			 7 Quarter
				 1 CASE Noun
					 1 A fiscal quarter of the Kalendar
			 8 Quarterly
				 1 CASE Adjective
					 1 Of or pertaining to a quarter of the Kalendar
				 1 CASE Adverb
					 1 Per or by the quarters of the Kalendar
			 9 Theodia
				 1 CASE Noun: 
					 1 The Kingdom of Theodia
			10 Theodian
				 1 CASE Adjective: 
					 1 Of or pertaining to Theodia
				 2 CASE Noun: 
					 1 A citizen of Theodia
					 2 The Theodian language
			`This line commented out for formatting purposes
		   END:		Definitions

		 5 SECTION:	Preceder Keys				`These keys always proceed the other keys
			 1 *DESCR 	This value should be a description of the item in question.  Things included in this description still have to be programmed into the GOV script, but it gives the writer a chance to give readers a better idea of what se meant by this clause
			 2 *NAME		This value specifies the name of the item in question
		   END: 		Preceder Keys

		 6 SECTION:	Normal Keys 			-W.iP
			 1 #ABS_PWR	This value should be whether the item specified in the parent clause has _Absolute_Power_ 
			 2 #ANIMAL	This value specifies the national animal
			 3 #APPOINT	This value should be the positions that the item specified in the parent clause can appoint
			 4 #CoA		This value specifies what the Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Theodia are
			 5 #FORMAT	This value specifies what the acceptable format should be
			 5 #INTERP	This value is who is responsible for interpreting this child constitution
			 6 #INTRVAL	THis value states the interval per which something should occur
			 7 #PLANT	This clause specifies the national plant
			 8 #SELECT	This value should be how the item specified in the parent clause is selected
			 9 #SPORT	This value specifies the national sport
		   END: 	Normal Keys
	   END: 	Registry

	 3 ARTICLE:	Other				-W.iP
		 1 *DESCR: Some other things that fit in this chapter but that didn't warrant thier own articles
		 2 #INTERP: King Sweyn Bradsson Schroeder I , the King of Theodia
	   END: 		Other
   END:		This Child-Constitution

 2 CHAPTER:	Documents			-W.iP

	 1 ARTICLE:	Source
		 1 *DESCR: This article contains information about the proper maintenence / procedures / etc. for the source code of official documents of the Theodian government in Theodia
		 2 SECTION:	Non-GOV Documents
			 1 *DESCR: This section applies specifically to official documents of the Theodian government that are not written in the GOVernment Programming Language
			 2 #FORMAT: .odt (Open Document Text)
		   END:		Non-GOV Documents
		 3 SECTION:	GOV Scripts
			 1 *DESCR: This section applies specifically to official documents of the Theodian government that are written in the GOVernment Programming Language
			 2 #FORMAT: .gov (Open Document Text)
		   END:		GOV Scripts

		 4 SECTION:	Release of Source
			 1 *DESCR: This section details when the sources of official documents of the Theodian government should be released to the Theodian public
			 2 #INTRVAL: Lagursdays
		   END:		Release of Source
	   END:		Source
	 2 ARTICLE:	Publication
		 1 *DESCR: This article contains information about how / when / etc. official documents of the Theodian government should be published / released
		 2 #INTRVAL: semi quarterly
		 3 #FORMAT: .pdf (Portable Document File), paper (A4 , Letter)
	   END:		Publication
   END:		Documents

 3 CHAPTER:	National Items 		-W.iP

	 1 ARTICLE:	National Symbols 		-W.iP
		 1 *DESCR:	These are the national symbols of the Kingdom of Theodia
		 2 #ANIMAL:	Human
		 3 #PLANT:	Red Maple Tree
		 4 #SPORT:	Battlegaming
		 5 #CoA:		To be decided by the King
	  END: 		National Symbols

	 2 ARTICLE:	National Languages
		 1 *DESCR:	These are the national languages, scripts, orthographies, etc. of the Kingdom of Theodia
		 2 #NTLLANG:	Theodian , English
		 3 #DIPLANG:	Theodian , English , Official Languages of the Runic Union , 
		 4 #NTLSCRP:	Milic Fucark , Latin Alphabet
		 5 #DIPSCRP:	Milic Fucark , Latin Alphabet , Cyrillic Alphabet , Greek Alphabet
	   END: 	National Languages
	 3 ARTICLE: National Calendar 	-W.iP
		 1 *DESCR: This article defines the Theodian national calendar
		 2 *NAME: Kalendar
	   END:		National Calendar

  END:		National Symbols

 4 CHAPTER:	Monarchial Branch		-W.iP

	 1 ARTICLE:	Monarch 			-W.iP
		 1 *DESCR:	The ruler of Theodia with nearly absolute powers, limited only by this constitution
		 2 *NAME:	King
		 3 #APPOINT:	Minister , Adviser
		 4 #ABS_PWR:	Yes
	  END:		Monarch
	 2 ARTICLE:	Minister 				-W.iP
		 1 *DESCR: A citizen of the Kingdom of Theodia appointed to a position of power by the King of Theodia 
	   END:		Minister
	 3 ARTICLE:	Adviser 				-W.iP
		 1 *DESCR: Any person asked for advice and / or ser opinion
	   END:		Adviser
   END:		Monarchial Branch

 5 CHAPTER:	Rights				-W.iP
   END:		Rights

 6 CHAPTER:					-W.iP