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Template:Standard is a template used for displaying monarchial standards. The only standards in this template belong to a head of state, and not their dynasties, etc.


Parameter Name Description Optional
1 1 Image to display. Can be a name from below, or an image path Yes, defaults to Noflag.png
2 link Link. If empty, and the image is listed below, it will link to the Standard's article. If not, there will be no link. Yes, defaults blank

Acceptible values

Value Image Link
Baustralia Royal standard of Baustralia
Edstmae Royal standard of Baustralia#Dominion standards
Fox Islands Royal standard of Baustralia#Dominion standards
Ikonia Royal Standard of Ikonia
Caribbean Royal Standard of Ikonia#Dominion standards
Kapreburg Royal Standard of Kapreburg
Laskaridia Royal standard of Laskaridia
Ostreum Royal standard of Baustralia#Dominion standards
Wangatangia Royal standard of Baustralia#Dominion standards
Quebec Royal Standard of Quebec
Wynnland Royal Standard of Wynnland
Atiera None
Vishwamitra List of Vishwamitran flags#Government
Juniperia Royal Standard of Juniperia